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StaffGrace Abuhamad; Bart Boswinkel; Berry Cobb; Marika Konings; Jim Trengrove; Bernard Turcotte; Theresa Swinehart


**Please let Grace know if your name has been left off the list (attendees or apologies).**

Notes & Action Items

Review of 1, 2A, 2B, and 2 C

Presentation 1, 2 A by rappoteur of Chuck Gomes.


Brief overview of high to cover

Assumption all have read documents

Focus on latest edits

Raise hand if questions or comments

Agreed comments and questions at end of presentation


RFP 1 Proposal version 3

  • minor edits
  • Comment Olivier:
  • word "reside"
  • Is langauge used in RFC 1591
  • Page 9 change
  • - Comments Olivier. see response BT
  • No edits made
  • Agreed comments and questions at end of presentation
  • Page 10
  • Comment Olvivier, see response BT
  • Page 11
  • Comment about retirement of codes,
  • Comment BT. ISO responsible for codes
  • Comment Olivier RFC 1591 , may need to be updated Example: reside in country. requirement in RFC 1591, but in practise soemtimes
  • Ambiguity of word finished in relation of IANA system in 2008.
  • What is diference between finished and completed?
  • Change word "finished" to "completed"
  • Comment 3. Purpose of paragraph about further 
  • automation.  Paul Kane suggestion keep paragraph as is in recognition of work to date.
  • Olivier: leave text as is
  • Comment 4: withdrawn
  • Comment 5: What will happen if RFP -3 is heading for seperation. Assumption is functions remains with ICANN
  • Suggestion to add "currently". 
  • Comment: RFP 1 and RFP 2 are description of current state of affairs. Adding word current, could be interpreted as other parts are not "current"
  • No changes
  • Comment  6: Explenation satisfactory.
  • Comment: ISO 3166-1 contains more lists, refer to specific one. 
  • Suggestion: include reference to IANA website, to 
  • Document inconsistent in itself, Reconcile table with section.
  • Too much explenation, list contains 10 items, explenation contains 12 items. Merge sections around delegation
  • Add suggestion on reference to IANA website
  • Comments are on I Community use of IANAN Functions, URL could also be included in RFP 2A.
  • Action: Jaap post link.
  • List contains 10 items. Description contains 12 items
  • Some items in the list could be consolidated.
  • Question to Jaap to make suggestions
  • Action Jaap: to propose redline, on the list. Bernie to assist
  • Potential issue: on renumbering, refernece to RFP 2 A.
  • Action: Olvier: expand the list on page 4. 
  • Action: Jaap: to propose redline, on the list. Bernie to assist.


RFP Proposal 2A

  • Minor changes made compared to previous version
  • Updated title to reflect language of RFP
  • Some cleaning up will need to be done that will be fixed in the next version
  • Page 4 - recognize the importance that ccTLDs place on this RFC 1591 so proposal to reinstate the deleted text. Possible compromise could be to include this as a footnote - preference to leave it in the main body. No objections raised to reinstating the comment by those present.
  • Page 5 - Current IANA contract specifically excludes ICP-1 - to be recongnized in a footnote.
  • Page 9 - last sentence - underplays level of NTIA involvement. Tables set out the steps that NTIA is involved in the process, but does not bring out that role of the NTIA in the process as a whole. NTIA contract requires to demonstrate that the policy was developed taking into account certain criteria. Consider supplementing this sentence to bring out that the NTIA also has an involvement in the definition of the process as a whole. Consider reaching out to NTIA to ask their input on this specific question. Source of ICANN authority is not solely derived from contract. Action: Chairs to formulate question to NTIA concerning oversight function
  • 2.3A - examples do not implicate whether something is delegated so may need to be removed? Some of the things that were included are ways in which dispute resolution could be handled, even if not specifically designed to deal with any of the steps. Consider adding footnote to clarify, as well as adding UDRP and PICDRP. Action: Stephanie to send suggested language to the list (completed).

