- 24 November comment period opens - 24 Diciembre ends
- Document is presented to the community via Webinar 5 Jan
- Vote:To be confirmed
• 24 Noviembre empieza el periodo de comentarios
24 Diciembre termina periodo de comentarios
• Presentacion del documento via Webinar semana 5 Jan
• Votación: A confirmar
22 de abril 2015 Roosevelt O. King Estas son las modificaciones en rojo que yo sugeriría para esta propuesta: Ver versiones de palabras del documento aquí: ES | 22 April 2015 Roosevelt O. King Here are the amendments in red that I would suggest for this proposal: See word versions of the document here: EN | 22 de abril de 2015 Roosevelt O. King Em vermelho estão as emendas que eu sugiro para a proposta: |
- Si no hay organizaciones, intente obtener la información a partir de este contacto, sobre las posibilidades de organizar:
- Hasta cubrir a todos los países de la región, el deber de la Presidencia Secretaría de LACRALO (Organización Regional At-Large de América Latina e Islas del Caribe) es solicitar a la ICANN (Corporación para la Asignación de Nombres y Números en Internet) la asignación de fondos del presupuesto anual para este programa, a fin de cubrir los costos de refrescos y/o sede del evento, cuando sea necesario. Próximos pasos: - Se debe establecer una fecha que otorgue una antelación de al menos seis meses respecto al evento. - Para asegurar que el evento tomará lugar:
Se conservan todas las disposiciones previas y posteriores a ésto. Las siguientes son mis razones para las enmiendas:
| - If there are no organizations, try to obtain information from this contact on the possibilities to organize:
- Until all countries in the region are covered, the duty of the LACRALO President Secretariat is to request ICANN to assign annual budget funds to this programme to cover refreshments and/or venue cost of the event where it is required. Next steps: - A date should be set to give at least six months before the event. - To ensure the event will take place:
All the provisions before and after these are retained. Here are my reasons for the amendments:
| - Se não houver organizações, tentar obter informações com esse contato sobre a possibilidade de organizar:
- Enquanto não houver cobertura em todos os países da região, o dever do Presidente da Secretaria da LACRALO é solicitar que a ICANN atribua fundos anuais a esse programa para cobrir o valor dos alimentos/local do evento quando necessário. Próximas etapas: - Definir a data pelo menos seis meses antes do evento. - Para garantir que o evento seja realizado:
Todas as cláusulas anteriores e posteriores a esta devem ser mantidas. Justificativa para as emendas:
| |||
Este programa tiene como objetivo lograr al menos una ALS en cada país en los cuales LACRALO aún no tiene representación. Dada la experiencia lograda en los tres eventos iniciales, el procedimiento a seguir será: - Tratar de obtener contactos en los países no cubiertos. Estos contactos podrán ser personales o institucionales. Esta es una tarea que puede ser llevada a cabo por cualquier ALS de nuestra Región. - Una vez logrados los contactos, obtener la información necesaria sobre alguna o algunas organizaciones preexistentes como probables a certificar. - Orientar a la misma para que pueda presentar su solicitud de certificación. - De no haber organizaciones, tratar de obtener información del contacto sobre sus posibilidades para organizar un evento, tal como se hizo en Bolivia, Haití y República Dominicana. Para ello, es muy conveniente informarle que puede recurrir a sponsors tales como gobierno local municipal, provincial o estatal, empresas o instituciones de la sociedad civil, sin que esta descripción sea exhaustiva o limitante. - Hasta que estén cubiertos todos los países, será obligación del Presidente de LACRALO de proponer fondos en el presupuesto anual de ICANN a estos efectos.
Las vías para los próximos pasos: - Obtener las autorizaciones dentro del programa CROPP para solventar los gastos de viaje. - Ejecutar lo previsto en el presupuesto anual de ICANN, de haber sido aprobado. - Una vez obtenidas las autorizaciones, realizar las coordinaciones de detalle que aseguren la concreción del evento. Respecto de la organización de los eventos y en base a la experiencia obtenida: - Los eventos no deberían realizarse dentro del marco de otro evento general, y no ser simultáneos con otros eventos del marco general. - Deben ser orientados a instituciones, pero abiertos a todo público. Antes de la realización del viaje, esta información debe estar confirmada con el contacto local, coordinando con tiempo suficiente para que exista divulgación suficiente. - Deben ser sin costo alguno para poder acceder. - Deben viajar dos personas, a fin de evitar que ante cualquier inconveniente, el evento sea desarrollado igualmente. Para esto, ambos deben contar con la posibilidad de ser único expositor, y contar con los medios necesarios para hacerlo. - De existir la posibilidad, realizar más de un evento. Inclusive, verificar la posibilidad de una participación remota de gente del interior del país involucrado. - LACRALO debe contar con una presentación tipo, pero debe realizarse en el idioma local, para una correcta comprensión y logro del objetivo perseguido.
