The next meeting for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Team – Track 5 – Geographic Names at the Top Level will take place on Wednesday, 27 February 2019 at 05:00 UTC for 90 minutes. 

(Tuesday) 21:00 PST, 00:00 EST, 06:00 Paris CET, 10:00 Karachi PKT, 14:00 Tokyo JST, 16:00 Melbourne AEDT

For other times:


  1. Welcome/Agenda Review/SOI Updates
  2. WT5 Supplemental Initial Report Public Comments Overview and Approach for Review
  3. Continue Review of Public Comments: Preliminary Recommendations
  4. AOB 

For agenda item 3, please review the Google document at: : [].

Background Documents



Adobe connect recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar


Attendance & AC chat

Apologies: Annebeth Lange, Maureen Hilyard, Alberto Soto, Jim Prendergast, Ann-Cathrin Marcussen, Dev Anand Teelucksingh, Jaap Akkerhuis


Notes/ Action Items


1. Updates to Statements of Interests (SOIs):


-- No updates provided.


2.  WT5 Supplemental Initial Report Public 3. Comments Overview and Approach for Review


-- Color coding: Green = agreement with the recommendations; Blue = new ideas; Orange = concerns; Red = divergence.


3.  Continue Review of Public Comments: Preliminary Recommendations


Summary Input from General Comments:

Line 1, Contributors who support most of 2012 rules -- CENTR, AFNIC, ccNSO, APTLD, Tom Dale (individual), Uninett Norid AS

Line 2, Contributors who despite objections, are willing to support most of 2012 rules. However, many do not want to see preventative protections extended -- Government of Brazil, Government of Spain, Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, SWITCH, Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs, German GAC, oriGIn, European Broadcasting Union, government of France, association of European regions for origin products (AREPO), Republic of Peru, The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency (Traficom), Governments of Argentina, Chile, and Colombia, Fundación Incluirme, Portuguese Government, GAC, ALAC -- Agreement Divergence

Line 3, Contributors who despite objections, are willing to support most of 2012 rules. However, many do not want to see preventative protections extended. --- Agreement (qualified)


Preliminary Recommendation 1:

Lines 8-16 , ccNSO, dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG,, Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH,, "CENTR, AFNIC"

Business Constituency, Uninett Norid AS, Dotzon GmbH, Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC), Tom Dale (Individual) -- Agreement

Line 17, RySG -- Agreement (qualified)

Line 18, BRG -- Agreement Concerns Divergence

Line 19, INTA -- Agreement (some qualified) Concerns Divergence

Line 20, Group of Registries: Uniregistry, Minds + Machines Group , Top  Level  Design, Amazon Registry Services, Employ Media LLC  -- Agreement (qualified) Divergence

Line 21, Christopher Wilkinson -- Concerns

Line 22, RrSG -- Divergence

Line 23, ALAC -- Please see our responses to each of Preliminary Recommendations 2-13 as set out below.

Line 24, NCSG -- Divergence


Preliminary Recommendation 2:

Lines 26-36, Singapore

dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH,

Business Constituency Dotzon GmbH

Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG)

International Trademark Association (INTA)

Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) Tom Dale (Individual), ALAC, RySG, Group of Registries:, Uniregistry, Minds + Machines Group , Top  Level  Design , Amazon Registry Services , Employ Media LLC -- Agreement

Line 37, ccNSO -- Agreement Concerns (though this references work done by WT2)

Line 38, CENTRE AFNIC -- Agreement Concerns (though this references work done by WT2)

Line 39, BRG -- Agreement Concerns

Line 40, Uninett Norid AS -- Agreement Concerns (though this references work done by WT2)

Line 41, CITC -- Concerns (though this references work done by WT2)

Line 42, NCSG -- Divergence

Line 43, Christopher Wilkinson -- [Appears to be a summary statement]


Preliminary Recommendation 3:

Lines 45-46, Tom Dale (Individual), Singapore -- Agreement

Line 47, Christopher Wilkinson -- [Appears to be a summary statement]

Lines 48,-X53 Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC)

dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH,, "CENTR

AFNIC", Business Constituency, Uninett Norid AS, Dotzon GmbH -- Agreement

Line 54, RySG -- Agreement (qualified)