RFP Proposal 2B

  • Page numbers will need to be added
  • Consider adding titles for the tables so it is easier to reference them
  • Page 1 - "for the benefit of "- seems to imply that it is not of interest the broader community. Consider changing to "primarily for the benefit of direct recipients but also for the internet community as a whole". Consider splitting sentence in two parts (who is doing it and for whom). Action: Greg, Malcolm and Alan to collaborate on possible compromise language. Also share with Kurt as he originally made the suggestion to add this lanugage.
  • Page 5 - last sentence of paragraph is not clear ('for example, the IANA oversight...') Is this sentence referring to all elements? Action: Bernie to work with Malcolm on addressing this issue.
  • Page 5 table - no requirement that a new RFP is issued when renewal time comes up - is discretion of NTIA. Concept of renewal is a given, but re-compete is up to parties. Proposed rewording: "The requirement of renewal and the potential of rebidding of the IANA functions contract..." Action: Robert, Olivier and Greg to further refine this language as needed. 
  • Consider adding section C.29.2d to the table - to be further considered
  • Section 2.2 (page 12) - are there other examples for resolution of disputes? Add numbers and/or list all provisions. Action: Bernie to suggest changes to this section.
  • Consider renaming as these are not actual proposals? 

2C - Triage

  • Triage of existing provisions to look into granularity of the contract
  • How can these help in shaping the framework proposal
  • Is this going to be included as an appendix to the final proposal? Not decided yet - at best it will be added as an appendix. Could also serve as a check-list for the CWG and not include it in the proposal that is submitted.
  • As part of RFP3, triage document should be reviewed to ensure that those elements that are deemed necessary are covered by the eventual proposal
  • Might be helpful to reference and/or share with the community as it may help understand how CWG conducted its work and ended up with suggested proposal.
  • Column C - when are those expected to be discussed? Action: Chairs to come back with response. 


The transcript will be posted here upon receipt



The Adobe Connect recording is available here: 

The audio recording is available here:


Documents Presented


Chat Transcript


Grace Abuhamad:*** COFFEE BREAK *** Will pick up session 2 at 10:00 UTC.


  seun:you mean 11


  seun:okay nevermind... it's UTC ;)


  Grace Abuhamad:yes


  Chuck Gomes:I am online


  Grace Abuhamad:Great! Chuck -- I am running your Adobe documents. You want to start with RFP1, right?


  Grace Abuhamad:All-- group is just getting back together. Meeting will start in a few minutes


  Jonathan Robinson 2:Acknowledging Chuck for getting up at 2am!


  Chuck Gomes:Let me know when you are ready


  Robert Guerra:sound ok now


  Grace Abuhamad:It is Version 3. Just a missed edit


  Grace Abuhamad:document is now un-synced. You have scroll control


  Lise Fuhr:A good idea to add a note


  Erick Iriarte Ahon:agree too


  Bernard Turcotte - staff support:Footnote would be fineà


  Bernard Turcotte - staff support:will fix


  Amr Elsadr:@Greg: +1


  Robert Guerra:Support Jaap's comments.


  Bernard Turcotte - staff support:I will talk to Jaap also


  jaap akkerhuis SSAC:IABA doc mentioned


  Robert Guerra:Page 4 seems to list 10 items, P11 mentions 12


  Robert Guerra:jaap suggests that should reconcile this


  Mary Uduma:+1 @ Paul


  Guru:+1 Malcolm


  matthew shears (CDT):+ 1 Greg - 2 sentences is better and clearer


  Robert Guerra:+1 to greg's comment just now


  Robert Guerra:possibility...


  Bernard Turcotte - staff support:get text from Greg


  Robert Guerra:for renewal perhaps


  Marika Konings:@Malcolm - could you repeat the number of the section you would like to see included here?


  Marika Konings:Thank you


  Robert Guerra:had made similiar comment on the list


  Robert Guerra:in regards to 2.2


  Robert Guerra:that if there are multiple sources - either list all, or make reference to where larger list can be found


  Robert Guerra:use of footnote here might help


  Allan MacGillivray:Thanks Chuck.  Great


  Guru:great work chuck


  Vika Mpisane:thanks, chuck!


  Robert Guerra:triage doc also available here -


  Grace Abuhamad:Thanks @Robert


  Grace Abuhamad:All -- I also sent an email to the CWG list with all documents to be discussed today.


  jaap akkerhuis SSAC:@grace, thanks, tha is what I'm using


  Grace Abuhamad:Thank you all. Break for lunch now. We will reconvene at 13:00 UTC (14:00 local)

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