Members:     Stephen Deerhake, Eberhard Lisse, Sean Copeland, Frances Alaneme, Allan MacGillivray, Svetlana Lobanova, Nick Wenban Smith, Peter Koch, Irina Danelia, Patricio Poblete, Anna Karakhanyan, Maarten Simon, Belaid Nouar

Participants:   Vanda Scartezini, Nenad Orlic, Rocio de la Fuente, Barrack Otieno, 

Observers and experts:    Kim Davies, Selina Harrington, Jaap Akkerhuis, 

Guests:  Elizabeth Le, Samantha Eisner, Becky Burr 

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Bernard Turcotte, Kimberly Carlson,,Joke Braeken



ccPDP on Review Mechanism Working Group
3 June 2020 | 20:00 UTC
1. Welcome and roll call
2. Administrative announcements, if any
    a. Action Items, if any: update method for identifying decisions subject to review?
3. Reconsideration process: overview – ICANN Legal
4. Identifying decisions subject to review mechanism
    a. 3-step approach document – any comments?
    b. Overview Delegation and Transfer processes - PTI
    c. Initial discussion, if time permits
5. Next meetings
    a. 17 June (04:00 UTC)
    b. 1 July (12:00 UTC)
    c. 15 July (20:00 UTC)
    6. AOB
7. Closure


Recording:  Zoom Playback

Transcript:  EN

Chat Transcript: 

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