"Towards a more innovative and revitalised At-Large"


1 = Low Needs
2 =Medium Needs
3 = High Needs
4 = Unassigned
Task DescriptionsIssue Numbers (where relevant)ALAC Proposal TextTask Type

Risk Level

1 = Low
2 = Medium
3 = High

Penholder(s)ProgressStarting DateNo. Weeks

Implementation Development

Maureen Hilyard




Implementation Activity

ARIWG formed and has met; project introduced.

Implementation Activity1Maureen Hilyard



Introduction completed


Quality vs quantity of ALAC advice#1

Staff, under the direction of At-Large
leadership, has already begun to
rework the website and Wiki to ensure that our “Policy Advice” pages are accurate and understandable. This will continue as volunteer and staff resources allow. We will also ensure that as documents are published, the classification of the document is clear.

Implementation Activity1Jonathan Zuck and Marita Moll



Leadership Team (ALT), which is not mandated by ICANN Bylaws, concentrates in the established leadership too many decision-making and other administrative powers which should be spread among the members of the ALAC.#4

The ALAC Chair will work with members
of the ALAC and staff to better
communicate the role and activities of
the ALT ensuring that it is clear what the
ALT does and does not do.

Implementation Activity1Maureen Hilyard and Hadia Elminiawi



Excessive amounts of At-Large Community time spent on process and procedure at expense of ALAC’s mandated responsibilities to produce policy advice and coordinate outreach and engagement activities. Too many internal working groups are a distraction.#7

The ALAC has begun to review our WGs,
ensuring that the ones we have are
active and relevant. We have also
started the process to revamp our WG
web and Wiki presence to ensure that
all WGs are properly represented and
documented. Groups no longer active
will be segregated, but still documented

for historical purposes
Implementation Activity1Javier Rúa-Jovet and Ricardo Holmquist



Absence of consistent performance metrics.#16
Implementation Activity1Dev Anand Teelucksingh and Joanna Kulesza



Category 1 completed



Need for increased At-Large Community awareness and staff training regarding the use of social media.

Implementation Activity
John Laprise and Holly Raiche



Uneven contribution of At-Large to a coordinated ICANN strategy for ‘Outreach and Engagement’. Missed opportunities for coordination with other constituencies and ICANN staff.#5 (similar to #12)

To the extent allowed by ICANN’s
mission and available funding, members
of At-Large and the At-Large
organizations will continue to, and
potentially increase, our involvement
with other I* organizations as a method
for increasing the visibility of At
-Large, exploring areas for mutual collaboration and for attracting additional At-Large volunteers.

At-Large will continue to work closely
with GSE Staff to contribute to regional
outreach plans and to encourage
participation in a cross
-community, cross-organizational fashion.

Implementation Activity
Tijani Ben Jemaa and Seun Ojedeji



Need more systematic RALO participation in regional events#13
Implementation Activity
Glenn McKnight and Daniel Nanghaka



Category 2 completed



At-Large has struggled to reflect/process end-user opinion; barriers to individual participation; perception of unchanging leadership group.


At-Large is increasingly focusing on
individuals (both unaffiliated At-Large
Members as well as members within
each ALS) instead of just ALS voting representatives. Four of the five
(RALOs) allow individual members and
the fifth, LACRALO, has already
approved the concept and is developing
the detailed rules. We will also use the
ALSes to communicate with those within
an ALS who may have an interest in
RALOs have also started to identify
experts on ICANN topics within their
ALSes and among individual members
and to increasingly engage them in
ALAC’s policy work. Thus, a bi-
directional flow of ICANN information continues to be strengthened.

These activities will require the production of information that is truly
understandable (as identified in a recent
ALAC-GAC Joint Statement) and
available in multiple languages. As some
of this will need to be created by At-
Large staff, additional resources may be
We would suggest that At-Large Staff
continue to work together with At-
Large Leadership in looking for effective
methodologies to coach and onboard
new policy volunteers and leaders to
facilitate the development of their skills
and encourage them to stay and deepen
their knowledge and expertise
Regarding the perception of unchanging
leadership, statistics reporting
involvement will be published.

Implementation Activity3Bastiaan Goslings and Bartlett Morgan



Staff resources are disproportionately concentrated on administrative support. Staff should have greater capacity to support preparation of policy advice.#3

Continue to look for opportunities to
utilize and develop the skills of At
-Large support staff while ensuring that the positions taken by At-Large represent solely those of users. Ensure that the volunteer community has sufficient support services so as to best utilize their volunteer time.

This may require a shift or development
of skills among At-Large Staff as well as additional staff.

Implementation Activity3Holly Raiche and Hadia Elminiawi



Election processes are excessively complex and have been open to allegations of unfairness.#6

At-Large will continue to evolve its
processes through its bottom
-up, consensus based, community deliberations and update as and when

Implementation Activity3Sébastien Bachollet and Alan Greenberg



Social media and other Internet-based tools could be used more effectively, and at minimal cost, to continuously survey and channel end-user input into ICANN policy making processes.#8
Implementation Activity3John Laprise and Dev Anand Teelucksingh



There are a multitude of communications channels used by At Large. This has led to fractured and undocumented communications.#10
Implementation Activity3Dev Anand Teelucksingh and John Laprise



While broadly popular, Global ATLAS meetings every 5 years have been difficult to organize and short on effective results. More frequent regional meetings would be more effective in encouraging both policy input and outreach while familiarizing more of At Large with workings of ICANN.
Implementation Activity3Olivier Crepin-Leblond, Eduardo Diaz and Humberto Carrasco



Category 3 completed



ALAC input to a coordinated ICANN Outreach sub-optimal.

#12 (similar to #5)
Implementation Activity3Maureen HilyardAlan Greenberg, Cheryl Langdon-Orr

Need for an innovative approach to funding a revitalized At-Large.#14
Implementation Activity3Maureen HilyardAlan Greenberg, Cheryl Langdon-Orr

Need to reinforce impact of outreach and engagement activities.#15
Implementation Activity3Maureen HilyardAlan Greenberg, Cheryl Langdon-Orr

Category 4 completed
