EURALO General Assembly Part 1 (content part on Public Interest)

Time: 10:30-12:00

Meeting Room: Wicklow H1

Moderators:  EURALO Chairs, Wolf Ludwig (outgoing) and Olivier Crepin-Leblond (incoming)


1. Short introduction/summary by Wolf Ludwig

2. Comments from Bill Drake (EURALO) and Konstantinos Komaitis (ISOC) (5 min. each)

3. Comment by Nora Abussitta /Lauren Allison

4. Debate   - all






21 October 2015 at 15:45-17:30, PART TWO  

 Proposed A G E N D A

Moderators:  EURALO Chairs, Wolf Ludwig (outgoing) and Olivier Crepin-Leblond (incoming)


A.      Standing issues (15 minutes)

1. Opening, Welcome to Group and to Special Guests, Jean-Jacques Sahel, VP Stakeholder Engagement Europe and team as well as invited guest Speakers Wolfgang Kleinwächter, Rinalia Abdul Rahim(ICANN Board) and Alan Greenberg (ALAC Chair)

2. Confirmation of attending members and apologies

3. Confirmation of the assembly quorum

4. Adoption of the proposed Agenda

5. Adoption of the meeting minutes from the last F2F GA 2014, London


B.      Proposed agenda items (75 minutes)

6. Guest speakers: Wolfgang Kleinwächter , Rinalia Abdul Rahim (ICANN Board) and Alan Greenberg (ALAC Chair)  (15 minutes, 5 minutes each)

7. Discussion and adoption of the EURALO Annual Report 2014-2015  (5 minutes)

8.a) How to improve EURALO’s in-reach and member involvement? -- by what means, steps and tools?

8.b) How to encourage more participation at ALAC – ICANN (incl. regular WGs etc.)? (20 minutes)

9. Briefing and approval of the EURALO CROPP concept FY 2015-16 – if desired, creation of a Task Force to review previous experiences (2014-15) and to define a new concept (5 minutes)

Reference wiki: FY16 Community Regional Outreach Pilot Program (CROPP) Wiki Space

10. EURALO’s Outreach strategy in coordination with ICANN’s European strategy, Guest speaker Jean-Jacques Sahel, VP Stakeholder Engagement Europe (15 minutes)

11. 2015 EURALO Selections -- of a) EURALO Chair, b) Secretariat and c) Board (15 minutes)

C.      EURALO’s Individuals (15 minutes)

12. Briefing on status and development of EURALO’s Individuals Association, Roberto Gaetano (15 minutes)

13. Miscellaneous

14. Closing of General Assembly


Note: this proposed Agenda was discussed, amended and approved at the EURALO monthly call on 15 September 2015 and can be submitted to members prior to the GA.

Followed by

17:30-18:30 = European Coordination Session (in the same room as EURALO to save time) and

The Networking  and Outreach reception - JJS, VP Stakeholder Engagement Europe (18:30 move to the Foyer area for the Networking event)

Regular meeting of ICANN's European stakeholders, both to coordinate activities and discuss current issues, and to network

Draft agenda:

1. Review of upcoming and past activities by ICANN GSE Europe team and Jean Jacques to discuss opportunities to coordinate activities

2. Discuss current issues / open floor

3. Breaking into joint cocktail with EURALO: Networking among all European stakeholder groups