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November and December Report

APRALO Brochure

The APRALO brochure was updated for the Dakar ICANN meeting and ICANN staff have been working hard over the weeks to get it translated into other languages so that more of the community can take a look and understand what it is that APRALO is doing. Progress is being made to get the online version set up too and we will be sending it out periodically to the ICANN list.


JIG single character issue


The Wiki for this has been taken care of and the email has gone out to all ALS’es to ask for their input on this matter. APRALO has been very active on this issue.



Policy matter came up about the thick WHOIS.  Holly said she was very much involved with this and will be on top of things representing APRALO. During the next APRALO call, she will have an update for us about this issue.

Increase Developing Economies Participation in the New gTLD Program (JAS)


This was initiated by the APRALO region and it was sent to the ICANN list for comment and suggestion. Very important policy matter for the APRALO region.

Improvement project taskforce


The APRALO workforce to send over to the list the link for this improvement taskforce and will be given very high priority over the coming weeks and months so we are sure our needs and desires are heard by everyone.

August to September 2011 Report

APRALO would be working with the ICANN IT staff to discuss changes to the APRALO page, making it easier for ALS’es to navigate through

APRALO were going to look at more registrar policy issues followings a complaint about one registrar in Australia about data leak

Salanieta Tamanikaiwaimaro  from Fiji was elected to replace Cheryl as the APRALO representative to ALAC. The term will commence from the end of the Dakar meeting.

Carole made a presentation about the coming Strategic Plan in the September APRALO call and APRALO was encouraged to give some comments and feedback as soon as it is open to do so.

Holly was in charge of providing some input to the WHOIS report

APRALO was encouraged to provide some feedback to the Language issue which would be discussed during the Dakar meeting.

Olivier reminded APRALO that there would be a meeting with registrars in Dakar and APRALO could go on to the wiki and have their questions up there so they could be considered during the meeting.

Siranush Vardanyan was selected as the NomCom delegate from Asia Pacific and Australia region

San Francisco Report

1. New ALSes Certified

Two new ALSes have joined APRALO. They are Information Policy Analytical Center from Azerbaijan and Cook Islands Internet Action Group (CIIAG) from Cook Islands. We are delighted that Central Asia and Pacific Islands are more involved in APRALO.

Thanks to fellowship program and outreach, a new ALS application from Hong Kong has just been received and another application from Pakistan is hopefully to be received soon.

APRALO is now insensitively preparing for the Showcase at ICANN Singapore Meeting to make a regional celebration for the success of at-large discourse.

2. Policy Works

APRALO submitted comments and statements on IDN Variant Management and Geographic Region Review and participated actively on a couple of ongoing ALAC policy process such as new gTLD AGAT. Meanwhile APRALO encouraged individual members to submit comments to ICANN consultations directly.

3. Upcoming Election

APRALO is going to elect a new Chair and is setting election cycle right now. We aims to complete the election before Singapore meeting.

February 2011

Edmon drafted the APRALO statement on the IDN fast track consultation and sent it to the mailing list for input and comments.

Charles sent an email to the mailing list on the FY12 budget requests, followed up with Cheryl and submitted the budget request templates to the ALAC on behalf of APRALO on the 25 January.

Initial plans were underway about how the voting would take place for the coming opening positions for the APRALO. People were encouraged to look around for possible candidates to propose for the openings.

An APRALO face-to-face meeting will be held in San Francisco to replace the meeting, which was supposed to be held on the 22nd of February. Staff were going to send confirmation about the date and time of the meeting at a later date.

Dev Anand gave a presentation of the updated PAD flowchart as developed by Improvements WT D, also clear instructins were given on how At-Large/ALAC will approach public comments.  APRALO would use these ideas to contact ALS’es for their input

December 2010 and January 2011

Charles presented the APRALO Policy Development proposal, which Edmon presented during the Cartagena meeting during the WT D in early January.

Important election dates were quickly approaching where the positions of Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretariat were going to come to an end. To make things easier, Staff prepared a document listing all APRALO leadership elections and terms since the inception of APRALO. Then the voting could begin at an earlier stage.

Update on the policy workplan was to have a small group of people to discuss and identify the important policy issues and report back to APRALO during the monthly calls.

October and November 2010

Updates were made to the APRALO ALS Map. With new ALS’es joining the APRALO in recent months, these changes would allow the APRALO to better keep in contact with all the ALS’es and get increased participation from them.

 Charles would be setting up a working group on the Review of IDN ccTLD Fast Track Process and invite the ALS Representative.

 Edmon was confirmed as the ALAC APRALO representative for the period from the
close of the ICANN Annual General Meeting 2010 until the close of Annual
General Meeting 2012. Edmon did a self introduction during the November call.

During the October conference call, Fouad gave a presentation of the two documents he has recently provided on APRALO in-reach and outreach:

APRALO in-reach and outreach suggestions based on the ALS survey.pdf

In-reach and Outreach Draft Recommendations Fouad Bajwa.pdf

September 2010

Pavan and Fouad worked on some recommendations from the ALS survery. A one page summary was done by Pavan and ideas were shared during the APRALO call.  In addition,  from the results of the survey, Fouad would be preparing a presentatiin for APRALO on how to improve the In-reach and Out-reach in the region. It was going to be presented in the next meeting.

Charles has started discussions with Cheryl on a workplan to structure the regional policy work. The findings were to be presented in the next APRALO meeting.

About the issue of Single Character IDN Domain Names, even though the deadline had passed, comments and suggestions were sent to the APRALO list.