Line 55, ccNSO -- Agreement Concerns

Line 56, BRG -- Agreement Concerns

Line 57, ALAC -- Agreement (limited) Divergence

Line 58, Group of Registries: Uniregistry, Minds + Machines Group , Top  Level  Design

Amazon Registry Services , Employ Media LLC -- Agreement (limited) Divergence

Line 59, ccNSO -- Concerns

Line 60, NCSG -- Concerns Divergence

Lines 61-63, Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG), International Trademark Association (INTA), Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) -- Divergence


Preliminary Recommendation 4:

Lines 64-76, ccNSO

Singapore, dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG,, Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH,,, "CENTR

AFNIC", Business Constituency, Uninett Norid AS, Dotzon GmbH, Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG), International Trademark Association (INTA), Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC), Tom Dale (Individual)

ALAC --- Agreement

Line 77, RySG  -- Agreement (qualified)

Line 78, Group of Registries -- Agreememt (qualified)

Line 79, BRG -- Agreement Concerns

Line 80, CITC -- Agreement (can be inferred) Concerns (believes it should be extended to translations - see question e6)

Line 81, NCSG -- Divergence

Line 82, Christopher Wilkinton -- [Appears to be a summary statement]


Preliminary Recommendation 5:

Lines 84-96, ccNSO, Singapore, dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH,, "CENTR

AFNIC", Business Constituency, Uninett Norid AS, Dotzon GmbH, Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG), International Trademark Association (INTA), Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC), Tom Dale (Individual), ALAC, RySG -- Agreement

Line 97, Group of Registries -- Agreement (qualified)

Line 98, BRG -- Agreement Concerns

Line 99, CITC -- Agreement (can be inferred) Concerns (believes it should be extended to translations - see question e6)

LIne 100, NCSG -- Agreement (can be inferred) Concerns (believes it should be extended to translations - see question e6)

Line 101, Christopher Wilkinson --[Appears to be a summary statement]


Preliminary Recommendation 6:

Lines 103-115, ccNSO, Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC), dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH,, "CENTR

AFNIC", Business Constituency, Uninett Norid AS Dotzon GmbH, Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG). International Trademark Association (INTA), Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC), Tom Dale (Individual), ALAC -- Agreement

Line 116, RySG -- Agreement (qualified)

Line 117, Group of Registries -- Agreement (qualified)

Line 118, BRG --Agreement Concerns

Line 119, NCSG -- Divergence

Line 120, Christopher Wilkinson -- [Appears to be a summary statement]


Preliminary Recommendation 7:

Lines 121-131, ccNSO, Singapore, dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH,, "CENTR AFNIC", Business Constituency, Uninett Norid AS, Dotzon GmbH, Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG), Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC), Tom Dale (Individual)

ALAC -- Agreement

Lines 132-133, RySG and Group of Registries -- Agreement (qualified)

Lines 134-135, BRG and INTA -- Agreement, Concerns

136, CITC -- Agreement (can be inferred) Concerns (believes it should be extended to translations - see question e6)

Line 137, NCSG -- Divergence

Line 138, Christopher Wilkinson -- [Appears to be a summary statement]


Preliminary Recommendation 8:

Lines 139- 150, ccNSO, Singapore, dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH,, "CENTR AFNIC" Brand Registry Group, Uninett Norid AS, Dotzon GmbH, Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG), Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC), Tom Dale (Individual), ALAC -- Agreement

Lines 151-152, RySG and Group of Registries -- Agreement (qualified)

Line 153, INTA -- Agreement (qualified) Divergence

Line 154, CITC -- Concerns (appears to want to extend translations to other categories) Divergence (about allowing alpha-3)

LIne 155, NCSG -- Concerns Agreement

Line 156, BC -- Divergence

Line 157, APTLD -- DIvergence (believes alpha-3 aspect to be inconsistent)

[there might be a misunderstanding here. the WT's recommendation is to reserve exact matches of alpha-3 codes on ISO 3166-1]

Line 158, Christopher Wilkinson -- [Appears to be a summary statement]



Preliminary Recommendation 8:

Lines 140-150, ccNSO, Singapore, dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH,, CENTR AFNIC, BRG, Uninett Norid AS, Dotzon GmbH, RySG, IPC, Tom Dale (Individual), ALAC – Agreement

Lines 151-152, RySG and Group of Registries – Agreement (qualified)

