05/15/2018    15:51:04 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:


05/15/2018    15:51:09 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            The  election page  is 

05/15/2018    15:51:10 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:


05/15/2018    15:51:25 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            Please post  the  Meet the candidate page

05/15/2018    15:52:02 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:


05/15/2018    15:52:11 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            As to the  member  questions 

05/15/2018    15:52:19 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            Alan's  question will be as following

05/15/2018    15:52:41 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            I would like the following question to be addressed by the ALAC seat candidates:

Although the ALAC plays a number of roles within ICANN, its primary role is to ensure that the interests of users are duly considered in ICANN Policy Processes. That is done through participation in policy discussions such as GNSO PDPs, participation in ALAC WGs that focus on policy, and participating in the creation of ALAC statements and other documents on policy issues.

What have you contributed to these activities to date, and how do you plan to participate if selected as a NARALO appointed ALAC Member (with the understanding that although you may be selected by NARALO, you have an obligation once on the ALAC to consider the issues of users world-wide.

05/15/2018    16:06:53 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            do we have a  timer ?

05/15/2018    16:08:35 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            We do not have a timer on Webex, Glenn

05/15/2018    16:08:45 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            we need to watch the time

05/15/2018    16:11:45 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

             *  Term of 2 years is in accordance with the new NARALO Rules of Procedure approved on 09-28-17, article 6. ELECTIONS

6.1 Elections shall be held annually to elect one (1) officer and one (1) ALAC member on a staggered basis and to make one or more recommendations to the ALAC for the NomCom Delegate.

6.1.1 To initiate staggered elections of the officers, the terms of the Chair and the Secretariat elected at the first election after adoption of these amended Rules of Procedure shall be two (2) years and one (1) year, respectively. The election for the ALAC Members shall continue on the current staggered basis.

05/15/2018    16:11:56 PM    from Heidi Ullrich to All Participants:

            Congratulations, Eduardo and Glenn! We will update the wiki pages with these results.

05/15/2018    16:12:14 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            Thanks  Heidi

05/15/2018    16:12:18 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Congratulations Eduardo and Glenn

05/15/2018    16:12:33 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            Thanks  Silvia

05/15/2018    16:12:53 PM    from Adrian Schmidt to All Participants:

            Congratulations to Eduardo and Glenn!

05/15/2018    16:12:58 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Glenn, I can set a timer and let you know here if someone is over time

05/15/2018    16:13:33 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            will do

05/15/2018    16:14:45 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            please provide a 15 second warning notice

05/15/2018    16:15:38 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            15 sec

05/15/2018    16:15:55 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:16:03 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Judith SOI

05/15/2018    16:16:28 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:16:48 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            timer on

05/15/2018    16:17:16 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:17:26 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Marita's SOI  above

05/15/2018    16:17:53 PM    from Alan Greenberg to All Participants:

            Regarding no women on the ALAC Leadership Team. I beleive that Maureen qualifies.

05/15/2018    16:17:58 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            thank you

05/15/2018    16:18:02 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            less than 2 mins

05/15/2018    16:18:14 PM    from Judith Hellerstein to All Participants:

            I said except for apralo

05/15/2018    16:18:49 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:18:52 PM    from Judith Hellerstein to All Participants:

            Apralo is the only ralo who has chosen to elect women to Alan leadership

05/15/2018    16:19:05 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            statement above

05/15/2018    16:19:48 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:19:58 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:20:34 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:20:46 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            30 sec left

05/15/2018    16:20:50 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:21:39 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:21:45 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Adrian's SOI above

05/15/2018    16:22:47 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:22:56 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            1 min left

05/15/2018    16:24:30 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:24:38 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            43 sec

05/15/2018    16:24:40 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:24:41 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:26:08 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:26:17 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            50 sec

05/15/2018    16:26:21 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:27:45 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            50 sec left

05/15/2018    16:27:46 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:27:50 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:28:20 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            15 sec

05/15/2018    16:28:20 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:28:28 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            time is up

05/15/2018    16:29:53 PM    from Heidi Ullrich to All Participants:

            Question for candidates: ICANN is demanding from the RALO's more active policy comments, Explain how you increase the number of policy comments.


05/15/2018    16:30:04 PM    from Heidi Ullrich to All Participants:

            - have posted as it is off the screen now

05/15/2018    16:30:24 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            thanks   Heidi

05/15/2018    16:30:40 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            I assume  Marita can see the question

05/15/2018    16:31:23 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            50 sec left

05/15/2018    16:31:27 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:32:36 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            Alan  you can ask your  question first

05/15/2018    16:33:02 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:33:06 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:33:12 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:34:05 PM    from Gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Although the ALAC plays a number of roles within ICANN, its primary role is to ensure that the interests of users are duly considered in ICANN Policy Processes. That is done through participation in policy discussions such as GNSO PDPs, participation in ALAC WGs that focus on policy, and participating in the creation of ALAC statements and other documents on policy issues.

What have you contributed to these activities to date, and how do you plan to participate if selected as a NARALO appointed ALAC Member (with the understanding that although you may be selected by NARALO, you have an obligation once on the ALAC to consider the issues of users world-wide.

05/15/2018    16:36:18 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            50 sec

05/15/2018    16:37:10 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            Do we have another  question for  ALAC members  item  5.1 ?

05/15/2018    16:37:58 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            Please type your  question into the chat if possible

05/15/2018    16:38:09 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            25 sec

05/15/2018    16:38:09 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            time check

05/15/2018    16:38:14 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:38:36 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            time is up

05/15/2018    16:40:00 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:40:37 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            15 sec

05/15/2018    16:40:52 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            time is up

05/15/2018    16:42:35 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            Any Open questions  to NOMCOM ?

05/15/2018    16:43:19 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            50 sec

05/15/2018    16:43:22 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:44:36 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            Anyone from the community please put your hand up or  type your  question for  NOMCOM

05/15/2018    16:45:55 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            speak up Adrian

05/15/2018    16:47:15 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:

            Eduardo  back to for the  wrap up

05/15/2018    16:47:52 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:48:00 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            50 sec

05/15/2018    16:48:02 PM    from Glenn McKnight to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:53:51 PM    from Nathalie Coupet to All Participants:


05/15/2018    16:53:52 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Thank you to all the candidates

05/15/2018    16:53:57 PM    from Nathalie Coupet to All Participants:

            Thank you

05/15/2018    16:54:04 PM    from Jonathan Zuck (ALAC Candidate) to All Participants:

            Thanks for your time!

05/15/2018    16:54:10 PM    from Marita Moll to All Participants:

            Many thanks for the opportunity

05/15/2018    16:54:28 PM    from Judith Hellerstein to All Participants:

            Thanks for your questions and your time

05/15/2018    16:54:40 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            18 May - 24 May 2018 - Elections

05/15/2018    16:54:45 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            stay tuned for your ballots

05/15/2018    16:54:52 PM    from Adrian Schmidt to All Participants:

            than you vey much!

05/15/2018    16:54:53 PM    from Leah Symekher to All Participants:

            Thank you. bye

05/15/2018    16:54:53 PM    from Heidi Ullrich to All Participants:

            Good job, All!

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