00:23:46 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: G'day from Aus, I could not resist the line up for presentation(s)
00:24:03 Pablo Rodriguez: EDP University's Chancellor Mayra Figueroa joined us as well.
00:25:14 Michelle DeSmyter - ICANN Org: Welcome everyone to the NARALO Monthly teleconference for February!
00:25:26 Glenn McKnight: welcome all
00:25:28 Herb Waye Ombuds: Greetings everyone nice to be with you today.
00:25:41 Jeff Neuman: Welcome to our new ALS in Puerto Rico!
00:26:03 Glenn McKnight: audio is good
00:26:04 Silvia Vivanco: Warm welcome ! Bievenidos Pablo Rodriguez y Mayra!
00:26:57 Roberto Gaetano: As I said in another occasion, too bad that we cannot cheer the new ALS with physical presence next month
00:27:44 Alfredo Calderon (ICANN73 Mentor): EDP University website - https://edpuniversity.edu/
00:27:51 Heidi Ullrich: Welcome!
00:28:39 Alfredo Calderon (ICANN73 Mentor): Bienvenidxs!
00:28:53 Jonathan Zuck: Bienvenidxs!
00:30:39 Silvia Vivanco: We will be working with ALAC's Chair on an election schedule
00:30:46 Silvia Vivanco: And will be sending it to you
00:31:13 Silvia Vivanco: Stay tuned for the official election schedule
00:33:20 Jeff Neuman: We are complimentary.....I think
00:33:46 Silvia Vivanco: NARALO Monthly meeting in March
00:33:48 Silvia Vivanco: See wiki
00:33:52 Silvia Vivanco: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/At-Large+Meetings+-+Tuesday%2C+08+March+2022
00:34:30 Jonathan Zuck: think it's just two syllables for Palage
00:36:09 Roberto Gaetano: @JZ may be different in english or spanish spelling
00:36:49 Pablo Rodriguez: @ Roberto Gaetano _ It is good to read my friend
00:36:56 Jonathan Zuck: It's true, there are three types of native speakers on the call...
00:37:40 Roberto Gaetano: Hi Pablo - miss you - and PR - must apply for a new
00:37:53 Jeff Neuman: Metrics Guru
00:37:55 Jonathan Zuck: Fadi gave me that nickname
00:38:07 Roberto Gaetano: . a new ICANN meeting, in presence
00:38:16 Jeff Neuman: JZ is first
00:39:37 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: There are very few triggers left @JZ :-)
00:40:27 Glenn McKnight: please add your comments here
00:40:39 Glenn McKnight: if you have any links on this topic please add it here
00:41:43 Glenn McKnight: Special shout out to the non NARALO members on the call
00:43:35 Bill Jouris: Although the image might well include a couple of persons pushing (pulling) the rock down the hill. Just for completeness/
00:44:46 Jeff Neuman: ICANN Bylaws: https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/governance/bylaws-en
00:45:46 Jeff Neuman: Work Stream 1: Final Report - https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/ccwg-accountability-supp-proposal-work-stream-1-recs-23feb16-en.pdf
00:46:10 Glenn McKnight: Thanks Jeff
00:46:56 Jeff Neuman: FYI - Work Stream 1: Focused on mechanisms enhancing ICANN accountability that must be in place or committed to within the time frame of the IANA Stewardship Transition.
00:47:13 Jeff Neuman: Work Stream 2: Focused on addressing accountability topics for which a timeline for developing solutions and full implementation may extend beyond the IANA Stewardship Transition.
00:49:47 Sivasubramanian M: These seven powers are more of the kind that are seldom invoked
00:51:13 Sivasubramanian M: ie. more of the kind of "last resort" options
00:51:38 Joly MacFie: REAL TIME TEXT https://bit.ly/34TmU7m
00:53:26 Marita Moll: https://itp.cdn.icann.org/forms/publiccomment/submission/AL-ALAC-ST-0222-01-00-EN.pdf
00:53:45 Marita Moll: At large submission to the budget
00:53:47 Claudia Ruiz - ICANN Org: Welcome Judith to the call
00:54:21 Jeff Neuman: I have some color
00:54:29 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: All good @JZ
00:56:04 Glenn McKnight: we welcome anyone in and outside of NARALO to step up to participate in any topic that is current and relevant to our community. The discussion goes way beyond just NARALO, hence the recordings
00:56:58 Glenn McKnight: We are adding the resources shared by Jeff to the agenda discussion
00:59:06 Glenn McKnight: We like to welcome our ICANN Board members Avri and Leon to the call today
00:59:18 Leon Sanchez: Thanks Glenn
01:01:22 judith Hellerstein: Yes. I sent an email saying I was going to be late, but guess you did not see it
01:02:00 Glenn McKnight: Judith did you want to provide a short announcement on NOMCOM?
01:02:57 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: No Resolution does appear to be a case for Board inaction under specific circumstance
01:03:51 Sivasubramanian M: "within 2 days" / "within 30 days" can not possibly apply on 'reconsideration' of INaction.
