See ICANN 56 Home page here


Draft Agenda (subject to updates)

CCWG-Accountability Face-to-Face Meeting

ICANN-56 in Helsinki, Finland

Sunday, 26 June | 08:30 - 17:00 (EET)

  Location: Hall A

08:30 - 09:30 – Welcome to WS2 topics  

09:30 - 09:45 – Introduction to Lightning Talks 

09:45 - 10:30 – Lightning Talks (session 1) 

10:30 - 10:45 – Coffee break 

10:45-12:00 – WS2 and ATRT3 Timing 

12:00 - 13:00 Lunch break 

13:00 - 13:45 – Update on WS2 background papers 

13:45 - 15:00 – Lightning Talks (session 2) 

15:00 - 15:30 – Coffee break 

15:30 - 16:30 – Lightning Talks (session 3) 

16:30 - 17:00 – AOB and Closing Remarks 


Adobe Connect:

AC Replay:




 Dalila Rahmouni- Lightning Talk on DiversityEN | FR | AR | ES
 Steve Delbianco on SO/AC AccountabilitySteve on SOAC Accountability.pdf
 Alan Greenberg on TransparencyAlan-Transparency-CCWG.pdf
 Siva Muthusamy on Board guidelinesSiva Board Accountability.pdf
 Mathieu Weill on DiversityMWE Lightning Talk Helsinki.pdf
 Niels Ten Oever on Human rightsNiels Lightning Talk .pdf
 Pedro Ivo Da Silva on JurisdictionPedro Jurisdiction.pdf
 Jordan Carter talk on Jurisdiction
 Meeting slide deckCCWG Helsinki Meeting FINAL.pdf
 CCWG-WS2 and ATRT3CCWG-WS2 and ATRT3.pdf
 CCWG ACCT Member Travel Supportupdated 7 June
 CCWG ACCT Member Travel Supportupdated 21 April
 WS2 Plan & Helsinki AgendaCCWG-Acct - v2 WS2 plan and Helsinki agenda v3BT.pdf