Summary of ICANN Stakeholders from Argentina

Argentina has8At-Large Structures in the Latin American and Caribbean Regional At-Large Organisation (LACRALO)
Argentina's ccTLD operatorISa member of the country code Name Supporting Organisation (ccNSO)
The Argentina's governmentISa member of the Government Advisory Committee (GAC)
Argentina has2members in the Commercial Business Users Constituency in the Generic Names Supporting Organisation (GNSO)
Argentina hasNOmembers in the Intellectual Property Constituency in the Generic Names Supporting Organisation (GNSO)
Argentina hasNOmembers in the Internet Service Providers Constituency in the Generic Names Supporting Organisation (GNSO)
Argentina has3members in the Non-Commercial Users Constituency (NCUC) in the Generic Names Supporting Organisation (GNSO)
Argentina hasNOmembers in the Not-for-Profit Operational Concerns (NPOC) in the Generic Names Supporting Organisation (GNSO)
Argentina has2ICANN Accredited registrars
Argentina hasNOICANN Accredited registrars in the Registrars Stakeholder Group (RsG) in the Generic Names Supporting Organisation (GNSO)

At-Large Structures from Argentina in LACRALO

  • Asociacion de Derecho Informatico de Argentina (ADIAR) 
  • Ageia Densi Argentina
  • Asociación Única de Chatters Usuarios de Internet y E-Commerce (Asociación Internauta)
  • Asociación Judicial Bonaerense (CETIC AJB)
  • Fundación Incluirme
  • Instituto Iberoamericano de Investigación para la Sociedad de la Información (IIDISI)
  • ISOC Argentina

ccNSO Representative from Argentina

GAC Representative from Argentina

Olga Cavalli
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina


Adrián Carballo

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Argentina
Productive Integration Advisor Committee for Mercosur
Technology Commission Coordinator

Members in the GNSO BC Constituency from Argentina

  • Gabriela Szlak, Instituto Latinoamericano de Comercio Electrónico
  •  Celia Lerman, Instituto Latinoamericano de Comercio Electrónico

Members in the GNSO IP Constituency from Argentina

(no members)

Members in the GNSO ISP Constituency from Argentina

(no members)

Members in GNSO's NCUC from Argentina

  • Fatima Cambronero, AGEIA DENSI (Argentina)
  • Sergio Salinas Porto Internauta, Asociacion Argentina de Usuarios de Internet
  • Eduardo Suarez

Members in GNSO's NPOC from Argentina

(no members)

ICANN Accredited Registrars from Argentina 

  • SRL
  • Virtucom Networks S.A.

ICANN Accredited Registrars in the GNSO's RsG

(no members)






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