Al finalizar cada evento, se deberá obligatorio, para ser completado por los asistentes. Las consultas son:
Por favor, para la obtención de nuestros objetivos, le solicitamos completar el siguiente cuestionario. MUCHAS GRACIAS!
Dentro de la semana siguiente a su regreso, los expositores deberán presentar un informe que contenga:
The purpose of this program is to certify at least one ALS in every country in which LACRALO still has no representation. Due to the experience obtained during the three initial events, the procedure to be followed will be as detailed below: - Try to establish contacts in countries in which there is no LACRALO representative. These can be personal or institutional contacts. This task can be carried out by any ALS in our region. - Once contacts have been established, the objective is to obtain all the necessary information on one or more preexisting organizations that are likely to be certified. - Help this organization submit their certification application. - If there are no organizations, try to obtain information from this contact on the possibilities to organize an event, such as the one held in Bolivia, Haiti and the Dominican Republic. To do so, it is advisable to inform that sponsors may be contacted, including, but not limited to, the local, state or provincial governments, or civil society companies or institutions. - Until all countries in the region are covered, the duty of the LACRALO President is to request ICANN to assign annual budget funds to this program.
Next steps: - Obtain the necessary CROPP authorizations to cover travel expenses. - In case the funds requested are approved, make sure to use the estimated ICANN annual budget amount appropriately. - Once the authorizations are granted, make the necessary arrangements that will guarantee that the event will take place. In regards to the event organization and based on the experience obtained: - The events should not be carried out under a different general event and should not be held simultaneously with other events of the general framework. - The events should be aimed at institutions, but should also be open to the public. This information should be confirmed with the local contact before traveling and coordinated with enough time so as to make sure that the event is promoted appropriately. - The events should be free of charge. - Two people should travel to the venue in order to make sure that the event takes place in case any inconveniences arise. Both should be able to make a presentation on their own and should have all the necessary means to do so. - If possible, organize more than one event. You must even check if it is possible for people from other parts of the country to participate remotely. - LACRALO should prepare a standard presentation that must be carried out in the local language in order to guarantee that all participants have a proper understanding and to achieve the main goal.
After each event, an anonymous non-obligatory survey must be handed out for participants to complete. The survey should include the following questions:
In order to make sure that we are achieving our main objectives, kindly complete the following survey. THANK YOU!
Upon their arrival the following week, presenters must submit a report that should include the information detailed below:
Humberto Carrasco
Copio correo de Alejandro Pisanty de esta fecha 20/08/2014:
Sergio Salinas Porto
Estimados, creo necesario decir que hay que apostar a esto que se ha manifestado oportunamente y que propone un cambio paradigmático en nuestra región.
Yo no era muy partidario de esta propuesta, pero debo decir que es una muy buena iniciativa.
Creo que hay que ser mas claros en algunas cuestiones:
1) Las dos personas que viajen deben de ser miembros de LACRALO, no pueden ser de la misma ALS y deben de representar en principio intereses diferentes (EJ, uno de la sociedad civil (incluida la comunidad técnica y los sectores académicos) y otro de organizaciones de usuarios) ya que son los distintos públicos que vamos a interesar.
2) Ser más claros en el tema costos: Esto no puede recaer de ninguna manera en las organizaciones integrantes de LACRALO o en sus miembros representantes/participantes, de esta actividad no solo se sirve nuestra comunidad sino también ICANN.
3) Se deben de realizar y llevar: Presentación, documentos y folletería en distintos idiomas y homologado en LACRALO e ICANN.
4) Se debe de prever apoyatura de interpretación en los casos necesarios.
Humberto Carrasco
Este programa tiene como objetivo lograr al menos una ALS en cada país en los cuales LACRALO aún no tiene representación.
