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  2. Travelers are asked to collaborate as a team in pulling together the appropriate information.
  3. This Trip Assessment form will be automatically associated with its related Proposal; therefore, no duplicate traveler identification information is required.
  4. The information fields are 'richtext' so that they can accommodate tables, links, images, attachments, and other formatting capabilities that may be useful in explaining/describing the Trip.
  5. This form may be edited/saved as many times as needed. When completed, please fill out the completion date in question no.4 on the form and notify your Program Coordinator (PC) for further processing.

Trip Assessments should be completed within three (3) weeks of the traveler's return date.

Trip Assessment Form


1) Describe the Trip in sufficient detail
that an interested reader could understand Who,
What, When, Where, and Why concerning this
funded CROP activity (please be as expansive
as possible):  

The Trip was the first North American School of Internet Governance and we had about 30 students a mixture of people from Puerto Rico and people from the US and Canada. Additionally we had and additional 10 people who were sponsored by ICANN in the fellowship and Next Gen programs who had requested to join the school. We had 12 people who were students at the local universities and these students later attended the ICANN conference as well along with some of their professors. The school was hosted by the Polytechnical University.  There were three days of sessions by a variety of different faculty members, all experts in their respective fields. We even had a session led by students discussing online trust and how they are learning to be safe on the Internet.  The full program can be found here. We also had a tour given of the school and its resources and it was fascinating to see some of the engineering labs and technology tools used by the students in their studies. Rapporteurs were assigned to each of the sessions so that summaries of each session could be produced. These session reports were published in a daily newsletter that went out to everyone.  Reports from Day 1 can be found here,  Day 2 reports can be found here,  Day 3 reports can be found here,

Glenn McKnight also created three e-books with the reports from each day and these can be found here. Day Two Day Three

Glenn McKnight headed up the video and Photography and was assisted by one of the students at the University.

Pictures from the event can be found here

They also can be found on the NASIG website under the Tab for The Record, along with copies of the presentations from the Faculty.

Videos of each session can be found in the YouTube archive which is located here,

2) Explain the extent to which the Proposed
Goals and Outcomes were accomplished
(see above LINK to review the original Proposal):  

I have several goals and objectives for this outreach 1)  Since the NASIG will be run right before ICANN 61 there will be a number of civil society groups, university students, and Indigenous groups brought in for the NASIG many of which have never been to a School of Internet Governance and excited to learn more and to get more involved.  This will be fertile grouds for outreach and to engage with them and to help create new ALSes.

This worked well as each student was given info about At Large and NARALO and we worked with many of the people to form new ALSes and/or become individual members.  We heard back from many that they are starting the application process

2) We are also engaging with other stakeholder groups and constituencies in ICANN for outreach and participation in NASIG. We engaged with other constituencies and laid the ground work for NASIG 2020.  I also recruited more people to serve on the organizing and steering committee for when DC holds NASIG in 2020.  With the creation of an ALS of Unviersity students interested in Internet Governance we will have a much easier time getting students and others interested in ICANN. 

We learned from NASIG what works and what does not work and will make these improvements into our plans. What works is to have rapporteurs for each session and to have a daily summary of each of the sessions. Logistics issues also was difficult as the solutions found in Puerto Rico would not work in DC. However, DC has public transportation so that should not be an issue.

Remote participation was not available during the school and we may want to revisit this along with getting all the sessions to be transcribed and captioned.

I was successful in recruiting several new people to form ALSes or become individual members so all in all a good success. A new Student run ALS was created headed by David Maurer

3) Additional information pertaining
to this outreach Trip (optional):

Each of the students received a backpack which contained literature about At Large and about NARALO. We were able to educate each of the students about NARALO, about At Large and about ICANN in general.  Adam Peake from ICANN talked about the efforts he is working on with Civil Society, Rodrigo delaPara talked about what ICANN is and how to get involved. Many students asked how they can sign up as individual members or form an ALS. One group even put in their paper work to form an ALS in NARALO focusing on University or grad students interested in Internet Governance. At the end of the conference, each of the students received a certificate of completion which also could be used by the students form Puerto Rico as certification of completing a class. All in all a great program

4) Please fill out the date when you have completed this form:05-Apr-2018
Acknowledgements Section

Note: To be completed by a Program Coordinator (PC) designated by this organization/structure.

The Trip Assessment information has been gathered and properly entered into this form.YesGlenn McKnight06-Apr-2018
The ICANN Organization / Structure's leadership has authorized the submission of this Trip Assessment.YesEduardo Díaz10-Apr-2018
The ICANN Stakeholder Engagement Vice-President has concurred that this Trip Assessment satisfactorily reports the extent to which the goals/outcomes outlined in the original proposal have been achieved.

CROP Trip Assessment Template (May 2017)

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