ICANN Weekly Newsletter
News from the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

http://www.icann.org/Week ending 23 January 2015
Announcements This Week

Join the ICANN Quarterly Stakeholder Report on 29 January 2015
Los Angeles, California…How has ICANN progressed against its strategic and operating plans for the second quarter of FY2015?
23 January 2015
Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) | Chairs' Statement: Thomas Rickert - León Sanchez - Mathieu Weill
The Cross Community Working Group on Enhancing ICANN Accountability (CCWG-Accountability) held its first face-to-face meeting in Frankfurt, Germany on 19-20 January 2015.
23 January 2015
What to Expect at ICANN 52: A Guide for Business Stakeholders
A webinar on the following topics:
The upcoming ICANN 52 public meeting in Singapore and sessions of interest,
Opportunities to follow, participate and join work of business stakeholders in their various constituency groups and,
The latest topics in the Internet domain name and addressing systems.
21 January 2015

Webinar Invitation – IANA Stewardship Transition: ICANN Workshop and Webinar for Civil Society and the Noncommercial Sector
ICANN is hosting an information session to brief and discuss the ongoing evolution of Internet governance. This session will be tailored to provide an update on the U.S. Government’s announcement to transition its oversight of the IANA functions contract to the global multistakeholder community, and the parallel process of Enhancing ICANN’s Accountability in light of this changing historical relationship.
21 January 2015
GNSO Policy & Implementation Working Group Publishes Initial Recommendations Report for Public Comment
Mainly as a result of discussions stemming from implementation related issues of the new gTLD program, there has been an increased focus on which topics call for policy and which call for implementation work, including which processes should be used, at what time and how issues which are the subject of diverging opinions during the implementation process should be acted upon. Following several discussions, including the publication of a staff discussion paper and a community session during the ICANN meeting in Beijing in April 2013, the GNSO Council decided in July 2013 to form a Working Group (WG) which was tasked to provide the GNSO Council with a set of recommendations on a number of questions that specifically relate to policy and implementation in a GNSO context. The WG has now published its Initial Recommendations Report for community input which can be provided either through input received via this public comment forum or via the following survey: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PI-InitialReport
19 January 2015
Upcoming Events

Singapore Logo8-12 February 2015: 52nd International Public ICANN Meeting – Singapore



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Strategic Plan, 2012 - 2015

Adopted FY15 Operating Plan and Budget

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