Tribute to Fadi Chehadé and AFRALO Showcase

ICANN 55 Marrakech

Monday, 7th March 2016

Orion Tent



Welcome address - Aziz Hilali. AFRALO Chair (moderator)


Opening Address - Steve Crocker, Chair of the ICANN Board


Address by

Moulay Hafid Elalamy, Minister of Industry, Trade and New Technologies.

El Mountassir Billah Azdine, Director General of the National Agency for Regulation of Telecommunications


Allocution ofAlan Greenberg, ALAC Chair

Rinalia Abdul Rahim, Board Member


Presentation of

AFRALO ALSes by Tijani Ben Jemaa

Testimonial Video for Fadi Chehadé


Guest Speaker- Fadi Chehadé, ICANN President and CEO 


Closing remarks by Aziz Hilali



Entertainment and Cocktail continues until 20:30


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  1. Hello ,

    I just saw the list. But I'd like to know what were the criteria for selection of ALS for the showcase? My apologies if I am in step with the evolution of AFRALO activities.

    In fact, I often struggle to understand why I am often off at monthly meetings?

    Every time I asked to speak at these meetings, I realize that I did not listen. it is not possible for me to follow by adobe connect because I am frequently moving this time in the country for IGF DRC for which I was appointed by my peers as the executive secretary.

    To be frank, ICANN becomes increasingly distant and AfRALO very selective.

  2. thanks for information about organizers committee and program of activities. Just to know what ALs are selected to be physically in ICANN 55?

    Because I some difficults to complete information about visa about accommodation. I have an invitation letter from ICANN

    1. No individual ALS was selected. It was based on those who will be able to make it to the meeting. Will you be travelling to Marrakech? Have you visited the hotel map 

      1.  I proceeded to book a room at these hotels for the duration of 2 to 10 March 2016. The only answer I get, there are no rooms available on these dates