Dada la experiencia lograda en los tres eventos iniciales, el procedimiento a seguir será:
- Tratar de obtener contactos en los países no cubiertos. Estos contactos podrán ser personales o institucionales. Esta es una tarea que puede ser llevada a cabo por cualquier ALS de nuestra Región.
- Una vez logrados los contactos, obtener la información necesaria sobre alguna o algunas organizaciones preexistentes como probables a certificar.
- Orientar a la misma para que pueda presentar su solicitud de certificación.
- De no haber organizaciones, tratar de obtener información del contacto sobre sus posibilidades para organizar un evento, tal como se hizo en Bolivia, Haití y República Dominicana. Para ello, es muy conveniente informarle que puede recurrir a sponsors tales como gobierno local municipal, provincial o estatal, empresas o instituciones de la sociedad civil, sin que esta descripción sea exhaustiva o limitante.
- Hasta que estén cubiertos todos los países, será obligación del Presidente de LACRALO de proponer fondos en el presupuesto anual de ICANN a estos efectos.
Las vías para los próximos pasos:
- Obtener las autorizaciones dentro del programa CROPP para solventar los gastos de viaje.
- Ejecutar lo previsto en el presupuesto anual de ICANN, de haber sido aprobado.
- Una vez obtenidas las autorizaciones, se deben realizar las coordinaciones de detalle que aseguren la concreción del evento.
Respecto de la organización de los eventos y en base a la experiencia obtenida:
- Los eventos no deberían realizarse dentro del marco de otro evento general, y no ser simultáneos con otros eventos del marco general.
- Deben ser orientados a instituciones, pero abiertos a todo público. Antes de la realización del viaje, esta información debe estar confirmada con el contacto local, coordinando con tiempo suficiente para que exista divulgación suficiente.
- Deben ser sin costo alguno para poder acceder.
- Deben viajar dos personas, a fin de lograr que ante cualquier inconveniente el evento se desarrolle igualmente. Para esto, ambos deben contar con la posibilidad de ser únicos expositores, y contar con los medios necesarios para hacerlo. Deben pertenecer a distintas ALS, y de ser posible, de distintas orientaciones (Sociedad Civil, Técnica, etc.).
- De existir la posibilidad, realizar más de un evento. Inclusive, verificar la posibilidad de una participación remota de gente del interior del país involucrado.
- LACRALO debe contar con una presentación tipo, pero debe realizarse en el idioma local, para una correcta comprensión y logro del objetivo perseguido.
Al finalizar cada evento, se deberá entregar un cuestionario anónimo no obligatorio, para ser completado por los asistentes. Las consultas son:
Por favor, para la obtención de nuestros objetivos, le solicitamos completar el siguiente cuestionario. MUCHAS GRACIAS!
Dentro de la semana siguiente a su regreso, los expositores deberán presentar un informe que contenga:
The purpose of this program is to certify at least one ALS in every country in which LACRALO still has no representation.
Due to the experience obtained during the three initial events, the procedure to be followed will be as detailed below:
- Try to establish contacts in countries in which there is no LACRALO representative. These can be personal or institutional contacts. This task can be carried out by any ALS in our region.
- Once contacts have been established, the objective is to obtain all the necessary information on one or more preexisting organizations that are likely to be certified.
- Help this organization submit their certification application.
- If there are no organizations, try to obtain information from this contact on the possibilities to organize an event, such as the one held in Bolivia, Haiti and the Dominican Republic. To do so, it is advisable to inform that sponsors may be contacted, including, but not limited to, the local, state or provincial governments, or civil society companies or institutions.
- Until all countries in the region are covered, the duty of the LACRALO President is to request ICANN to assign annual budget funds to this program.
Next steps:
- Obtain the necessary CROPP authorizations to cover travel expenses.
- In case the funds requested are approved, make sure to use the estimated ICANN annual budget amount appropriately.
- Once the authorizations are granted, make the necessary arrangements that will guarantee that the event will take place.
In regards to the event organization and based on the experience obtained:
- The events should not be carried out under a different general event and should not be held simultaneously with other events of the general framework.
- The events should be aimed at institutions, but should also be open to the public. This information should be confirmed with the local contact before traveling and coordinated with enough time so as to make sure that the event is promoted appropriately.
- The events should be free of charge.
