05/28/2018    16:13:06 PM    from gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Welcome to the AFRALO Hot Topics Working Group call on Monday 28 May 2018 at 16:00 UTC

Agenda: https://community.icann.org/x/RyQFBQ

05/28/2018    17:04:30 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:


Daniel Nanghaka

Dr. Abdulkarim Oloyede 

Edem K. NUNEKPEKU (no SOI sent)

Co-Chair - Dave Kissoondoyal

05/28/2018    17:08:25 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Hi everyone

05/28/2018    17:08:32 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Sorry I'm late

05/28/2018    17:09:12 PM    from gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            @ Mohamed - NO hands raised

05/28/2018    17:09:13 PM    from Michel TCHONANG LINZE to All Participants:

            Hi Sarah how are you, welcome

05/28/2018    17:09:25 PM    from gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            @ Sarah - welcome!

05/28/2018    17:09:39 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            AI: All candidates to consult among themselves in order to decide for the Chair and Co-Chair positions

05/28/2018    17:10:02 PM    from Michel TCHONANG LINZE to All Participants:


05/28/2018    17:10:17 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            timeframe:  End of this week June 1st

05/28/2018    17:11:54 PM    from gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Welcome Ines

05/28/2018    17:12:25 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Edem to send his EOI to the mailing list

05/28/2018    17:12:28 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:


05/28/2018    17:12:39 PM    from Tijani BEN JEMAA to All Participants:

            Plz unmute me

05/28/2018    17:12:41 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            ok we can proceed

05/28/2018    17:13:05 PM    from Michel TCHONANG LINZE to All Participants:

            Please consider the linguistic and regional balance

05/28/2018    17:15:19 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Hand please

05/28/2018    17:16:22 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Proposal to consider the 3 candidates as Co-Chairs (not including Edem) as his EOI was not sent

05/28/2018    17:16:30 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Hand please

05/28/2018    17:16:34 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            I would like to speak

05/28/2018    17:16:52 PM    from Ines Hfaiedh to All Participants:

            yes Sarah

05/28/2018    17:18:22 PM    from Daniel Khauka Nanghaka to All Participants:

            I would suggest having two co-chairs

05/28/2018    17:18:37 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Hand again

05/28/2018    17:19:05 PM    from Michel TCHONANG LINZE to All Participants:

            Trois c'est ok

05/28/2018    17:19:20 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            3 Co-Chairs is okay

05/28/2018    17:19:49 PM    from Aisha Saho to All Participants:

            I also agree with having 3 Co-Chairs, thats okay

05/28/2018    17:20:06 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:


05/28/2018    17:20:26 PM    from Ines Hfaiedh to All Participants:

            Ok for me as well

05/28/2018    17:20:36 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            The group agreed to have the 3 candidates as Co-Chairs of this WG

05/28/2018    17:20:36 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:


05/28/2018    17:20:58 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Agreement noted above

05/28/2018    17:21:56 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            I propose Mohamed to ciontinue chairing for today and next meetings we will decide among our three of them how we are going to proceed

05/28/2018    17:25:44 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:


05/28/2018    17:25:53 PM    from Daniel Khauka Nanghaka to All Participants:

            Can I please take the floor

05/28/2018    17:26:07 PM    from Daniel Khauka Nanghaka to All Participants:

            Hand up please

05/28/2018    17:26:49 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            the reason is to involve each and everyone

05/28/2018    17:27:11 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:


05/28/2018    17:27:48 PM    from Michel TCHONANG LINZE to All Participants:

            hand up

05/28/2018    17:28:25 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Me too please

05/28/2018    17:28:37 PM    from Daniel Khauka Nanghaka to All Participants:

            me three

05/28/2018    17:28:42 PM    from Mohamed El Bashir to All Participants:

            Speakers List :

05/28/2018    17:28:45 PM    from Mohamed El Bashir to All Participants:


05/28/2018    17:28:55 PM    from Mohamed El Bashir to All Participants:


05/28/2018    17:29:27 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Me too, Mohamed

05/28/2018    17:30:51 PM    from gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Thank you all - Mohamed has speakers list now

05/28/2018    17:33:05 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Co- chairs to discuss and come up with an implementation plan to be shared with the WG at the next call

