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Update: 7 April 2016, 11:00 UTC


Administrative Items


RSSAC Meetings


The most recent RSSAC teleconference was on 4 February 2016.

Action Items:

  • Kathy Schnitt to publish the minutes from the 7 January 2016 teleconference. (DONE)
  • Tripti Sinha and Brad Verd to work with Suzanne Woolf to convey the RSSAC position to the ICANN Board of Directors and the CCWG-Accountability.  (OBE)
  • Steve Sheng to publish the statement of scope and work for RSSAC002 v3. (DONE)
  • Steve Sheng and Daniel Karrenberg to draft a statement of scope and work on anycast instances and underserved areas. (IN PROGRESS)
  • Carlos Reyes to distribute a Doodle poll to the RSSAC to determine the preferred dates for the next RSSAC Workshop. (DONE)
  • Tripti Sinha and Brad Verd to request four volunteers for the Workshop Planning Committee. (IN PROGRESS)
  • Carlos Reyes to distribute the final RSSAC schedule for ICANN55 to the RSSAC. (DONE)

Open Action Items from Previous Teleconference(s)

  • Co-chairs to finalize the workshop planning committee membership, and staff to set up mailing list and send Doodle polls for first meeting. (DONE)
  • Carlos to draft RSSAC's meeting B plan for the RSSAC co-chair and committee to review. (DONE)
  • Daniel K to review and revise the updated statement of work on anycast instances.
  • Carlos to revise the operational procedure based on the feedback at ICANN55 and send to RSSAC co-chairs and then to RSSAC for final review. (IN PROGRESS)

The next RSSAC meeting will be on Thursday 05 May 2016

DRAFT Agenda Items

  1. Call to Order (Brad / Tripti) 
  2. Roll Call (Brad / Tripti) 
  3. Agenda Review (Brad / Tripti) 



RSSAC Caucus Meetings


Last Caucus Meeting was on 1 November 2015 (at IETF94). Next Caucus meeting is on 17 July 2016 at IETF 96 in Berlin, Germany.


RSSAC at ICANN Meetings


The most recent RSSAC Meeting at ICANN was on 8-9 March 2016 in Marrakech, Morocco.

Action Items:

  • Carlos Reyes to work with the Membership Committee on a survey of caucus and Kaveh's transition.
  • RSSAC Support staff to set up a calendar for the Caucus.
  • Carlos to work with Kevin on creating "categories" of work party members: Leader, Contributor, Reviewer, Observer.
  • Brad and Tripti to follow up with Joe Abley about the leadership of the RSN work party.
  • Carlos to work with the Communications team on creating an infographic for the root server history document.
  • Steve and Carlos to work with Suzanne on exploring why the Board still appoints RSSAC members/co-chairs (compared to GAC and ALAC)
  • Steve to send the caucus the updated history of root server system document, and send the document to RSSAC shepherd group for finalization. (DONE)
  • Tripti to revise the history document.
  • The RSSAC will ask the caucus to discuss and decide on: 1) how RSSAC and RSSAC Caucus should engage new comers, 2) expectations on how RSSAC should engage the caucus, 3) working practices of the caucus. 

  • Staff to communicate this need for version number in RSSAC002. (DONE)

  • RSSAC chair to remind work party chairs to engage all work party members. 

  • Carlos Reyes to work with Kevin Jones to incorporate RSSAC feedback on RSSAC000v2.
  • RSSAC members to volunteer to Tripti and Brad about workshop planning committee.
  • Staff to work with RSSAC members on the statement of work for the topics identified for Caucus. 

  • RSSAC to discuss how to better communicate with ICANN.  Some ideas include: 1) regularize RSSAC meeting with ICANN CTO at ICANN meetings, 2) RSSAC chairs to have a call with CTO ahead of ICANN meetings, 3) RSSAC support staff flag ICANN projects that might be interested to RSSAC, 4) ICANN and the community should be talking to RSSAC to engage in root server operators where responses from multiple root servers are needed, 5) ICANN should work with RSSAC to compile root server operators contact for emergency and security purposes, and 6) or a general contact for all the root server operators, 7) for operational issues concerning specific root server operators, ICANN should not contact RSSAC. 

  • David Conrad to provide RSSAC with a one-two page description of the Board advice registry process. 

ICANN56 will be from June 27-30 2016 in Helsinki, Finland.

ACTION ITEM: Carlos to draft RSSAC's meeting B plan for the RSSAC co-chair and committee to review.


RSSAC Travel Support


For FY16, RSSAC has 5 slots (2 co-chairs and 3 RSSAC members) for ICANN meetings.

Travel Support requests for ICANN56 have been processed.


RSSAC Workshop 2016Ongoing

Initial planning underway. Dates: May 10-12. Workshop Planning Committee in formation.

The RSSAC held a brainstorming session at ICANN55 about possible topics.

ACTION ITEM: Tripti and Brad to send staff the list of names for work shop work party. (DONE)


Public Comments/Input


CLOSED: Continuous Data-Driven Analysis of Root Server System Stability:


CCWG Proposal on Enhancing ICANN AccountabilityOngoing

CLOSED: RSSAC submitted comments on 9 January 2015 and follow-up discussions ensued on proposed ICANN bylaws changes. RSSAC also submitted a congratulatory statement to ICG via Liman on 10 March 2016.

There will be a upcoming comment period on bylaw changes for RSSAC to watch.


Work Parties/Committees


Membership Committee


Kaveh Ranjbar announced his intent to step down at ICANN55. Matt Weinberg will replace Kaveh. Jim Martin will remain on the Membership Committee (It is not required to be an RSSAC member to serve on the Membership Committee.)


Root Server System Naming SchemeOngoing

Shepherd: Suzanne Woolf

Leader: Joe Abley

Work Party held a meeting at IETF95. The leadership issue of the work party needs to be addressed.

Anycast InstancesNew

Steve Sheng sent the updated statement of work for review by Daniel Karrenberg on 3/15/2016.

ACTION ITEM: Daniel K to review and revise the updated statement of work.

History of Root Server SystemOngoing

3/16/2016: The caucus review has finished. The RSSAC shepherd group will revise the document.

ACTION: Tripti to incorporate Ashley's input and revise the document.

RSSAC002 v3OngoingThe work party working on v3 of RSSAC002 had two meetings. On track for delivery by 1 June 2016 to the RSSAC. 


RSSAC000 v2


Kevin Jones is leading an effort to revise the RSSAC operational procedures. Carlos Reyes is providing staff support. At ICANN 55, the RSSAC agreed on the proposed changes.

ACTION ITEM: Carlos to revise the operational procedure based on the feedback at ICANN 55 and send to RSSAC co-chairs and then to RSSAC for final review.

RSSAC001 v1Closed

RSSAC001 has been approved by RSSAC and available at:

RFC7720 has been published as well:

RSSAC002 v2



RSSAC002v2 has been approved by RSSAC and available at:

Deployment of statistics is being tracked and updated as of Q3 2016.

RSSAC003 v1OpenIANA is studying the advice and to make a recommendation to ICANN Board.

Possible Work Items Pending RSSAC discussion / resource availability

Proposed at the RSSAC Caucus Meeting on 22 March 2015.

      - Test bed for RSSAC001/RFC2870" compliance. Action Item: Lars-Johan Liman to ask DNS-OARC about public compliance of a test bed for RSSAC001/RFC2870bis.

      - Expand DITL to better see trends and avoid spikes. Action Item: Lars-Johan Liman to ask DNS-OARC about expanding DITL to better see trends and avoid spikes. 

Proposed at RSSAC Meetings at ICANN 55 on 8 March 2016.



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