- Two people should travel to the venue in order to make sure that the event takes place in case any inconveniences arise. Both should be able to make a presentation on their own and should have all the necessary means to do so.They must belong to different ALS, and if possible, to have different orientations (Civil Society, Technology, etc.).
- If possible, organize more than one event. You must even check if it is possible for people from other parts of the country to participate remotely.
- LACRALO should prepare a standard presentation that must be carried out in the local language in order to guarantee that all participants have a proper understanding and to achieve the main goal.
After each event, an anonymous non-obligatory survey must be handed out for participants to complete. The survey should include the following questions:
In order to make sure that we are achieving our main objectives, kindly complete the following survey. THANK YOU!
Upon their arrival the following week, presenters must submit a report that should include the information detailed below:
Roosevelt O. King
I am not sure this fits our challenges in the Caribbean. We have tried this so many times without success. If it was this easy, then we would have had more countries on board from the Caribbean by now. We started with four countries when the MoU was signed and we still have four.
This may very well serve the agenda of LA but not ours. Nobody is going to run around behind sponsors in the Caribbean given our economic conditions at this time. ICANN and LACRALO is a hard sell in the Caribbean as too many are very busy just trying to deal with bread and butter issues and unless we can get support for our leaders in the Caribbean, all the trips, etc. will make no difference. We have a track record. There is no need for two people to travel to a Caribbean island to try to bring together users. This will not be successful.
This brings me to the question of Caribbean participation in LACRALO. These issues have come to a vote without Caribbean participation or input? At least, those of us from the Caribbean who have the experience made no inputs. So as usual, this will benefit only LA. The C has dried up. We have been like voices in the wilderness asking for support with none forthcoming. It is difficult to support this. It is a slap in the face. Even the survey is not asking the questions we would want addressed.
I must admit that I am a bit tired of this. All I can say to LA is travel on.
Aida Noblia
Excuse me Roosevelt: I think I understand you. But, in your opinion, what is the way that it would fits your challenges? Are there other way that you suggest? There areesups another posibility to work in this cases? What questions would you want to address?
Roosevelt O. King
The way is to support the champions on the ground in their countries. The funds you would want to spend on two people travelling to islands will be better spent supporting the champions in each Caribbean island to establish ALS. That is the reality in the Caribbean. You try to put all this pressure and work on the champions and then two people waltz in with travel and accommodation paid for? To do what? They can't bring the locals together and neither will they have any information you can't find on the internet or that LACRALO can't provide by way of video calls via the internet like skype or even adobe connect.
Staff member Albert Daniels is from St. Lucia but there is no ALS in St. Lucia. Could you ask him why? He is certainly a champion of ICTs, but obviously he needs support to establish an ALS. If you don't understand the plight of Small Island Developing States, then you can't appreciate what I am saying and it looks like nobody cares or wants to understand, so we are being left on the periphery. If ICANN is about users and multi-stakeholders, then none should be left out. Some circumstances will be easy and some will be difficult and it should be each according to their needs. On this path, we will be forever left out. I keep saying that the Caribbean needs to stand on its own because we get very little cooperation from LACRALO, especially in this period when all the officials of LACRALO are from LA. It is obvious that we don't stand a chance in this unholy alliance.
Roosevelt O. King
Prime example: Right now we are trying to establish a remote hub for Barbados to join in the CIG in Geneva. Jason Hynds spent the better part of a month trying to find sponsors to help, without success. He also sent out invitations for people to attend. No assistance whatsoever from LACRALO or ICANN. Even the large internet providers are saying they can't help. Finally we got one response and that barely covers half of the expenses. Jason is now out of pocket, having spent the last week focused entirely on getting support for the hub, forsaking his own work, which is how he eats.
But understand the embarrassment if we have to call it off simply because we can't get the sponsorship. Or if we continue we will have to try and pay the balance out of our pockets. Yet having the hub is a good way to get a cross section of users together and keep them together so they can make inputs into the governance of the internet.
The hub we did for the last meeting of ICANN we only finished paying off the debt last week; 30 days later and this is not good enough. We must take outreach seriously and don't end up wasting resources on trips that are unnecessary.
