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The first meeting of the new IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms Working Group is scheduled for Monday 11 August 2014  at 16:00 UTC 09:00 PDT, 12:00 EDT, 17:00 London, 18:00 CET

For other times:

Adobe Connect WITH AUDIO enabled:


  1. Roll Call / Statements of Interest
  2. Introductions – members of the WG to share information regarding backgrounds, skills, experience (especially as related to any requirements in the WG Charter)
  3. Applicability of ICANN principles of transparency and openness
  4. Election of WG Leaders – a Chair is normally selected by WG members at the first meeting of the WG. A WG may elect to have co-chairs or vice-chairs. Once selected, the WG Chair will need to be confirmed by the GNSO Council.
  5. Items for initial review -  WG Background Materials, WG Charter, GNSO Working Group Guidelines, GNSO Policy Development Process
  6. Development of Work Plan: GNSO rules require that WGs develop a work plan that outlines the necessary steps and expected timing in order to achieve the milestones set out in the WG Charter
  7. Confirmation of next meeting


Documents for Review:

Presentation - Overview Information for First WG Meeting

MP3 Recording:


Meeting Transcript: TBA



Phil Corwin – BC

Claudia MacMaster Tamarit - Non-GNSO (INGO)

Dietmar Lenden  - RySG

George Kirikos - Individual

Imran Ahmed Shah – NCUC

Jay Chapman – Individual

Jim Bikoff – IPC

Nat Cohen – BC

Osvaldo Novoa – ISPCP

Paul Raynor – Individual

Paul Tattersfield – Individual

Petter Rindforth – IPC

Thomas Rickert   - Individual

Val Sherman – IPC

Griffin Barnett – IPC

John Mcgrann - RrSG

Paul Keating - NCSG



Mason Cole - RySG


ICANN staff:

Mary Wong

Steve Chan

Berry Cobb

Glen de Saint Gery

Nathalie Peregrine

Adobe Connect chat transcript for Monday 11 August 2014: 

Nathalie  Peregrine:Dear all, welcome to first meeting of the new IGO-INGO Access to Curative Rights Protection Mechanisms Working Group on Monday 11 August 2014

  Petter Rindforth:Hello everyone - looking forward to work with you in this WG!

  George Kirikos:Hi folks. Just about to dial-in via the telephone number.

  Imran Shah:Hi everyone,, Thanks

  George Kirikos:Hi Petter. I noticed is unregistered. You might want to grab it. :-) (I sent an email about this a couple of weeks ago, not sure if you saw it)

  Jay Chapman:Hello, everyone!

  George Kirikos:Hi Jay and Imran.

  Thomas Rickert:Hello everybody!

  George Kirikos:Welcome Thomas.

  Imran Shah:I think we may hold a 5min for the remaining ones

  George Kirikos:ALl the SOI are on the website.

  Mary Wong:Please check and either create or (if necessary) update your SOIs here:

  Mary Wong:You can see the agenda for the meeting today in the Notes pod.

  Dietmar Lenden - Valideus Ltd:Do you wanrt SOI's for observers as well?

  Mary Wong:@Dietmar, yes please.

  Dietmar Lenden - Valideus Ltd:

  Mary Wong:Thank you!

  George Kirikos:Should we go in order via the attendees list?

  Petter Rindforth:I will, by the next name

  Dietmar Lenden - Valideus Ltd:I'm not on the audio bridge but my statement is above

  Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO):Hello

  George Kirikos:Is youe audio working, Claudia?

  George Kirikos:You can dial in, if not.

  Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO):Apparently not}

  Dietmar Lenden - Valideus Ltd:Sorry Petter I'm not dialled in at the moment

  Dietmar Lenden - Valideus Ltd:Thank you Mary

  Nathalie  Peregrine:@ Claudia, you cna dial into the audio bridge, passcode IGO

  George Kirikos:In the USA/Canada, 1-866-692-5726, code = IGO

  John McGrann:Hi everyone, unfortunately I have no audio at this time but I am working on it

  Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO):I will have to call in.

  George Kirikos:Glen = ICANN staff

  George Kirikos:Imran? Are you on audio?

  Imran Shah:Can you hear me

  George Kirikos:No, you have to enable the mic.

  George Kirikos:Now we can hear you.

  Nathalie  Peregrine:Claudia is now on the audio bridge

  George Kirikos:Jay?

