From: Jonathan Zuck

Date: 3 May 2016

To: Peter Van Roste 


Subject: [CCTRT-Staff] Questions from the CCT Review Team


Thanks again for dinner. Having a more intimate conversation was a refreshing change from the norm at ICANN meetings.

As you know Meagan and I both serve on the AoC mandated review of the new gTLD program which specifically explores the impact of the program on Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice (CCT).

In order to better understand the market as a whole for purposes of choice and competition analysis, we are examining a number of sources of data, one of which was a report produced by CENTR:  Market Stat Brief, European Commission, January 2016. We have some follow on questions that I hope you will be able to answer to allow us to better understand the underlying data.

 Thanks in advance for your help on this important topic.


Market related questions

 How did CENTR define the markets for which it calculated registry HHIs?  [We would also be interested in registrar share data and HHIs for each registry, if you have it.]  In particular, we are interested in: (a) whether you included ccTLDs and gTLDs in the same markets; (b) the geographic markets that you used, e.g., all Europe, subsets of countries, etc.; and (c) whether you grouped registries based on similar “target” registrants. [CENTR Market Stat Brief – European Commission, January 2016, reported shares for various countries, not all of which are named, separately for new gTLDs, Legacy gTLDs, National ccTLDs, and other ccTLDs (European).]  We would also like the obtain the underlying registrant data so that we can calculate other measures of concentration or measures for other market definitions. 

Policy related questions

If possible, please provide lists of registries that:

  • have restricted registration policies based on citizenship or other criteria,
  • have lists of reserved or forbidden list of domain names,
  • have established domain name dispute resolution policies,
  • offer third level registrations,
  • have implemented DNSSEC,
  • have developed procedures for registration data checking,
  • have data privacy policies.

Prices and renewal

What percentage of the registrants in each registry renewed their domain names at the end of 2013, 2014, and 2015?

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