Roosevelt O. King
Apologies to ICANN and its staff who I am told were the only ones to respond to our last remote hub and gave support. Since writing the above, I have learned that ICANN subsequently responded promptly to a very late request from the recent remote hub to give support. For this I must extend thanks to ICANN on behalf of the Barbados Remote Hub
Let me also take the opportunity to say that it is my experience that ICANN and its staff have always been responsive to issues and where issues are outside their domain, they have offered advice. Hence my statement above should not have included ICANN as ones who did not offer assistance. I can only guess that frustration overtook me at this point that caused me to write from impressions rather than facts, as it pertains to ICANN.
I am therefore hoping that LACRALO would rise to the occasion of helping to facilitate ALs in the Caribbean and not leave them to struggle on their own. What then would be the benefit of LACRALO as a hub for users in their interaction with ICANN if LACRALO, (which could be considered an extension of ICANN) is not able to assist ALs in their endeavour to make users aware and allow them to participate? I take note of the three events that happened in Latin American countries (except Haiti which is French) and no such initiative in the English Caribbean which need it most. This is glaring. The region should be equally serviced and I am hoping that going forward we would overcome this problem and I do not find myself in the strange position of feeling compelled to react in this manner because LACRALO seems not to be listening. I am not one to sit idly by for too long, which is what I have been doing for the past 2 to 3 years.
Again, my apologies to ICANN and its staff. I will stick to the LACRALO issues and endeavour to help it better mirror the principles of ICANN and the multi-stakeholder model.
Alberto Soto
Estimados, ISOC ha pagado (vía reintegro) tres hubs remotos en nuestra REgión. Hubo un aviso previo, algunos interesados se pusieron en contacto conmigo y finalmente el proyecto se concretó. Yo participé hasta el momento en que el reintegro se hizo efectivo.
Esta es la forma de trabajar en conjunto. si hay inquietudes, por favor pónganse en contacto con la dirigencia. Rápidamente podremos ver si obtenemos algo o no. Pero siempre se intentará. El trabajo en grupo es el que da mejores resultados.
Aida Noblia
It is a request for especific support for activities that may be proposed an existing ALS. I understand that could be complementary. There are two ways: to spread to other countries and strengthen the activity of ALS that already exist within their own countries. The participation of the people of the country itself is important, but I would not be excluded from this proposal to be voted. It could emphasize participation. I understand that it could be another interesting proposal.
Vanda Scartezini
I do understand Roosevelt frustation. Having been trying to outreach in our regions for ALAC, for NOMCOM for so many years I know people barely have capacity to do anything else they do to keep themselves with a decent life. volunteers is a time consumer that is attractive for some, but not for the majority. I believe also that we need to think about what is priority for each country. I supper the general idea to have one ALS at least from each country, but look at Brazil- we have more than 100 organisations here that could be ALSs but we just have few. People see no much atractivity in being part of the RALOs.
however, my suggestion is not to spend $ with the caribbean, instead use similar $ to achieve more participation for that region that makes sense to them. not an easy talk with Xavier, the ICANN CFO, but worth to try.
Aida Noblia
Vanda: I agree with what you say. We should establish a working strategy that takes into account the different realities and priority needs in each region and country. Encourage participation in ICANN that is useful to people according to those priorities. For this it is necessary to analyze each case. In some cases it may be useful to send speakers, and in others cases will have to see what may be the activity performed. So ICANN resources be used rationally and have better results.
Roosevelt O. King
@ Aida I am Happy that you agreed and said it yourself because saying it directly to LA had no impact. We were told that we want to rule LACRALO and that we were so small that our needs and participation did not count. LACRALO has two sub-regions. It is not a homogeneous region. LA seems to think that raw democracy rules with no regard for the plight of minorities... as if we are not people with particular needs too, but most important is that we must be able to live with ourselves. So if you want support from the Caribbean for what you want to do, ensure that how the Caribbean wants to proceed is part of the proposal. So if we vote no it is not because we don't want you to do what you want, it is because you are asking us to vote for what you want but have no regard for what we want. Simple as that. We have to protest and it is our right and duty to protest if we can get nothing we want. You cannot simply ask us to endorse what you want.
Furthermore, LACRALO is not about democracy alone; as so many from LA believe. It is about two regions. It is about cooperation and forging alliances and friendships. How can you call me your friend or ally when you get what you want and we get nothing? It is about the two sub-regions acting in the best interest of both. This is another level of resolving issues and the goal is to achieve the two subregions acting as one. Does not matter how many are on each side but each side can state what they want and then the two must come together to make a satisfactory proposal.