  Jay Chapman:my audio is not working at the moment

  George Kirikos:1-866-692-5726 code = IGO to dial in

  George Kirikos:Thats what I use, and its reliable.

  Jay Chapman:dialing now

  Mary Wong:Thanks, George - yes, that is the US dial in number for many WG calls (though the passcode varies depending on which call you're dialing into).

  George Kirikos:(that's for Canada/USA; Nathalie sent a list of all the numbers for other countries.

  Mary Wong:Please mute your mics if you are not speaking.

  George Kirikos:Did we skip Nat Cohen and Paul Keating?

  Paul Keating:Mary,  I am here as well but apparently not logged in.  Paul Keating

  Mary Wong:Thanks for letting us know, Paul.

  George Kirikos:You can log in as a guest?

  Paul Keating:did not remember my UN/PW.  :-(

  George Kirikos:No need for Username/Password.

  Nat Cohen:I am logged in as well as guest

  Nat Cohen:Nat Cohen

  George Kirikos: log in as a guest.

  George Kirikos:Paul: you can dial in by phone at SPAIN              34-91-414-25-33   or     800-300-053USA               1-517-345-9004   or       866-692-5726

  George Kirikos:with pass code of: IGO

  Mary Wong:Paul Keating and Nat Cohen's SOIs have been submitted and are published on the GNSO wiki page.

  Paul Keating:Paul Keating:  Attorney since 1983 working in the IP sector.  I have been active in domain names since 1999 and represent a number of portfolio holders and other service providers such as registrars and information providers.

  Nat Cohen:I am on a very poor internet connection.

  George Kirikos:We can hear you.

  George Kirikos:Nathalie just re-sent the dial-in instructions, in case folks missed it.

  Mary Wong:ICANN Expected Standards of Behaviour:

  George Kirikos:Should we use to poll members on best day of the week and time for meetings?

  George Kirikos:Oops, I meant

  Paul Keating:Paul Keaeting:  I would like to nominate Mr. Mason from Dounuts.  I feel that it would be a good start to have someone from outside of the enforcement side.

  Imran Shah:Yes, Would you explain the Leadership positions, as you told two Vice Chair,

  Imran Shah:and what others

  George Kirikos:Perhaps we can defer the chair selection, until the mailing list can be consulted?

  George Kirikos:(since not everyone could make it today)

  George Kirikos:Someone's ringtone?

  Mary Wong:We will send a note to the full mailing list after the call today.

  Paul Keating:Could you please review for the group what is expected of the chair?

  Paul Keating:thank you

  Paul Keating:thank you

  Paul Keating:Mary, will the ICANN staff assist in providing research materials or are members of teh WG responsible for such research?

  George Kirikos:Do we have a budget? There is a yearbook listing IGOs and INGOs at:

  Paul Keating:I ws thi9nking mor ealong the lines such as soverign immunity issues.

  George Kirikos: but it is very costly.

  George Kirikos:(over 2,000 Euros per year, and it's unclear if we can share access)

  Paul Keating:thank you

  Imran Shah:with reference to the Charter statement,  as it is stated .... whether to amend the UDRP and URS "to allow access to and use of these mechanisms by"...... IGOs and INGOs, ,.. My question is that is it not yet Accessible to them or  not?

  George Kirikos:Imran: That's not correct. UDRP has been utilized by the Red Cross in the past, for example.

  George Kirikos:Some IGOs/INGOs are concerned about agreeing to various jurisdictions, in the event that a UDRP/URS is appealed to a real court, though.

  George Kirikos:(i.e. some claim they have "immunity" from national courts)

  Paul Keating:Would ICANN staff kindly provide a summary of those already approved and those which are pending (and at what stage they are pending)?  And, would Staff kindly undertake to update that information for the WG?

  Mary Wong:@Paul, yes and yes

  Mary Wong:For starters, the Final Report (and recommendations) from the prior WG  as well as the Final Issue Report leadng to our current WG are posted on our WG wiki:

  George Kirikos:There isn't one.

  George Kirikos:List of active GNSO projects at:

  Imran Shah:Regarding frequency of meeting, I think weekly 2 hour meeting will become highly loaded, and suggest after two or more weeks.

  George Kirikos:We need data on the extent of the problem, to answer that.

  George Kirikos:So, that seems to be a threshold matter.

