News Alert

Upcoming ICG Calls
4 March 2015
The IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) has scheduled its thirteenth and fourteenth conference calls:

ICG Call # 13 – Wednesday, 11 March at 12:00-13:00 UTC (time converter here)
ICG Call # 14 – Wednesday, 25 March at 20:00-21:00 UTC (time converter here)
The community is welcome to attend by way of a listen-only mode Virtual Meeting Room through which audio of the call will be streamed. Translations will be available through relevant Adigo Bridge dial-in numbers and Conference ID codes.

A list of country dial-in numbers can be found here. Should there be no appropriate dial-in number for an interested participant, the ICG Secretariat in conjunction with ICANN will provide a dial-out service to that individual. Correspondingly, language service Conference ID numbers are listed below:

Français – Conference ID: 75929475
Español – Conference ID: 68385764
لعربية – Conference ID: 825702
Pусский – Conference ID: 345720
العربية – Conference ID: 82855066
Português – Conference ID: 759752
Participants who are interested in an English line but are unable to join by way of the Virtual Meeting Room may request a dial-out service.

For more information about the ICG and the IANA Stewardship Transition, please visit the IANA Stewardship Transition Coordination Group (ICG) Website.

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