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Proposed Schedule and Process/Operational Improvements for AoC and Organizational Reviews

ADOPTED 13Y, 0N, 0AHolly Raiche Cheryl Langdon-Orr06.07.201508.07.2015 20:59 UTC   
Larisa Gurnick


For information about this Public Comment, please click here 



Please download the PDF here. 


Two version of the DRAFT Comments on this matter are presented here  using the Public Comment Tool Template provided for our use: 1) a FULL version inclusive of all provided text and our proposed comments for each question posed,  and 2) a SNIPPED version (which it is proposed to actually lodge) that has much of the template text snipped leaving the comments made as the predominant content. Both are also provided in both PDF and Word formats.

  1. FULL Version      

  2. SNIPPED Version 


These comments are confined to the organisational review of At-Large, as called for Article IV, Section 4 of the Bylaws, specifically looking at whether ALAC has a continuing purpose in the ICANN structure and if so, whether any change in structure of operations is desirable to improve its effectiveness.

While this is the second review of At-Large, it is the first opportunity to review the RALO and At-Large Structures, which were not in place at the time of the first review, and it is now timely to review.

Given the very heavy demands that have been placed on the time of ALAC volunteers in responding to the transition of the stewardship of the IANA function to ICANN, the extension of time of this review is very welcome.  The extended timeframe will allow a period for self assessment of key ALAC players, as well as participation of all the RALOs in identifying questions that should be part of the review, and key individuals whose insights and experience will be critical to the review. It will also allow time to assess the effectiveness of recommendations coming out of At-Large.

That input will provide a clearer framework in which an independent examiner can be selected.

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  1. These comments are confined to the organisational review of At-Large, as called for Article IV, Section 4 of the Bylaws, specifically looking at whether ALAC has a continu9ing purpose in the ICANN structure and if so, whether any change in structure of operations is desirable to improve its effectiveness.

      While this is the second review of At-Large, it is the first opportunity to review the RALO and AT Large Structures, which were not in place at the time of the first review, and it is now timely to review.

    Given the very heavy demands that have been placed on the time of ALAC volunteers in responding to the transition of the stewardship of the IANA function to ICANN, the extention of time of this review is very welcome.  The extended timeframe will allow a period for self assessment of key ALAC players, as well as participation of all the RALOs in identifying questions that should be part of the review, and key individuals whose insights and experience will be critical to the review. It will also allow time to assess the effectiveness of recommendations coming out of A-Large1.

    That input will provide a clearer framework in which an independent examiner can be selected.

  2. We must add something related to the overall review process. In my opinion, it should say that we strongly support the elongation of the timetable in recognition of the other crucial demands upon the community.


  3. Whilst I agree that the delay in the schedule will provide a little more breathing space to volunteers in At-Large, I am not so jubilant about the timetable:

    • the volunteers performing the review are not necessarily the same people involved in IANA Stewardship Transition and/or ICANN Accountability
    • the perspective of asking for another Board Director is pushed further back
    • according to the information supplied, the last ALAC review started with an RFP in 2007 and concluded in 2010/2011, by far the longest review cycle of all of the ICANN reviews. (4 years?) The new schedule shows 3 years - shorter...


  4. Cheryl, you suggest that ATRT3 NOT be delayed. ATRT3 is not mentioned in the proposal, and specifically is not listed as a review scheduled to be started in 2016.

    ATRT1 was carried out in calendar year 2010 and ATRT2 in 2013. That would imply that ATRT3 would be carried out in calendar year 2016.

    Your first paragraph I think says we should wait for the outcomes of the Accountability CCWG, and WS2 will not be completed by January 2016.

    So to be explicit, are you asking for ATRT3 in calendar year 2016 (which I explicitly would not support), or are you saying do not delay past 2017?


    On a more general level, I do wish we had more time to read, discuss and refine such a long statement.

  5. Not delay past 2017 certainly... My concern re ATRT3 is that it could slip if they 'delay for CCWG outcomes on the AoC review equivalents
  6. The others I am less concerned about so am willing to wait
    1. Additional clarification from Cheryl: 

      So to be clear ATRT3 is in my view the exception to the wait for CCWG outcomes rule proposed in the statement. It needs to run "as planned."

  7. Ariel, in line with Cheryl's clarification and noting that the original document did not mention ATRT3 at all, implying that it would be held at some undefined time POST-2016 (since the 2016 AoC reviews are listed, please change the first sentence of the 2nd paragraph from:

    ALAC specifically supports that there be no delay in the commencement of the ATRT3 project processes, nor any undue delay in the other AoC mandated reviews whilst the work of the CCWG on Accountability continues through to the completion of its Work Stream 1 and into its Work Stream 2 phases.


    ALAC specifically requests that the ATRT3 Review Team be convened no later than January 2017 and that there be no undue delay in the other AoC mandated reviews whilst the work of the CCWG on Accountability continues through to the completion of its Work Stream 1 and into its Work Stream 2 phases.


    1. Both versions have been amended accordingly and posted on the wiki under 'FINAL DRAFT VERSION TO BE VOTED UPON BY THE ALAC.'