The Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC), the Business Constituency (BC), and the Internet Service Providers and Connectivity Providers Constituency (ISPCP) will each present to the ICANN Board on their respective discussion topics.
Discussion topics for this meeting include:
- GDPR / WhoIs compliance: specific CSG concerns
- GNSO review: basic conditions for a new round
- KSK Rollover Delay and ISP implications
- How to make our exchanges with the Board at the NCPH Intersessional and ICANN meetings more useful and informative? What would help the Board better understand the context of our policy positions?
- In view of the budget constraints - potential consideration for a more competitive document management strategy?
ICANN61 Schedule meeting link:
Date: Tue, Mar 13, 2018
Time: 13:30 - 15:00
Room: Ballroom A
For more information on the Intellectual Property Constituency (IPC) visit
For more information on the Business Constituency (BC) visit
For more information on the Internet Service Providers and Connectivity Providers (ISPCP) visit