  Paul Keating:I would also suggest that we have a presentation by 1 or 2 NGO/IGOs so we can hear from them direcdtly what the issues really are.

  Paul Keating:I completely agree

  George Kirikos:Yes, Mary. I think getting that Yearbook would he helpful, as it lists all IGOs/INGOs.

  Paul Keating:some ideas for cattegories:

  George Kirikos:But, I'm not payin 2000 Euros to pay for it. :-)

  Petter Rindforth:Very good, thanks

  Paul Keating:number of UDRP/URS filings by IGO/NGOs and their outcome

  Paul Keating:Presentations by NGO/IGOs ato detail actual issues they face.

  George Kirikos:Mute your PC.

  Paul Keating:Number of NGO/IGOs with registered trademarks

  George Kirikos:Can't hear you....

  John McGrann:Good points there Paul

  George Kirikos:Some Article 6ter marks are listed in the USPTO.

  Paul Keating:I could not hear all that Nat said.

  Imran Shah:One more question, should we have to meet in person at ICANN meetings ?

  George Kirikos:I didn't hear Nat either.

  Mary Wong:@Imran, if the WG thinks it would be timely, we can arrange for a meeting slot at an ICANN meeting - of course, full remote participation facilities will be avialable for those who are not prsent in person.

  George Kirikos:Nat maybe forgot to lower his hand?

  Paul Keating:my audio is not working for output

  Nat Cohen:George, I was agreeing with you that it is a threshold issue why the NGOs and INGOs

  Nat Cohen:yes - sorry, forgot to lower my hand

  Jay Chapman:I agree with Paul and George as well on investigating just what the problem/s is/are

  George Kirikos:The phone quality is very good, in case folks might want to try things at future meetings.

  Nat Cohen:I wonder about people's vacation plans during August

  Paul Keating:Also, can we set a time limit for calls?

  Nat Cohen:May be better to postpone the next call til September when most people will be back from vacations

  Paul Keating:Also, August is holiday time and I suggest we have the next call the 1st week in Sept?

  Claudia MacMaster Tamarit (ISO):On that note, I have other obligations to attend to.  Thank you again.  It is a privilege to join you.

  George Kirikos:Nice meeting you, Claudia.

  George Kirikos:We should definitely make sure that there is an agenda for each meeting, as sometimes it gets overloaded with admin stuff that can/should be handled on the mailing list.

  George Kirikos:(i.e. meetings should be for stuff that can't easily be done via the mailing list)

  Paul Keating:George,  Can you mentione these points orally (I cannot do so).  Pera is not apparently reading the c hat.

  Paul Keating:time limit, agenda and next meeting in Sept.

  George Kirikos:I'll try....raised my hands.

  Paul Keating:Thanks George

  George Kirikos:No problem.

  Imran Shah:Yes, I think we can resolve the time limitation through active mailing list,  and sharing the informeation through maling list. Even, it is useful, if some one has some query or some comments, they shoould not wait for next meeting.

  John McGrann:Can we please set the time for each meeting depending on how often we are meeting?If we meet every fornight and have a scheduled one hour meetingcan be short?

  George Kirikos:Labour Day in Canada/USA is Sept 1st this year.

  Paul Keating:Mary, I think that you should only ask their availability for presentation instead of securing a date specifically for them to appear.  We can then set it within the agenda.

  Imran Shah:So, next we have at least three items, doodle for meeting time, and frwquency, the information sharing and the election nomination and finalization for the Election dates.

  Paul Keating:Pera, please read teh chat.

  Mary Wong:@Paul, ok, thank you

  Paul Keating:agreed.

  Mary Wong:Note that this meeting was scheduled for 90 minutes.

  George Kirikos:We're coming close to the 90 minutes, by the way (so we might start losing some people soon).

  Mary Wong:Staff will follow up with a summary email to the mailing list plus a Doodle poll.

  George Kirikos:Great minds think alike, Mary. :-)

  Mary Wong::)

  John McGrann:Is there any way to maximise the chat area?

  Mary Wong:We'll look into it

  George Kirikos:Bye for now, everyone.

  Mary Wong:Thank you all

  Paul Keating:thank you all, and Mary

  Nat Cohen:Thank you

  John McGrann:Thanks everyone

  Imran Shah:Thanks

  Jay Chapman:Thanks, all

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