ACTION ITEMS for this call

AI: . Last push to get EURALO's Ind. ALS started:  Wolf asked all participants to identify names of 2 persons who are willing to act as contact points so that we can submit the application form to At Large staff.
Siranush was the only individual member who actively supported Wolf so far (but she cannot figure as a focal or contact point for formal reasons). One suggestion was Roberto.

AI: Asked all participants to contact the EuroDIG Secretariat if you would like to get involved in EuroDIG 2013 programming.  Any inputs from the community are much appreciated!

AI: Lisbon GA, please submit comments for the content part of the agenda.
Ideas and topics from your point of view  are welcome.  Post comments on the WIKI GA Workspace or/and maillist.

AI: Wolf to compile a list with ideas and proposals for the GA discussion received already to be commented and completed via the list (until the April call).

AI: OCL asked all participants to volunteer for the New gTLD Metrics Task Force (see Workspace) At-Large ALAC New gTLD Metrics Task Force Report Workspace

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