Another point that must be made is that LACRALO is about users and that is why the original rules minimised officials and the role of officials. The reason is that the organisation should not lose focus and become a political football, which is what it is about to become. Why does LACRALO want to make statements? Is it so that one person can get up and speak for all users? That is impossible. Is it about wielding power? LACRALO is essentially a process for users to input into ICANN. Being an organisation is merely incidental to its role. So why do we want President, Vice President rather than a person who will chair meetings and a secretariat to coordinate the work? The original rules spoke of a chair-person and a secretariat because if you are coordinating comments from users to input into ICANN, you need a secretariat. There is no need for any other officials except a chair to keep meetings in order and a secretariat to do the work.
Under the circumstances with the proposed new rules, LACRALO is about to be corrupted because of this concept of democracy being the rule of the majority. So the majority is not understanding why LACRALO does not have these officials but proceeds to install them because they are the majority. We cannot care about what other RALOs do. We have to be responsible enough to establish the right vehicle to do the job and we are not going to be effective if the focus of our business is not on users, but instead on the glorification of members. It is unfair to users and turns LACRALO into a political football. That is not our purpose. It is not for the majority to control but for us to fulfil a function and a role in the development of the internet and by extension, our societies through the perpetration of the multi-stakeholder model. We should strive to become a model for the success of the multi-stakeholder model, as a unit of the multi-stakeholder model.
Alberto Soto
LACRALO no tiene dos regiones. Porque con ese pensamiento: cuantas regiones tiene AFRALO y cuantas APRALO? No solamente tienen características diferentes, sino muchos lenguajes diferentes.
Como ejemplo de esta propuesta, en muy corto tiempo y como resultados de esos viajes, tendremos una organización en Puerto Príncipe, Haití, y dos en República Dominicana, con seguridad una en Santo Domingo y la otra que que tendrá domicilio en el interior. Y se logró con lo que estamos planteando. Pasaríamos de los cuatro que se mencionan a siete, utilizando este procedimiento.
Si se considera que no es correcto, por favor, tomar el párrafo y modificarlo tal como consideran que debe quedar. Fundamente tal modificación. Esto es trabajar en grupo.
LACRALO debe hacer declaraciones. De opinar como grupo, y por ello estamos presentando otro proyecto para realizar las declaraciones. Como verán, buscamos que no opine el Presidente y Secretario, sino que ellos coordinen y obtengan consenso dentro de la Región, y es lo que se está haciendo.
Basta el ejemplo del proceso de certificación de una organización. ALAC es quien define, LACRALO solo emite una declaración. Y así varios procesos y opiniones sobre temas importantes, relacionados con el usuario final.
Roosevelt O. King
My response totally negates the proposal. We have methods of getting inputs and we already have methods of communicating those inputs. Is there something wrong with how we do it now? Why does LACRALO need to make statements? It is the users who need to make statements and comments and it is not for LACRALO to seek consensus on statements because this would essentially compromise users' comments.
Hence there is nothing in the proposal that I would want to amend, I would want to erase it entirely. I think that if comments are requested, comments should be sent. If it requires a vote, then vote it should be. This is transparency. To speak of LACRALO making statements is not transparent and should not be allowed to replace sending comments or voting to policy and decision-makers. I am not understanding this great need for consensus? If we are talking about diversity, why is there a need for consensus, except at a decision making level. If we are asked for comments, don't you think that diverse comments are useful to those that ask for comments? Don't you think that the results of a poll is instructive? If you really want me to send wording, I will. I will get on it right now too and send in a short while. I know you will not like it.
Finally, LA and C are two regions that make up LACRALO. There can no argument about that otherwise the name would not be LAC-RALO. They are geopolitical regions based on who identifies with whom. LA cannot claim to identify with the Caribbean geopolitically. It just does not happen. Whatever examples you choose to bring are irrelevant. CARICOM is Caribbean. CARIFORUM is = DR + CARICOM. Guyana is CARICOM not Latin America. For you to try to make a case that LA and C are not two regions is like blowing in the wind.
Aida Noblia
I think you have interpreted my view in a special way, which is not exactly what I meant. I agree in what say Vanda. in a general consideration. It is much more related to the fact that you are living in your region and from their point of view. I meant something more general, referring to an overall strategy for the situation in different countries, such as Vanda mentions his own country, Brazil. This is what I meant, not just what he says concerning the Caribbean, but also in other areas that could be a problem with respect to material resources limited. In this regard the proposal made at yesterday's meeting LACRALO President Alberto Soto, to talk with you to find a reasonable solution.
