Evin Erdogdu:Welcome to the EURALO Webinar on General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on Monday, 19 February 2018 from 19:00 - 20:30 UTC.
  Evin Erdogdu:Agenda: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__community.icann.org_x_nhS8B&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=HedNXfBayuWxdPer7COiCJBd39KxvJQIgCaiDYF2Tm8&m=J2GRPiDd_f2WCSUhkU_7D5IudxOCf9NP4MTNQVG77q0&s=BuprHwLXyMw2jzJdY9AT1yLtn6X6pxMFI8AyCUFJJFw&e=
  Gabriel BOMBAMBO:Bonsoir GISELLA 
  Gisella Gruber:Bonsoir Cher Gabriel! 
  Gabriel BOMBAMBO:Je n'ai pas de son
  Gabriel BOMBAMBO:Apparemment il n'est pas encore temps 
  Gisella Gruber:@ Gabriel - on commence dans 28 minutes. Uniquement en anglais ce soir
  Gabriel BOMBAMBO:Merci 
  Michele Neylon:I'll dial in as soon as I've got my herbal tea
  Dewole Ajao:Thank you, Evin
  Silvia Vivanco:Hello all welcome 
  Evin Erdogdu:Welcome Michele. Great! :)
  Austin:Hi can someone please say something so i can do a sound check?
  Rieke Poppe - One.com:we hear you
  Austin:yes thanks!
  Michele Neylon:I've muted my phone as well
  Austin:i hope i'm muted!
  Michele Neylon:using headphones so hopefully they'll work okay - as long as the bluetooth doesn't explode
  Athina Fragkouli (RIPE NCC):hello all
  Evin Erdogdu:@Michele noted, thank you
  Evin Erdogdu:Hello Athina!
  Thomas Rickert, eco Association:HI all!
  Rieke Poppe - One.com:to mute, do what? (sound was bad)
  Evin Erdogdu:Press *6 for mute, thanks @Olivier
  Austin:can you please repeat that? in order to mute i do what?
  Austin:ah ok. im on a computer. 
  Rieke Poppe - One.com:I assume adobe connect auto-mutes us?
  Evin Erdogdu:We will be monitoring lines :)
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:In order to MUTE, press *6  (star 6)
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:UNMUTING: *7  (star 7)
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:Acobe Connect if you have connected your computer's mic, you need to mute too. 
  Evin Erdogdu:If you are connected via bridge and AC and not muted you will create an echo. Kind reminder :)
  Oksana Prykhodko:Hello everyone
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:@Evin -- indeed - the famous echo of listening to oneself 
  Evin Erdogdu::D
  Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):Hello All!
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:Thanks to Joly McFie, this session is also being broadcast on LiveStream! Link: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__livestream.com_internetsociety_euralogdpr-3Forigin-3Dstream-5Flive-26mixpanel-5Fid-3D136bcbdee9b6e-2D007947519-2D13134557-2D1fa400-2D136bcbdee9c115a-26acc-5Fid-3D10610841-26medium-3Demail&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=HedNXfBayuWxdPer7COiCJBd39KxvJQIgCaiDYF2Tm8&m=J2GRPiDd_f2WCSUhkU_7D5IudxOCf9NP4MTNQVG77q0&s=NSnhsr7RcHMFTbMlKfyR9yuD1NNyvobo3rFh_OoLrxE&e=
  Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):cool
  Lianna Galstyan:Hello, everyone.
  Evin Erdogdu:Welcome, all!
  Dina Solveig Jalkanen:Hey everyone o/
  pierre bonis:Hi everyone !
  Vrikson Acosta:Greetings everyone :)
  Evin Erdogdu:Wlecome!
  Evin Erdogdu:Hello @Pierre, welcome!
  Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):sounds fine
  Evin Erdogdu:Welcome @Leon Sanchez!
  Leon Sanchez:Hello everyone!
  Barrack Otieno ALAC:Hi Everyone
  Barrack Otieno ALAC:Keen to understand  whether GDPR will only affect hosted data or if it affects data in transit as well
  Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):Thank you @Thomas
  Matthieu Camus:sorry if already answered: data in transit is concerned as well if (and only if) the processor of the transit is able to read and distinguish data (for example, telecom operators are not concerned unless deep packet inspection)
  Thomas Rickert, eco Association:my pleasure, Javier!
