On 14 August ICANN posted the Enhancing ICANN Accountability and Governance: Process and Next Steps. Since posting, we've received some questions that are compiled here together with items perhaps useful to be addressed for the community. These Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) are to assist in your understanding of this process and of the ways you can participate, and will be updated to be responsive to community questions during the process. The FAQs and other process resources also can be found on a new Community Wiki space.

The Accountability Process ICANN has launched is critical to the successful transition of the IANA Functions Stewardship from the US Government to the Internet's multistakeholder community. All of us who are part of the ICANN community are responsibility for our accountability – for assessing the mechanisms – what works and what needs to be improved. It's important that you contribute. We hope you do.


Posted: 22 August 2014
To view the original announcement, see here

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