Team: Carlos Guiterrez, Jonathan Zuck, Kaili Kan, David Taylor, Dejan Djukic, Jamie Hedlund, Jordyn Buchanan, Laureen Kapin, Waudo Siganga, Fabro Steibel, Calvin Browne
Observers: John McCormac
ICANN Org: Jean-Baptiste Deroulez, Steve Conte, Alice Jansen, Brenda Brewer, Brian Aitchison, Antonietta Mangiacotti, Eleeza Agopian
Apologies: Megan Richards, Gao Mosweu, Drew Bagley
- Welcome, roll-call, SoI
- Final review and sign-off on DNS Abuse Paper: Drew
- Final review and sign-off on INTA Paper: David
- Final review and sign-off on Parking Paper: Jonathan
- ICANN60 - Face-to-Face meeting agenda: Leadership
- A.O.B.
- DNS Abuse Chapter Draft 2017 10_04 clean
- 1777354v4-CCTRT RPM Section PARLIB01_clean
- PARKINGDRAFT-jvzV5-clean
Chat Transcript: EN
Observer Chat Transcript: EN
Transcript: EN
DNS Abuse Paper
- Rec 3: Consensus reached
- Rec 4: Majority but not unanimous consensus - Jordyn to write a minority statement (with a note in the body of the report - for transparency). Will be published in the report.
- Rec 5: Drew to consider whether including this recommendation as a minority statement in the appendix.
Parking Paper: Paper ready for publication. Table figures will be updated for the final report.
- face-to-face meeting agenda: add discussion item for review team to receive input from ICANN org on language of draft recommendations
- DNS Abuse Paper
- Recommendation 2: Laureen to confer with Drew to verify the phrasing of rec 2 as it applies to registries, as it appear they were left out of the first sentence. David will draft a footnote to reference the eurID initiative, and Jordyn to provide a cite on the .XYZ anti-abuse policy
- Recommendation 3: Remove the "Furthermore... enhance transparency." sentence.
- RPM paper: RT members to send comments via email (not in the document) by Friday 13 October COB, so that David has enough time to incorporate comments for the next plenary call next Wednesday.