The next meeting for the New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Sub Team – Track 5 – Geographic Names at the Top Level will take place on Wednesday, 10 April 2019 at 05:00 UTC for 60 minutes. 

(Tuesday) 22:00 PDT, 01:00 EDT, 07:00 Paris CEST, 10:00 Karachi PKT, 14:00 Tokyo JST, 15:00 Melbourne AEST

For other times:



  1. Welcome/Agenda Review/SOI Updates
  2. Continue Review of Public Comments: Questions for Community Input – start at line 90
  3. AOB

Background Documents

For agenda item 2, please review the Google document at:



Adobe Connect Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar


Attendance & AC chat

Apologies: Flip Petillion, Jorge Cancio, Olga Cavalli, Javier Rua Jovet, Erich Schweighofer


Notes/ Action Items

Notes and Action Items:

  1. Updates to Statements of Interest: No updates provided.

       2. Continue Review of Public Comments: Questions for Community Input – start at line 90

Question e5:

Line 90, NCSG, Concerns Divergence

Line 91, RDS-HN (Honduras), Agreement (though unclear what their preference in basis is)

Line 92, GAC [comment]

Line 93, Tom Dale (individual), [Comment - questions posed to the WG]

Question e6:

Line 95, APTLD, [comment] -- All languages

Line 96, dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH,, [comment], All languages

Line 97, RDS-HN (Honduras), Agreement, All languages

Line 98, Dotzon GmbH, [comment], All languages

Line 99, ALAC, [comment], All languages

Line 100, Government of Spain, Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, SWITCH, Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs, German GAC, oriGIn, European Broadcasting Union, government of France, association of European regions for origin products (AREPO), Republic of Peru, Concerns, All languages, Otherwise -- Official, relevant national, regional and community languages

Line 101, Uninett Norid AS, Concerns (unaware of evidence of issues), -- All languages, Otherwise -- UN and official languages

Line 102, ccNSO, Concerns (unaware of evidence of issues), - All languages, Otherwise -- Official languages

Line 103, CENTR AFNIC, Concerns (unaware of evidence of issues), -- All languages, Otherwise, UN and official languages

Line 104 Portuguese Government, Concerns, -- All languages, Otherwise -- Official, relevant national, regional and community languages

Line 105,  RySG, Concerns, - Some support for all languages -- Some support for just official languages -- Some support for UN and official languages

Line 106, Governments of Argentina, Chile, and Colombia, Fundación Incluirme, [comment],  Official, relevant national, regional and community languages

Line 107, Business Constituency, Official language and commonly used languages

Line 108, United States, [comment], UN and official languages

Line 109, Brand Registry Group, Concerns, Official Language

Line 110, RrSG, [comment], Official Languages

Line 111, Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC), concerns, Official Languages

Line 112, nternational Trademark Association (INTA), [comment], Official Languages

Line 113, Group of Registries:, Uniregistry, Minds + Machines Group , Top  Level  Design

Amazon Registry Services , Employ Media LLC, Concerns, Official Languages

Line 114, NCSG, Concerns, -- No translations (or reservations of geo names period)

Question e7:

Line 116, Brand Registry Group, Agreement, WT5 should develop policy to delegate 3-letter ISO-3166-1 codes

Line 117, Business Constituency, Agreement, WT5 should develop policy to delegate 3-letter ISO-3166-1 codes

Line 118, ALAC, Agreement, New Idea, WT5 should develop policy to delegate 3-letter ISO-3166-1 codes

Line 119, United States, Agreement, WT5 should develop policy to delegate 3-letter ISO-3166-1 codes

Line 120, NCSG, Agreement, WT5 should develop policy to delegate 3-letter ISO-3166-1 codes (i.e., to allow existing policy to remain)

Line 121, Group of Registries: Uniregistry, Minds + Machines Group, Top  Level  Design , Amazon Registry Services , Employ Media LLC, [comment, WT5 should develop policy to delegate 3-letter ISO-3166-1 codes (can be inferred)

Line 122, RySG, [Does not directly respond], WT5 should develop policy to delegate 3-letter ISO-3166-1 codes (can be inferred) -- Done in coordination with the GAC

Line 123, RDS-HN (Honduras), Agreement (although response does not seem directly related?)

