GNSO meeting with ICANN Board (Monday 7 November 12:30-1:30 - Hall 6)

Proposed Agenda / Topics


1.      What do we (Board and ICANN organization) have to do to make the transition work for you? 

2.      What do we (Board, ICANN organization and community) need to do to advance trust and confidence in what we do?

Topics from the GNSO:

  • How do we make better use of our time at ICANN meetings:
    1) in terms of scheduling; and
    2) to provide more opportunities for Board/GAC/GNSO Council trilateral discussions on substantive topics of common interest.
  • IGO Protections


GNSO meeting with the Governmental Advisory Committee (Friday 4 November - 14:30 - 16:00 - Hall 4)

Proposed Agenda / Topics

(1)      Welcome/Introductions (Thomas/James)

(2)     Exchange of Views on GAC/GNSO Consultation Group (Mason/Manal)

(3)     Status update on PDPs of interest to the GAC (Mason/James/)

(4)     IGO/NGO and Red Cross (open discussion)

(5)     AOB

GNSO meeting with the Country Code Supporting Organization (ccNSO) (Saturday 5 November - 12:15 - 13:45 - Hall 6)

Proposed Agenda / Topics

1. Welcome & Introductions (incl. recent and upcoming leadership changes)

2. Update on ongoing joint ccNSO-GNSO CCWG efforts

a. CWG Principles (Becky Burr)

b. CWG to develop a framework for the use of Country and Territory names as TLDs (Heather)

c. CWG Internet Governance 

d. CCWG new gTLD Auction Proceeds

3. Non-CCWG Hot topics:

a. Future scheduling of the ICANN meetings: High Interest Sessions, block schedule. Ensuring broad participation in HIT sessions. Specified time on schedule?

b. Implementation of new Bylaws

GNSO meeting with GDD

Proposed Agenda / Topics

  1. Policy Implementation projects update  
    1. Thick Whois 
    2. IGO/INGO
    3. IRTPC and D
    4. Translation & Transliteration
    5. PPSAI
  2. New gTLD Program / Reviews Update
  3. Additional topics



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