05/28/2018    17:33:07 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            ok Tijani.. following your proposal, each co-chair work on an implemenation for 3 top topic items and request members to be attached to each co chair

05/28/2018    17:33:10 PM    from Mohamed El Bashir to All Participants:

            Sarah you are next to speak

05/28/2018    17:33:42 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Please unmute

05/28/2018    17:35:45 PM    from gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Tijani - you are unmuted

05/28/2018    17:35:54 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Co-chairs to work on the Implementation plan considering the Action Items

05/28/2018    17:36:19 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:


05/28/2018    17:36:27 PM    from gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Tijani - line muted again on WebEx

05/28/2018    17:36:30 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Co-chairs to agree on a timeframe

05/28/2018    17:37:30 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            WG to meet every 2 weeks proposed

05/28/2018    17:38:09 PM    from gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            Monday 18 June at 16:00 UTC? or by Doodle?

05/28/2018    17:38:14 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            2 weeks for implementation plan draft- put it on mailing list for WG members to comment

05/28/2018    17:38:24 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            an next call in 3 weeks

05/28/2018    17:39:11 PM    from Daniel Khauka Nanghaka to All Participants:

            I think the Co-chairs need a meeting

05/28/2018    17:39:34 PM    from Michel TCHONANG LINZE to All Participants:

            Yes shore

05/28/2018    17:40:06 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Thank you for that Mohamed much appreciated

05/28/2018    17:40:22 PM    from Tijani BEN JEMAA to All Participants:

            unmute me plz

05/28/2018    17:40:31 PM    from Tijani BEN JEMAA to All Participants:

            Why u mute me????

05/28/2018    17:40:32 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            WG to identify staff resources needed (translations, printed materials) required

05/28/2018    17:40:39 PM    from Tijani BEN JEMAA to All Participants:

            I can do myself

05/28/2018    17:41:27 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            Staff please add this on our action items - co-chairs

05/28/2018    17:41:57 PM    from Daniel Khauka Nanghaka to All Participants:

            Action Item: Meeting of Co-Chairs

05/28/2018    17:42:24 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            yes will be added thank you Dave

05/28/2018    17:43:31 PM    from gisella Gruber to All Participants:

            @ Tijani - apologies did not mute you

05/28/2018    17:44:31 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            we will complete the implementation plan draft by 11th June

05/28/2018    17:44:50 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            BY June 8 would be good

05/28/2018    17:45:01 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            ok grate Sylvia

05/28/2018    17:45:05 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            ok 11 works too

05/28/2018    17:45:07 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:


05/28/2018    17:46:00 PM    from Michel TCHONANG LINZE to All Participants:

            Ok great

05/28/2018    17:46:04 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            next WG meeting in 3 weeks

05/28/2018    17:47:16 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Next conference call by  June 15- staff will send a doodle

05/28/2018    17:47:23 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:


05/28/2018    17:47:29 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:


05/28/2018    17:48:33 PM    from Tijani BEN JEMAA to All Participants:

            Yes Beran

05/28/2018    17:48:44 PM    from Tijani BEN JEMAA to All Participants:

            Your point is very important

05/28/2018    17:48:56 PM    from Tijani BEN JEMAA to All Participants:

            Thx for reminding us

05/28/2018    17:49:03 PM    from Michel TCHONANG LINZE to All Participants:

            le 12/06 pourquoi pas

05/28/2018    17:49:04 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            thank you all ! the AIs will be posted shortly

05/28/2018    17:49:14 PM    from Sarah Kiden to All Participants:

            Thank you everyone!

05/28/2018    17:49:16 PM    from Michel TCHONANG LINZE to All Participants:

            Thank you all for this meeting

05/28/2018    17:49:22 PM    from Ines Hfaiedh to All Participants:

            Thanks a lot to all of you. Have a good day

05/28/2018    17:49:28 PM    from Daniel Khauka Nanghaka to All Participants:

            Thank you all bye

05/28/2018    17:49:31 PM    from Ramanou Ramanou to All Participants:

            thank you

05/28/2018    17:49:32 PM    from Silvia Vivanco to All Participants:

            Have a nice day !

05/28/2018    17:49:37 PM    from Dave Kissoondoyal to All Participants:

            Thanks alland bye

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