Roosevelt O. King
Not talk to me. Talk to the Caribbean. I am not into the power broker thing. This is a Caribbean problem,. not mine alone. All I am stating is that the Caribbean be given some consideration for the type of problem we are facing. This is the same problem I mentioned above. This is about users and I only referred to you in one light. The rest of my comment is based on the recent history of interacting with LA. With respect to you, I was merely happy that you could see that any proposal should be about the two. Nothing else in there refers to you. My humble apologies if you misunderstood... but I would invite you to read it again without thinking that I am referring to you or your comment except as I explained.
Roosevelt O. King
I suggest that you ask the Caribbean to make some inputs into the outreach proposal and ask for comment on the other one.
Alberto Soto
Roosevelt, tienes toda la libertad de sugerir con fundamentos todo lo que quieras. Puedo dentro de mis funciones, coordinar con ICANN tal como lo estoy haciendo hasta este momento, y lograr apoyo. Sigo insistiendo en la responsabilidad que hemos asumido todos los integrantes de cada ALS al integrarnos a la misma. Y la respnsabilidad que asumió cada ALS al incorporarse a LACRALO. Y la responsabilidad que asumió LACRALO al firmar el MOU con ICANN.
Parecería que quieres que toda la responsabilidad sea de los dirigentes, y yo confío en lograr que ejerciendo esa responsabilidad que mencionas, logremos el consenso necesario en todas nuestras actividades, pero para ello hay que participar activamente.
Aida Noblia
I agree. I am not thinking only in the Caribbean but also in other countries with similar conditions as said Vanda. I think that it is necesary a general strategy. Do not only think about the recent events that you mentioned. I think that if you talk with the president of the region, Alberto Soto, as he proposed you, is a good begining to try to find a solution for the future.I agree.
Roosevelt O. King
As I said, I am not interested in power brokering. I am interested in process. We do not have a president, we have a chair-person responsible for chairing meetings and as far as I know, the chair has no executive powers.
I am therefore, not interested in speaking to a president that we don't have. I am interested in giving the Caribbean an opportunity to make inputs into the proposal which, wittingly or unwittingly we were denied this opportunity. I am not even sure that we had an opportunity to be on the working group. This is unfortunate and the kind of scenario we must avoid. People need to play their roles effectively and with transparency.
The role of ensuring that there is participation is the role of the secretariat, not the chair-person. It is the secretariat which must ensure that everybody is notified and that everybody has the opportunity to make their inputs. This is not the role of the Chair-person. If anything, the secretariat needs to undertake its role. It is supposed to be the master of the process, not the Chair-person.
The role of the secretariat is to send out the notices and information to every member. It is a process. I don't want to hear about the Chair in this matter. The Secretariat needs to explain why it has not done its job?
Humberto Carrasco
Dear Roosevelt,
The discussion about this proposal was announced in the LACRALO monthly meeting the 18th of August, 2014. You can listen the records of the meeting here:
LACRALO Monthly Teleconference 2014-08-18
In turn, I sent 3 reminders by email to the LACRALO list on the following dates :
It is impossible to send emails to each member of the LACRALO list and precisely this has been the goal of creating LACRALO list.
As you can see, I sent the information to everybody about this issue.
Roosevelt O. King
Dear Humberto,
LACRALO had a mailing list for many years now. I am not sure what you mean when you say it is impossible to send to everyone. You simply have to get everyone on the mailing list and then your duty would be to send to the list. Announcing at meetings is one thing, circulating is another. When Dev was Secretariat we never had this problem in the Caribbean nor in LA. Everybody was treated equally. We expect the Secretariat to continue functioning with the same efficiency no matter who is elected.
This is the first time I am seeing any of these documents and if you sent them around with all those garbled characters, then the probability that I would have seen them is slim because I don't waste time sifting through characters for words and sentences that are not intelligible. I have better things to do. I simply delete them. That is no way to be sending messages and if the problem is technical, then address the problem and get it corrected. You are the Secretariat and that is your responsibility.