Line 124, ccNSO,Divergence (set up separate process), WT5 should not make recommendations to delegate 3-letter ISO-3166-1 codes

-- Separate process afterwards

Line 125, dotBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH,, Divergence, WT5 should not make recommendations to delegate 3-letter ISO-3166-1 codes -- Separate process afterwards

Line 126, CENTR AFNIC, Divergence, WT5 should not make recommendations to delegate 3-letter ISO-3166-1 codes -- Separate process afterwards

LIne 127, Uninett Norid AS, Divergence, WT5 should not make recommendations to delegate 3-letter ISO-3166-1 codes -- Separate process afterwards

Line 128, Dotzon GmbH, Divergence, -- WT5 should not make recommendations to delegate 3-letter ISO-3166-1 codes -- Separate process afterwards

Line 129, Portuguese Government, [comment], WT5 should not make recommendations to delegate 3-letter ISO-3166-1 codes

Line 130, Government of Spain, Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, SWITCH, Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs, German GAC, oriGIn, European Broadcasting Union, government of France, association of European regions for origin products (AREPO), Republic of Peru, Divergence (Support for most of the existing 2012 rules. Therefore, opposition to this question), WT5 should not make recommendations to delegate 3-letter ISO-3166-1 codes

From the chat:

Justine Chew: Line 130: I wonder if the summary should be "--WT5 should not make recommendations to delegate 3-letter ISO-3166-1 codes (though they believe that use of 3-letter codes should be akin to ccTLDs" or something along these lines?

Line 131, Registrar Stakeholder Group (RrSG) Divergence, WT5 should not make recommendations to delegate 3-letter ISO-3166-1 codes

Line 132, Governments of Argentina, Chile, and Colombia, Fundación Incluirme, Divergence, WT5 should not make recommendations to delegate 3-letter ISO-3166-1 codes

LIne 133, Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC), Divergence, -- WT5 should not make recommendations to delegate 3-letter ISO-3166-1 codes (though they do not support restrictions on the use 3-letter codes as gTLDs)

From the chat:

Susan Payne: wrong characterisation for IPC in the summary column.  does not say the ISO3166-1 codes should not be delegated, it says they should not be allocated to specific parties

Line 134, International Trademark Association (INTA), Divergence, -- WT5 should not make recommendations to delegate 3-letter ISO-3166-1 codes (though they do not support restrictions on the use 3-letter codes as gTLDs)

From the chat:

Susan Payne: wrong characterisation for IPC in the summary column.  does not say the ISO3166-1 codes should not be delegated, it says they should not be allocated to specific parties

Susan Payne: ditto for inta

Line 135, GAC, [comment]

From the chat:

Dev Anand Teelucksingh: Shouldn't the field E135 (for the GAC) have the text "-- WT5 should not make recommendations to delegate 3-letter ISO-3166-1 codes" ?

Line 136, Georgia, Concerns (about who should use) [Does not address the procedural question]

Question e8:

Line 138, otBERLIN GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg Top-Level-Domain GmbH,, [comment], All Languages

From the chat:

Katrin Ohlmer | .berlin .hamburg: I think the comment by .berlin, .hamburg, and Dotzon shoul be categorized as "Agreement" - like the comment by Honduras

Line 139, RDS-HN (Honduras), Agreement, All Languages

From the chat:

Susan Payne: don’t see how Honduras can be Agreement since this is a series of options

Justine Chew: @Susan, the same could be said for other questions to which RDS-HN was interpreted as "having agreed".

Justine Chew: @Susan, unless the approach is to apply their "support" to the main statement and disregarding the actual question and options. Sigh.

Steve Chan: It's really just the Honduras comments - because they specifically say Support.

Steve Chan: We can remove the green if it makes you all more comfortable.

Line 140 Dotzon GmbH, [comment], All Languages

Line 141, ALAC, [comment[, All Languages

Line 142, Government of Spain, Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property, SWITCH, Icelandic Ministry for Foreign Affairs, German GAC, oriGIn, European Broadcasting Union, government of France, association of European regions for origin products (AREPO), Republic of Peru, Concerns, -- All languages, Otherwise -- Official, relevant national, regional and community languages

Line 143, Portuguese Government, [comment], -- All languages, Otherwise -- Official, relevant national, regional and community languages

Line 144, Business Constituency, Official and commonly used languages


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