The next New gTLD Auction Proceeds CCWG Charter Drafting Team will be held on Thursday, 23 June 2016 at 11:00 UTC for 120 minutes.

04:00 PDT, 07:00 EDT, 12:00 London, 13:00 CEST, 19:00 Singapore

For other times:

Proposed Agenda – new gTLD Auction Proceeds Drafting Team meeting – Thursday 23 June at 11.00 UTC 

  1. Welcome & Roll Call
  2. Review latest version of the charter
  3. Preparation for cross-community session in Helsinki
  4. Confirm next meeting following Helsinki 



AC Chat


Apologies:  Samantha Eisner, Sylvia Cadena

Notes 06/23 Meeting: 

 2.  Review latest version of the charter 

Notes: Document prepared today will be placed before community in Helsinki and then, following review of the comments received and possible updates, submitted to the Chartering Organisations for their consideration. 

Section 2: Problem statement 

Wording modified to reflect the views of community on empowering CCWG. Does not have material effect. 

Section 2: Scope 

Bullet 4, not expected that conflicts of interest will be avoided but rather dealt with appropriately such as stating potential interests upfront. There is a necessity to recognise that conflicts of interest are normal but will require to be dealt with differently, as applicable, between participation in the CCWG and funds dispersal stages in recognition of this. 

Finalised proposed text- 

"Take all appropriate measures to deal with conflicts of interest which includes disclosure as part of CCWG process as well as avoiding conflicts at subsequent stages" 

Bullet 5 and Bullet 1 (Constraints) Insert the term "not inconsistent" to mirror previous language. 

Bullet 5 (Constraints) unusually high standards on conflict of interest should apply to this work but this should be placed before the Community for discussion in Helsinki. This should be flagged as a unique and unusual feature of this charter by virtue of the large amount of funds involved.

Language to be inserted "...which will include certain mandatory disclosures specified by the DT." This is an item the DT will flag for discussion in Helsinki and return to after the Helsinki meeting. 

Page 5, bullet 1 reword as "Have sufficient interest (and ideally expertise)..."


3.  Preparation for cross-community session in Helsinki 

Notes: Slide deck should contain the following:

*specific inputs which the DT seeks from the Community; and

*process/progress/where next slide.


4.  Confirm next meeting following Helsinki 

No date set, this will be discussed following the Helsinki meeting.



First draft of the slides for the cross-community session

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