  Barrack Otieno ALAC:Thank you Matthieu
  Hadia Elminiawi:hello all
  Matthieu Camus:BUT telecom operators are also concerned if they can relate an IP to an individual
  Barrack Otieno ALAC:A significant portion of Internet traffic in the global South is routed through Eur routed through Europe
  Michele Neylon:Dunno why they keep name checking me
  Michele Neylon:Maybe I should just disagree with everyone :)
  Rubens Kuhl:If the panelists could entertain a question about informing the data subjects that their personal data has been accessed and by whom. Good idea ? Bad idea ? 
  Dina Solveig Jalkanen:Looking forward to Michele Neylon's insight on GDPR!
  Dina Solveig Jalkanen::)
  Thomas Rickert, eco Association:BTW - I have set up a littile info site you find at www.gdpr.ninja. It has a visualization of the proess of getting compliant and a countdown on it, too :-)
  Thomas Rickert, eco Association:Don't look it up now - keep listening to Michele's GREAT presentation.
  Matthias Hudobnik:thank you thomas :-)
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you Thomas! 
  Eve Edelson (SF Bay ISOC chapter):thank you Thomas!
  Leon Sanchez:we hear you now OCL
  Dina Solveig Jalkanen::)
  Nadira AL-Araj:Can Athina get closer to the mic? 
  Evin Erdogdu:@Nadira, have asked her. Thank you!
  Nadira AL-Araj:Thanks Evin, I 'm following the transcipt
  Evin Erdogdu:@Nadira, wonderful!
  Olivier MJ Crépin-Leblond:@Nadira: good to see the transcript is useful
  Nadira AL-Araj:Yes it is
  Ayden Férdeline:Good idea to start it back in March 2017, rather than a few months before May. Seems a bit more prudent than the approach ICANN org has taken...
  Michele Neylon:Our ISO stuff has helped a lot 
  Michele Neylon:it doesn't get us all the way
  Michele Neylon:but it definitely gave us a head start
  Ayden Férdeline:and interesting to see that RIPE looked, internally, too. ICANN focuses so much on WHOIS and GDPR - I wonder how much personal data ICANN has internally which it doesn't even know about... has to be so much...
  Thomas Rickert, eco Association:Ayden, this is why we have always asked for a holistic view at data protection. 
  Nadira AL-Araj:@Ayden, particulary those public archived emails. 
  Ayden Férdeline:Yes, would help if the org had a privacy policy too, but baby steps...
  Thomas Rickert, eco Association:everyone looks at Whois, but the collection part and other processing activities are neglected
  Michele Neylon:https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__labs.ripe.net_Members_Athina_how-2Dwe-2Dre-2Dimplementing-2Dthe-2Dgdpr-2Dthe-2Dripe-2Ddatabase&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=HedNXfBayuWxdPer7COiCJBd39KxvJQIgCaiDYF2Tm8&m=J2GRPiDd_f2WCSUhkU_7D5IudxOCf9NP4MTNQVG77q0&s=-JZUKbJkOtRJUfLsLAlp5LqNuQOQEN6hP2NAby3t4Uw&e=
  Sebastien (ALAC):It was Thomas and Ayden one of the reason I wanted to have a call about GDPR regarding Euralo activities and who will be in charge (and charge in case of trouble)?
  Ayden Férdeline:good question; but good thing we have the new gtld auction proceeds fund to exhaust for the fines when they start rolling in....
  Thomas Rickert, eco Association:nothing to add
  Eve Edelson (SF Bay ISOC chapter):Question (no mic): SF Bay ISOC chapter has many members from other countries. We wonder  how (or if) GDPR impacts info on membership (e.g., mailing list)) and maybe need to repeat opt-in for the list
  Ayden Férdeline:Question for Athina: <QUESTION>Disclosure to third parties for the purpose of building value added services, policing cyber-crime in the private sector, and defending intellectual property rights, is not strictly speaking explicitly envisaged in ICANN's existing WHOIS policy, although it is implicit by the absence of a privacy policy that protects individual rights. If ICANN wishes to continue with this implicit policy, based on RIPE's experience coming to understand the GDPR, what do you think that ICANN needs to do to legitimize this?</QUESTION>
  Jim Prendergast:Does GDPR only apply to European citizens living in the European Economy Activity Area?  Or does it apply to European citizens, regardless of where they live?
