Olivier Crepin-Leblond: TODAY's AGENDA IS: https://community.icann.org/display/CPMMB/CCWG+on+IG+Teleconference+-+2016.04.29

Gangesh Varma: yes

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: WSIS Forum at ITU 2016 -- WIKI page: https://community.icann.org/display/CPMMB/WSIS+Forum+at+ITU+2016

renata: sorry for joining late. no mic.

nigel hickson: @Renata - welcome

Avri Doria: i plan to be in the audience

Gangesh Varma:  i'll try to listen and participate remotely.

matthew shears: if anyone has any comments on the agenda or issues that need to be flagged please raise them - thanks

Renata Aquino Ribeiro: nigel tks unstable internet here but trying to follow

Gangesh Varma: Look forward to this session.

matthew shears: yes - any sensitivities on the proposed slides please let us know

nigel hickson: See whole agenda; https://www.itu.int/net4/wsis/forum/2016/Agenda/

nigel hickson: Yes please help us on booth.....

Carlos Raul: luncheon slots are long 90 minutes, so maybe a brown bag lunch would be useful

rafik: yes the current planning is managed by SO/AC 

nigel hickson: Re "other" WSIS - put list of Workshops on CCWG list yetsrday

nigel hickson: Yes; 6th June.

Renata Aquino Ribeiro: i am now listening well finally

Avri Doria: "post transiton" ... we hope.  taking one of the WS2 topics t o focus on might be interesting.

Sam Lanfranco: Yes, work up some ideas first....

Carlos Raul: old hand

matthew shears: yep

Avri Doria: (spoken as a MAG member)

Avri Doria: but please make it innovative and not a panel of talking heads.

Renata Aquino Ribeiro: I'd think the ccwg could propose a workshop taking an advantage of the different formats in IGF, a more interactive workshop

matthew shears: + 1 Avri

Renata Aquino Ribeiro: for that, I'd suggest use of report cards and breakout groups as well

matthew shears: would be nice to have a f2f in helsinki - maybe if not formal then over beers to talk about the purpose and role of the CCWG IG going forward

Gangesh Varma: +1 Matthew

Gangesh Varma: While i agree a quarterly update for the organizational aspects fo this CCWG. I believe the quarterly updates for policy updates might be not be frequent enough for it to be useful.

matthew shears: I thinkwe should revisit the role of the CCWG IG before deciding on reporting out

Renata Aquino Ribeiro: i`m not in favor for reduction of calls but i am a minority

matthew shears: apologies have to drop off but would encourage a WG gathering of some sort in Helsinki

matthew shears: agree Nigel!

Renata Aquino Ribeiro: i think the group needs to become more organized so i wouldnt reduce the calls now

matthew shears: its the new IG front (again!)

Renata Aquino Ribeiro: +1 nigel

matthew shears: yes + 1

Carlos Raul: Intersting Nigel to focus on ITU!

Gangesh Varma: Agree with Olivier. Though I think we need revisit the interaction with ICANN and staff. Like Matt has suggested, we do need to revisit the role of this group, particularly with regard to its role in informing ICANN about the larger IG ecosystem.

Avri Doria: it is WTSA time.  Time for all old conflicts to be revisited.

Renata Aquino Ribeiro: wtsa?

Carlos Raul: same question WTSA?

rafik: @Matt we cannot change our charter by ourselves

Carlos Raul: @mathew +1 infomral meeting

Avri Doria: ITU World Tellecommunications stanardization assmebly

Gangesh Varma: World Telecommunications Standardization Assembly

rafik: in Tunisia

Renata Aquino Ribeiro: ah tks

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: WTSA - The World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly

rafik: @avri what are the dates?

Carlos Raul: is that the one that does NOT talk about spectrum?

Avri Doria: the set the ITU-T program for the next 4 years.  and what to do about addresses is always on the table.  now being mixed with clouds and iot issues.

matthew shears: + 1 Olivier

Avri Doria: they set ...

Renata Aquino Ribeiro: +1 olivier

nigel hickson: WTSA planned for end October / start November in Tunisia

Avri Doria: Carlos , with the is the ITU-R

Gangesh Varma: I feel a formal f2f would be essential, informal gathering might have limitations in reaching out to all interested parties.

Renata Aquino Ribeiro: +1 gangesh

Avri Doria: national delegations are already doing their prep and having meetings.

rafik: @Nigel that is during the same time of ICANN meeting

Avri Doria: yes, it is the same time as the ICANN meeting, but who knows when the ICANN meeting will really be.

nigel hickson: http://www.itu.int/en/ITU-T/wtsa16/Pages/default.aspx

nigel hickson: @Avri - indeed......

Renata Aquino Ribeiro: +1 olivier

Carlos Raul: Sorry

Carlos Raul: I ahve to drop off

Carlos Raul: thank you

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: Thanks Carlos

Olivier Crepin-Leblond: @Gangesh -- the Co-Chairs will definitely push for a FF in Helsinki

Renata Aquino Ribeiro: yes

Renata Aquino Ribeiro: great, thanks

Gangesh Varma: Thanks everyone.

Sam Lanfranco: Thanks

rafik: bye all

Gangesh Varma: Very helpful as always :)

Avri Doria: bye

nigel hickson: Thank you

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