APRALO wanted the ALAC to consider the application from Individual Policy Analytical Center with a note about them not having a website/public information.

Staff initiated the APRALO ALAC Representative election and voting process by sending out voting credentials to each of all ALS'es. The deadline for voting will be Friday, 8th October 2010 ending at 2359 UTC.

August 2010

APRALO Report by Pavan Budhrani

1. Elections and Selection

A vote was held to determine the regionally-recommended candidate for the position of ALAC Delegate to the NomCom from APRALO to the end of the 2011 AGM, and Dr. V.C. Vivekanandan was chosen. The ALAC followed the recommendation and selected Dr. V.C. Vivekanandan

Voting was also carried out for the Vice Chair position. Charles Mok has been elected Interim Vice Chair for the term previously held by Fouad Bajwa ending in 2011"

2. Recent Work

Follow up action from the ALS survey would be carried out. Pavan would work on a one page recommendation and proposal from the survey. The recent brochure produced by APRALO has been translated into Chinese and is available online under Initial planning has begun on the new brochure, emails will be sent to get material soon.

3. Division of Labor

Hong Xue, the APRALO Chair, announced that the responsabilities would be redistributed among the APRALO leadership.. Foaud, the recently elected Vice Chair will be in charge of in-reach and outreach activities. Charles Mok will be in charge of policy advice development with the help of Hong and Rajnesh"

July 2010

APRALO Report by Hong Xue

1. Organizational Development

APRALO had the extraordinary meeting on June 22nd 2010. Prof. Hong Xue was unanimously elected as the Interim Chair to serve the remaining term of Karaitiana Taiuru's who resigned from the Chair position. Mr. Fouad Bajwa was unanimously elected as the Vice Chair to serve the remaining term of Les Allison who resigned from Vice Chair position.

2. Election and Selection

APRALO will elect/select two officer positions, i.e. 1-year Vice Chair and 1-year NomCom Member, shortly. Nomination periods have opened. Both processes are supposed to complete duly.

3. Recent Works

APRALO, per its working plan made at Brussels meeting, highlights outreach and policy work as two priorities. With respect to outreach, updating and distributing the Brochure and ALS mentoring program are going on well. With respect to policies, regional comments on strategic issues, such as bylaws amendment on At-Large Director, are being processed.

March 2010

APRALO Report Nairobi

Please post your report here

December 2009 APRALO Report

1. APRALO is in the middle of some new ALS application, recently we had one from Korea when we were in Seoul and now we are processing ISOC Pakistan, it is in the process of due diligence at the moment. In addtion, we have another one from Hong Kong called NetMission and they will be submitting their application soon too.

2. For the voting matter, APRALO agreed that we should have a regional vote too and Cheryl would bring that to the ALAC meeting

3. Updates were given by people who were at the recent IGF meeting in Egypt, these included Cheryl and also Hong, Hong was in charge of giving some presentations too.

4. Discussions were done about the positive impact the EURALO brochures had on people in Seoul and APRALO would be working on something similar in the near future.

5. Cheryl suggested to Heidi to use the current literature we have about At-Large and then have that translated in some languages to be used for APRALO too.

January 2010 APRALO Report

1. Theresa Swineheart, who was the previous APRALO call will send Matthias an update on the current status of the President's Strategy Committee (PSC) for distribution to the AP discussion list.

2. Cheryl will follow up with Maiwa on a possible APNIC presentation during the next APRALO teleconference.

3. Pavan, Karaitiana and Matthias will discuss next steps on the APRALO brochure.

4. Karaitiana will check with Hong whether it is possible for her to use Google Wave. If so, Cheryl will start a Google Wave Chat for APRALO.

February 2010 APRALO Report

  1. Cheryl to ask the ALAC meeting tonight about the application of .cn in the IDN Fast track and see why it has not made the next round. If not, it will be a topic at the Kenya meeting.
  2. Hong suggested that Cheryl be on the AOC review panel and it was agreed by everyone on APRALO.
  3. Cheryl suggested some Asia Pacific members be part of the At-Large Board Selection Committee and Rajnesh and Hong were to be on this committee too.
  4. A separate meeting be arranged for APRALO on integrating the ALS’es more towards the APRALO and if there should be some kind of mentoring program for that. And to set a minimum number of meetings they should attend.
  5. About the RAA agreement for non lawyers, it was suggested to push it out to the mailing list and ask for comment on translation issues.
  6. Rajnesh to talk about APRALO at the APRICOT meeting coming up
  7. Collection of material from all ALS'es have begun and APRALO brochure will be designed soon

March and April so Far APRALO Report

1. Hong will get in contact with James and make the APRALO Draft Statement for the Proposed Implementation Plan for Synchronized IDN ccTLDs

2. APNIC training session on ipv4 to ipv6 transition was held on the 9th of April and the presentation can be found on

3. Pavan, Matthias and Les had several meetings about the APRALO brochure and many things have been agreed. Edmon would write a piece about IDN and its implication for the Asian region and ALS’es would have a picture and some sentences about them too

4. The INET event took place in April too in Hong Kong, the whole agenda of the meeting can be found on Many interesting presentations were made that day and if any powerpoint is wanted, feel free to contact Pavan Budhrani at and it will be sent to you.

5. Engaging the ALS’es more in the region is of utmost importance, plans are in place to set up a seminar with them telling them of the benefits of participating more and joining more APRALO calls. Will have their profiles on the brochure too.

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