01:04:32 Glenn McKnight: Folks we are getting in the deep weeds so please indicate you have a comment or question . use the normal convention <Comment> and <Question>
01:04:49 Sivasubramanian M: Such a condition is invalid in the case of inaction
01:05:37 Jonathan Zuck: my fault. sorry!
01:06:09 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: The ITI example is a tad grey because ongoing progress has been consistently shown and community interactions on specifics of the Initiative are also updated and evolved throughout
01:06:18 Jonathan Zuck: https://www.icann.org/en/system/files/files/delegation-of-authority-guidelines-08nov16-en.pdf
01:07:44 Pablo Rodriguez: Dear all, unfortunately, the Chancellor and I have to jump to another meeting. We are looking forward to seeing you all in the next meeting.
01:08:45 Glenn McKnight: Thanks Pablo and your Chancellor for joining today
01:09:12 Glenn McKnight: Staff please email the slides to me
01:09:20 Marita Moll: Staff acting on behalf of the board -- is that not still board responsibility?
01:09:44 Glenn McKnight: Fiduciary responsible lies with the board, correct?
01:10:16 Glenn McKnight: not me
01:10:38 David Mackey: Is there an opportunity to clear up the language with intent of board action/responsibility?
01:11:48 Roberto Gaetano: I can hardly accept the principle that if something really wrong happens it turns out to be solely staff responsibility - that would mean that management and board are quite useless
01:13:40 Sivasubramanian M: Recommendations such as 7.2.2. nevertheless create newer processes ( guidelines for appropriate timelines / other timeframes ) though this recommendation is well intended.
01:14:51 Glenn McKnight: I guess some folks are fearful of the "Yes Minister' syndrome
01:15:11 David Mackey: @Glenn I was just thinking of that show, lol
01:15:40 Sivasubramanian M: ICANN needs to work in an all new, all different 'style'
01:16:21 Jeff Neuman: There is definitely a fear of ICANN staff missing dates and therefore they rarely agree to specific ates.
01:16:22 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Operations Finance and Bidget
01:16:23 Jeff Neuman: dates
01:17:08 Heidi Ullrich: Priorization sub group: https://community.icann.org/display/atlarge/OFB-WG+Recommendation+Prioritization+Sub-Group+Workspace
01:18:12 Eduardo Diaz - NARALO Chair: We do have 30 minutes to go. This is a 90 meeting, so no rush
01:18:34 Jonathan Zuck: Oh, thanks Eduardo. My mistake.
01:18:51 Glenn McKnight: We want to hear from the audience
01:19:37 judith Hellerstein: @eduardo. Thanks. The calendar entry said the call was 60 minutes so this should be corrected for the next time
01:19:57 Jeff Neuman: The Compliance department does not look at Internal ICANN compliance, but only third party Registry and Registrar compliance
01:20:39 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: I suspect Siva was refering to the act of compliance not the department
01:20:41 Jeff Neuman: There is a "Complaints" department, but I have not seen anything out of that department in a long time.
01:20:44 Glenn McKnight: The agenda says 90 minutes
01:21:09 Jeff Neuman: An internal affairs department to monitor ICANN compliance of its own requirements?
01:21:27 judith Hellerstein: Yes but the icann email said it was 60 minutes
01:22:01 Jonathan Zuck: Seems like between the Ombudsman and the Complaints office, we have that. If they operate the way we would want is another issue.
01:22:03 Jeff Neuman: I am available as long as you need me.
01:22:29 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: as does the calender entry / iCal when placed into ones calendar but that can be fixed for future
01:22:41 Jeff Neuman: I believe those (Complaints and Omb.) are all reactionary. We need proactive compliance
01:22:42 Glenn McKnight: Sorry Marita i didn't see your hand.
01:23:03 Glenn McKnight: Marita you will be next
01:23:13 Sivasubramanian M: @Jeff My comments were not specific to compliance, not specific to staff, nor to the Board, but rather general in a broad sense
01:23:28 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Clearing the backlog on this was WHY ATRT3 made several of its Recomendations
01:23:30 Jeff Neuman: I look at 7.2.2 as being more common sense and courtesy.
01:24:24 Jeff Neuman: Whey someone asks you for something, common sense and courtesy dictates that the person (a) acknowledges your request and (b) tells you when they will resolve or what the milestones are to resolve the issue
01:25:21 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yes and that is an important part of effective communication(s) on progress in trust as well @Jeff
01:25:22 Glenn McKnight: Anyone else want to address any of these issues?
01:26:03 Jeff Neuman: I do have a sort of closing statement
01:27:42 Glenn McKnight: Thanks Jeff , we will close the comments in eight minutes to give each of the speakers a closing comment and Judith to update on Nomcom
01:27:49 Marita Moll: Triage -- that's a good word for what is needed here @CLO
01:28:00 Glenn McKnight: Then final comments from Eduardo on the March meeting
01:28:06 avri doria: I like the notion of triage, but I do not see us as in the position to allow things to die.
