Welcome to the Second, Stability, and Resiliency Review (SSR2) wiki page!

Per Section 4.6 of ICANN Bylaws, the SSR2-RT is mandated to review by ICANN's commitment to enhance the operational stability, reliability, resiliency, security and global interoperability of the systems/processes (internal/external) that affect the Internet's unique identifiers 

Important information:

(green star) Observe the upcoming SSR2 Review Team face-to-face meeting in Madrid. Learn more

(red star) Share your input with the SSR2 Review Team! Send an email to input-to-ssr2rt@icann.org.

(blue star) Read highlights of the SSR2 Review Team's progress so far and learn how you can follow their work here. 

(star) Listen to the SSR2 discussion at ICANN58. See here for more information

(red star) Listen to the SSR2's first engagement session! See here for more details.