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 The first call of  the Review of all Rights Protection Mechanisms (RPMs) Sub Team for Private Protection Mechanisms is scheduled for Wednesday, 14 June 2017 at 16:45 UTC for 45 minute duration. This will be held right after the RPM Member WG call.

09:45 PDT, 12:45 EDT, 17:45 London 18:45 CET

For other times:


  1. Roll call
  2. Election/selection of Sub Team chair(s)
  3. Agree on which version of the Sub Team questions to use for discussion (i.e. original co-chairs’ list, or list as edited subsequently by several Working Group members – both documents posted at[]
  4. [if time permits] Commence discussion of questions
  5. Next meeting (agree on date, time, recurrence)


  1. Additional Marketplace RPMs Questions Proposed by the WG Co-Chairs
  2. Additional Marketplace RPMs Questions Proposed by the WG Co-Chairs + Nevett/Payne edits
  3. (UPDATED BY STAFF ON SUB TEAM REQUEST) "Reverse Redline" of Additional Marketplace RPM Questions - 15 June 2017



Apologies: Brian Cimbolic 


Notes/ Action Items

Action Items:

  • Action Items for the Sub Team:
  1. Sub Team to consider whether or not to include the previous language proposed by the Co-Chairs (reverse redline), as well as any other questions that may need to be added
  2. Sub Team to consider how to refine question 1(a) on the mailing list
  3. Steve Levy to propose an amendment to question 4 to address change of ownership of registry operators that provide Additional Marketplace RPMs
  • Action Items for Staff:
  1. Staff to add Roger Baah to the Sub Team membership
  2. Staff to create "reverse redline" list of Sub Team questions, where deleted text is shown as part of the main text (but marked as proposed for deletion)

These high-level notes are designed to help PDP WG members navigate through the content of the call and are not meant as a substitute for the transcript and/or recording. The MP3, transcript, and chat are provided separately and are posted on the wiki here.


 1. Roll call

  • Call is a continuation of the full WG call - No objection to WG members who are not members of the Sub Team to remain on the call
  • Comparison of attendance in the AC room with the list of Sub Team members will be done for Sub Team member attendance

2. Election/selection of Sub Team chair(s)

  • Paul McGrady has volunteered to Chair or Co-Chair the Sub Team (support expressed by Susan Payne and Jon Nevett)
  • Call for Co-Chair to remain open for a few days on the Sub Team mailing list - Paul McGrady to tentatively act as Chair during this call until a Chair/Co-Chair is/are selected

3. Agree on which version of the Sub Team questions to use for discussion (i.e. original co-chairs’ list, or list as edited subsequently by several Working Group members – both documents posted at

  • Suggestion to begin the Sub Team's work/consideration with the version of questions edited by Jon Nevett/Susan Payne
  • Nevett/Payne version includes markups that show the suggested deleted portions from the original version proposed by the Co-Chairs
  • Action Item: Sub Team to consider whether or not to include the previous language proposed by the Co-Chairs (reverse redline), as well as any other questions that may need to be added
  • Procedurally, Sub Team should begin with Nevett/Payne version of the document, then decide whether consensus exists to add the language proposed by the Co-Chairs
  • Action Item: Staff to add Roger Baah to the Sub Team membership
  • Sub Team should consider questions that considers what happens to Additional Marketplace RPMs when ownership of registry operators changes
  • Action Item: Steve Levy to propose an amendment to question 4 to address change of ownership of registry operators that provide Additional Marketplace RPMs
  • Action Item: Staff to create "reverse redline" list of Sub Team questions, where deleted text is shown as part of the main text (but marked as proposed for deletion)

4. [if time permits] Commence discussion of questions

  • List of suggested names for the Sub Team:
    • Non-Mandatory Protections
    • Additional Protections
    • Registry-Specific RPMs
    • Voluntary Practices
    • Voluntary RPMs
    • Additional Voluntary RPMs
    • Non-Required Protections
    • Private Sector RPMs
    • Voluntary Registry RPMs
    • Additional Marketplace RPMs

Sub Team Agreement: Name of Sub Team decided to be “Additional Marketplace RPMs Sub Team”

  • Unlikely that the Sub Team will be able to meet again before ICANN 59
  • Workplan estimates that the Sub Team will continue to meet throughout July, then possibly conclude its work by first week/early August
  • Question 1:
    • Question 1(a) is one of the ongoing questions on the Trademark Claims Sub Team - this question is possibly a duplication of effort with the Trademark Claims Sub Team
    • This question was one of the TMCH Charter questions – Consequently, requests for information in relation to this question were made during the TMCH review - data has either been provided or has been identified as unavailable
    • This question covers the post-90 days ongoing notification service, as well as what private services are offered by the TMCH in relation to Additional Marketplace RPMs - could be used as clarification to question 1(a).
    • Do questions 1(a) and 1(b) cover the same topic?
    • TM Claims Sub Team questions are formatted in a normative way that covers whether the mandatory Claims service should be extended, but not what may be provided by Additional Marketplace RPMs
    • TMCH may be offer services in the future that Deloitte believes may be valuable to provide – distinction should be made regarding what registry operators are offering independently
    • If the context of the discussion is to understand the landscape of the mandated RPMs in relation to the Additional Marketplace RPMs, why does the Sub Team need to consider services that do not currently exist, but might be in the future? Those are not currently affecting the state of the ICANN-mandated RPMs today.
    • Understanding what is being offered in the additional marketplace, how it's useful and what demand exists, would be helpful in determining what may be required of the ICANN-mandated RPMs, and to what extent they are effective
    • Any additional services offered by Deloitte as the TMCH provider (ancillary services) beyond those mandated by ICANN policies need to be approved by ICANN - only ancillary service currently approved by ICANN is the post-90 days ongoing notification service
    • Action Item: Sub Team to consider how to refine question 1(a) on the mailing list
    • From the AC Chat: By contract, ICANN has to approve any and all "ancillary services" offered by the TMCH Operator - does not apply to arrangements offered by other parties using the TMCH.

5. Next meeting (agree on date, time, recurrence)

  • Not yet determined – Sub Team not going to meet again until after ICANN 59

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