01:28:28 Alfredo Calderon (ICANN73 Mentor): It sometimes is a matter of looking at the “Big picture” and prioritization from a “macro to micro” to achieve the ultimate objective. We need to view it as @CLO mentioned : “triage”.
01:29:14 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Some of its recommendations should be put out of their misery @Glenn
01:29:40 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Exactly @Alfredo
01:30:01 Glenn McKnight: Appreciate the comment Cheryl
01:32:05 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: That basic good communication processes DO need to be fast tracked into being baked into the culture though Jeff they are NOT resource heavy they should probably not wait this my parallel work proposal
01:32:21 Glenn McKnight: big and small are important. seems that issues on communication is a challenge
01:32:22 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thus not this
01:32:56 Glenn McKnight: Siva is that an old hand?
01:33:09 Sivasubramanian M: new
01:33:12 judith Hellerstein: Yes and we are getting no where
01:33:53 Jeff Neuman: Right. When I ask a question of ICANN for day to day stuff, the response I always get it "we are working on it and we will get back to you as soon as possible."
01:34:01 Jeff Neuman: Does anyone know what that means.
01:34:02 Glenn McKnight: Siva please be brief so Judith can update on NOmcom then our final round of comments
01:34:04 judith Hellerstein: Several years ago they said it was a legal issue. When we asked for the legal people to be on the call, miraculously we were told it was not a legal issue but something else
01:34:15 Jeff Neuman: And when as soon as possible turns into years, what do we do?
01:34:20 Sivasubramanian M: ok. brief
01:34:27 Glenn McKnight: Thanks Siva
01:34:57 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Exactly @JZ and other examples exist as well
01:35:11 judith Hellerstein: We were then told staff would look at it. Also we were told we need to make it an SO/AC Priority
01:35:22 Jeff Neuman: Same thing with requests I make on behalf of clients that deal with ICANN. ICANN never commits to timelines and refuses to consider the impact of their inaction on real organizations, businesses, etc.
01:35:46 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: our own final matrics implementation from our last Org Review has been chilled by a when will we ge getting the... … … matter
01:36:00 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: please NOTE that @Avri ;-)
01:36:19 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: and advance on our next report to the OES ;-)
01:36:23 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: OEC
01:37:04 Jeff Neuman: ICANN staff/board must try to recognize that what it does or doesn't do has a real impact on many other individuals, businesses and organizations.
01:37:21 Jeff Neuman: ICANN does not exist in a bubble.
01:37:53 Jonathan Zuck: Of course, if our Accountability Framework is the reason for a lack of accountability, we've failed.
01:38:24 Marita Moll: Communications in a multistakeholder environment is clearly still a work in progress. The need to find new ways of talking across barriers is more complex than in other environments.
01:38:51 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Very True ! @Marita
01:39:27 Jonathan Zuck: Which is a reason to KEEP talking about it, not a reason to cease, of course.
01:39:39 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Yup
01:39:50 Glenn McKnight: please provide the link Judith for the NOMCOM
01:39:52 Jeff Neuman: @Marita - I agree, but only to an extent. Again, if everyone applied common sense and courtesy when dealing with others, a lot of improvement can be made.
01:40:09 Glenn McKnight: Eduardo can you speak about the next NARALO meeting
01:40:24 Jeff Neuman: When common sense is not applied, frustrations boil.
01:41:15 Jeff Neuman: Yes, some things depend on prioritization. But others are part of the day to day routine for which its ok to expect a timely acknowledgement and an expected time to resolve.
01:41:33 avri doria: https://www.icann.org/nomcom2022
01:42:02 Jeff Neuman: Hopefully this year the NomCom will start to meet in person :0
01:42:05 Jeff Neuman: :)
01:42:22 Glenn McKnight: Ok, Eduardo please menition the success of the Universal Acceptance and the March session
01:42:29 Jeff Neuman: Fantastic!
01:44:26 Marita Moll: Yes, very interesting session and a conversation that should be continued. Thanks
01:44:47 judith Hellerstein: Yes. We do hope to be in person this year. At least to review the applications.
01:45:43 Glenn McKnight: Jeff Neuman and Tom Bartlett will be conducting the March 8th session at ICANN 73
01:46:02 Silvia Vivanco: The Agenda is posted on the wiki already
01:46:10 Herb Waye Ombuds: Always great to hear familiar voices and see your faces. Stay safe and be kind.
01:46:12 Glenn McKnight: Thanks for joining today
01:46:13 David Mackey: Interesting discussion today. Thanks everyone, take care!
01:46:16 Cheryl Langdon-Orr: Thanks and Bye
01:46:17 Glenn McKnight: thanks bye all
01:46:19 Evin Erdogdu (Observing): Thanks all!
01:46:21 Sivasubramanian M: thank you
01:46:22 Silvia Vivanco: Thank you all
01:46:22 Tracy Hackshaw: Thanks all. Stay safe

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