Line 153, INTA -- Agreement (qualified) Divergence

Line 154, CITC -- Concerns (appears to want to extend translations to other categories) Divergence (about allowing alpha-3)

Line 155, NCSG – Concerns, Agreement

Line 156, BC – Divergence

Line 157, APTLD -- DIvergence (believes alpha-3 aspect to be inconsistent) [there might be a misunderstanding here. the WT's recommendation is to reserve exact matches of alpha-3 codes on ISO 3166-1]

Line 158, Christopher Wilkinson -- [Appears to be a summary statement]


From the Chat:

Steve Chan: For the NCSG comment, I believe this part is actually Agreement: The NCSG does not support reservation of strings resulting from permutations and transpositions of alpha-3 codes listed in the ISO 3166-1.

Justine Chew: Line 153 is divergence and agreement by INTA; @Olga, I think you said concern and agreement


Preliminary Recommendation 9:

Lines 160-170, ccNSO, Singapore, dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH,, "CENTR AFNIC", Uninett Norid AS, Dotzon GmbH, Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG), International Trademark Association (INTA), Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC), Tom Dale (Individual), ALAC—Agreement

Lines 171-172, RySG and Group of Registries – Agreement (qualified)

Line 173, CITC -- Agreement (can be inferred) Concerns (believes it should be extended to translations - see question e6)

Line 174, BRG – Agreement, Concerns

Line 175, APTLD – New Idea

Lines 176-177, NCSG and BC – Divergence

Line 178, Christopher Wilkinson -- [Appears to be a summary statement]


Recommendation 10:

Lines 180-185, Singapore, Uninett Norid AS, Dotzon GmbH, Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC), Tom Dale (Individual), ALAC – Agreement (and Uninett supports mechanisms to make it easier to get documentation)

Lines 186, RySG – Agreement (qualified)

Line 187, BRG -- Agreement Concerns [Support for proposal]

Line 188, CITC -- Agreement (can be inferred) Concerns (believes it should be extended to translations - see question e8)

Line 189, dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH, – Agreement, New Idea

Line 190, Group of Registries – Agreement (qualified), Divergence

Line 191, NCSG – Concerns, Divergence

Lines 192-194, RrSG, INTA, and BC – Divergence

Line 195, Christopher Wilkinson -- [Appears to be a summary statement]


Recommendation 11:

Lines 197-198, BC and Dotzon GmbH – Agreement

Line 199, RySG – Agreement (qualified)

Line 200, Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) – Agreement

Line 201, ALAC -- Agreement New Idea Divergence

Line 202, Group of Registries – Agreement (qualified), Divergence

Line 203, INTA – New Idea, Divergence

Line 204, dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH, – New Idea, Divergence

Line 205, NCSG – Concerns, Divergence

Line 206, BRG – Divergence, Concerns

Lines 207-210, Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC), Georgia, Tom Dale (Individual), Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG) – Divergence

Line 211, Christopher Wilkinson -- [Appears to be a summary statement]


Recommendation 12:

Lines 213-217, Dotzon GmbH, Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC), Tom Dale (Individual), RySG, ALAC – Agreement (RySG is qualified agreement)

Line 218, dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH, – Agreement, New Idea

Line 219, CITC -- Agreement (can be inferred) Concerns (believes it should be extended to translations - see question e6)

Line 220, BC – Agreement (qualified), Concerns

Line 221, Group of Registries – Agreement, Divergence

Line 222, INTA – New Idea, Divergence

Line 223, NCSG – Concerns, Divergence

Line 224, BRG – Divergence, Concerns

Line 225, RrSG – Divergence

Line 226, Christopher Wilkinson -- [Appears to be a summary statement]


Recommendation 13:

Lines 228-233, Dotzon GmbH, Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC), Tom Dale (Individual), RySG, CITC, ALAC – Agreement (RySG is qualified agreement)

Line 234, dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH, – Agreement, New Idea

Line 235, BC – Agreement (qualified), Concerns

Line 236, Group of Registries – Agreement (qualified), Divergence

Line 237, Christopher Wilkinson – New Idea

Line 238, INTA – New Idea, Divergence

Line 239, BRG – Divergence, Concerns

Line 240, NCSG – Concerns, Divergence

Line 241, RrSG -- Divergence

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