  Ricardo Holmquist:I read this week that in spain only 20% of the companies are prepared for GDPR, any clue if this regulation inforcement could be delayed
  Eve Edelson (SF Bay ISOC chapter):follow-up: ISOC HQ is dealing with it -- but what about at the chapter level? thank you
  Michele Neylon:Jim - data subject in the EU or processed in the EU
  Barrack Otieno ALAC:It affects all members globally Olivier
  Nadira AL-Araj:It was world wide 
  Barrack Otieno ALAC:We have already consented in Africa
  pierre bonis:we have the same problem as isoc !
  Athina Fragkouli (RIPE NCC):can you hear me?
  Barrack Otieno ALAC:NO
  Silvia Vivanco:No Athina 
  Evin Erdogdu:@Olivier, will do!
  Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):<Question> To anybody: Does ICANN, under its by-law obligations to  take notice of "international law" and/or "human rights" consider protection of end-user’s privacy a legal obligation binding upon itself? Does this have any pertinence on the GDPR/RDS/WHOIS discussion?
  Michele Neylon:Olivier - we can hear you fine
  Evin Erdogdu:Athina is not on the bridge.
  Barrack Otieno ALAC:sorry for caps*
  Athina Fragkouli (RIPE NCC):hello?
  Leah Symekher SFBay Area ISOC:We have the same problem trying to get clarity from ISOC since it will affect our members who are globally loacted
  Jim Prendergast:thanks
  Matthieu Camus:other answer: any citizen who is a "resident" of EU (bank account or address even in a hotel)
  Michele Neylon:I'd agree with Thomas
  Michele Neylon:it gets more complicated though if they split their time 
  pierre bonis:maybe a solution is to ask for opt in in the renewal of the membership (for isoc discussion)
  Evin Erdogdu:Welcome again, @Athina!
  Athina Fragkouli (RIPE NCC):thank you @Evin
  Evin Erdogdu:You bet!
  pierre bonis:you're right Michele, but it will at the end depends of the address they will declare. A european one, or an indian one, even if they are european, asking for an indian service no?
  Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):<Question>: Perhaps @Thomas can tackle my question?
  Rubens Kuhl:Pierre, what if the customer's IP address is from India and they declare their address to be in the EU ? Which rule to apply ? 
  pierre bonis:then Rubens, I would say that it would still depend of the address they declare themselves (postbox). If they don't it will be difficult to ask for the GDPR protection for an indian service
  Michele Neylon:Pierre - yeah I know - it's far from simple
  Ayden Férdeline:European Commission FAQ: What should I do if I think that my personal data protection rights haven’t been respected?https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__ec.europa.eu_info_law_law-2Dtopic_data-2Dprotection_reform_rights-2Dcitizens_redress_what-2Dshould-2Di-2Ddo-2Dif-2Di-2Dthink-2Dmy-2Dpersonal-2Ddata-2Dprotection-2Drights-2Dhavent-2Dbeen-2Drespected-5FenIf&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=HedNXfBayuWxdPer7COiCJBd39KxvJQIgCaiDYF2Tm8&m=J2GRPiDd_f2WCSUhkU_7D5IudxOCf9NP4MTNQVG77q0&s=sqnjfq96Nt3LMFX7Awwc8TkD4dyu_8XYhtHPqtuKy8s&e=you lodge a complaint with your national Data Protection Authority (DPA) and they do nothing after 25 May 2018, you can take legal action against the DPA. Could be an option if a DPA gives ICANN too much leeway... 
  Ayden Férdeline:correct link - https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__ec.europa.eu_info_law_law-2Dtopic_data-2Dprotection_reform_rights-2Dcitizens_redress_what-2Dshould-2Di-2Ddo-2Dif-2Di-2Dthink-2Dmy-2Dpersonal-2Ddata-2Dprotection-2Drights-2Dhavent-2Dbeen-2Drespected-5Fen&d=DwIFaQ&c=FmY1u3PJp6wrcrwll3mSVzgfkbPSS6sJms7xcl4I5cM&r=HedNXfBayuWxdPer7COiCJBd39KxvJQIgCaiDYF2Tm8&m=J2GRPiDd_f2WCSUhkU_7D5IudxOCf9NP4MTNQVG77q0&s=wss2y5hiMn8z1IMUgYUMTZ0bLy0eX-N63tFKVGJ_PqQ&e=
  Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):Gone!!! No!!!
  Michele Neylon:Did the audio die?
  Michele Neylon:oh he's back
  Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):Thomas go back
  pierre bonis:the chat was gone at least for me, and I wanted to say how much I agreed with Michele 
  Vojislav Rodic:Just a reminder that GDPR covers data processing of EU citizens as well as temporary residents and even those on vacation or in transit (airport stopovers). If I register a domain while sitting on some remote FRA terminal, even though I'm not an EU citizen, I am protected under GDPR!
  Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):Thanks!
  Daniel Khauka Nanghaka:Some governments dont care about GDPR
  Michele Neylon:I'll dial back in 
  Michele Neylon:sorry - disconnected myself by accident
  Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):This is complex stuff!
  Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):Thanks Thomas
  pierre bonis:Vijislav : not sure, except if you bring the evidence that your IP, which is difficult if you want to win a case
  Michele Neylon:back
  Evin Erdogdu:@Michele, thank you!
  Michele Neylon:Agree 100% about small businesses
  Michele Neylon:I suspect the bulk of our smaller clients are going to get a nasty awakening
  Matthieu Camus:the GDPR 6.1.f article will be mainly used to legitimate data retention during for example a period of legal dispute where the data subject is concerned
  Michele Neylon:audio gone?
  pierre bonis:agreed with Thomas, axcept that the management system was not compulsary before. 
  Thomas Rickert, eco Association:Pierrem exactlym, that is the point I was nad
  Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):<Question> Does anybpdy know if any US State (like California or others) have any legal privacy norm similar to GDPR?
  Barrack Otieno ALAC:Great conversation
  Thomas Rickert, eco Association:point I was making when probably the audio was gone
  Ricardo Holmquist:Thanks Olivier, Thomas, Pierre, Michele and Athina, excellent webminar
  Leon Sanchez:Thanks everyone
  Leon Sanchez:very useful webinar
  Gabriel BOMBAMBO:Merci Olivier 
  Evin Erdogdu:Thank you all! Please stay on for RTT Survey if able.
  pierre bonis:thank you Leon !
  Matthias Hudobnik:thank you to all - very good one!
  Michele Neylon:if you're a participant who doesn't speak English how are you going to answer the questions?
  Dewole Ajao:You make a good point there, Michele
  Michele Neylon:I am trolling a little, but the question did strike me as a llittle odd 
  Vojislav Rodic:Even after thoroughly anonymizing all the data subjects in this webinar, we could stil leasily identify Michele :-)
  Michele Neylon:lol
  Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):thanks all!
  Athina Fragkouli (RIPE NCC):Thank you all!
  Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):Bye
  Rieke Poppe - One.com:bye everyone
  Thomas Rickert, eco Association:thanks all!
  Evin Erdogdu:@Michele we usually have this translated into ES and FR, though this call is only in EN. :)
  Barrack Otieno ALAC:Many thanks Thomas , Michele Pierre and Athina for the presentations and Pierre for moderation
  Tomslin Samme-Nlar:bye everyone and very helpful webinar
  pierre bonis:thanks alac for this great moment !!!
  Raymond Mamattah (Ghana):Thanks everyone. Greetings from Ghana
  Gisella Gruber:Thank you all! 
  Barrack Otieno ALAC:Sorry Olivier
  pierre bonis:love Ghana :-) 
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all for your participation! we thank the presenters and EURALO! 
  Thomas Rickert, eco Association:thanks to staff and Olivier, too!
  Dewole Ajao:Thank you all
  Javier Rúa-Jovet (ALAC):See you in PR!
  Raymond Mamattah (Ghana):Thanks Pierre.
  Sebastien (ALAC):Thanks Olivier
  Leah Symekher SFBay Area ISOC:Thank you
  Raymond Mamattah (Ghana):Good evening
  Olevie:tHANK  YOU
  Eliana:Bye, thanks

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