Roosevelt O. King
The role of the Secretariat is outlined in the Operating Principles as I said above. Here are the provisions:
The Secretariat:
This places the responsibility for this error in the Secretariat. The Chairman has no executive authority. Here are the provisions for the Chairman.
The Duties of the Chairman shall be to:
I reiterate, LACRALO is about users inputs into ICANN and not for one or two people to decide what those inputs should be. The evidence is that we are straying away from this. There is no room for a Chairman's decision, only the decision of users. I dare say that any time this changes to officers with executive powers. I will do all in my power to ensure that Barbados and the Caribbean pull out of LACRALO so that it becomes LARALO. Leave out the C. We will find another way to input into ICANN as users as we have to do now because LACRALO is of no use to the Caribbean the way it is going now.
Aida Noblia
What is your proposal? Can you explain it? This way you can follow the process as you say, to try to achieve their goal. Here is how you ask for the presence of the Secretary and this is public. It would be important to present your proposal.
Roosevelt O. King
My proposal is to request comments from the Caribbean. This is the duty of the secretariat. Given Dev's response, the Caribbean has not had an opportunity to be part of the WG nor make comments. How can you be proceeding at this time after having been informed that the Caribbean had no opportunity to make inputs? You understand that you are saying that even if it is the fault of the secretariat, you really don't care about the Caribbean? The comment period must restart and then the vote. As a matter of fact these should start from the beginning with the working group in order to give the Caribbean an opportunity to be on the working group and then the comment period, ending with the vote.
I can only tell you that if this vote continues it will be a slap in the face of Caribbean users. It will also demonstrate that LA cares nothing about whether or not the Caribbean participates and will give good reason for us to leave or table a no confidence motion against the Secretariat and even the Chair-person. With this evidence, ICANN could not refuse to hear the Caribbean directly when we report that LA is excluding us. This is a multi-stakeholder process.
Please do not tell me about my proposal again. Start fresh. This is about a process. I am not empowered to send a proposal for all the Caribbean and under the circumstances, I will not do it. Nor will I have any private meetings or e-mails with the Chairman because that too is not the process. The process has to be transparent and what you are asking me to do is not transparent. I am not playing that game. Very sorry.
Roosevelt O. King
Just in case you missed Dev's response, here it is:
Dev Anand Teelucksingh
Here's the email I had sent regarding my concerns regarding the lack of timely notifications regarding the proposals.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dev Anand Teelucksingh <admin@ttcsweb.org>
Date: 18 November 2014 13:50
Subject: Re: timely notification when proposals were out for comment
To: "Dr. Alberto Soto" <asoto@ibero-americano.org>, Humberto Carrasco <hcarrascob@gmail.com>
Cc: ICANN At-Large Staff <staff@atlarge.icann.org>, León Felipe Sánchez Ambía <leonfelipe@sanchez.mx>, Fátima Cambronero <fatimacambronero@gmail.com>
????? Q = iso-8859-1 3A_Open_for_comments_New_ALS Fwd = _ = q = iso-8859-1 Engagement_Program_Proposal / Propuesta_de_Programa_de_Reclu = q = iso-8859-1 tamiento_de_nuevas_ALSs Proposal_of_LACRALO_Procedure_fo = _-_ = iso? -8859-1? q? r_the_Preparation = 2C_Issuance_and_Publication_of_Statement? = = iso-8859-1? q? s / Propuesta_de_procedimiento_de_LACRALO_para_la_elaboraci? = = iso-8859-1? q? = F3n = 2C_emisi = F3n_y_publicaci = F3n_de_Declaraciones? ="
lac-discuss-en] ??? = Iso-8859-1 Open_for_comments_New_ALS_Engagem q = q = iso-8859-1 ent_Program_Proposal / Propuesta_de_Programa_de_Reclutamient = q = iso-8859-1 o_de_nuevas_ALSs Proposal_of_LACRALO_Procedure_for_the_P = _-_ = iso??? -8859-1? q? reparation = 2C_Issuance_and_Publication_of_Statements / Propu? = = iso-8859-1? q? esta_de_procedimiento_de_LACRALO_para_la_elaboraci = _ = 2C F3n? = = iso-8859-1? q? emission = F3n_y_publicaci = F3n_de_Declaraciones? =
lac-discuss-en] ?? = Iso-8859-1 Open_for_comments_New_ALS_Engagem q = q = iso-8859-1 ent_Program_Proposal / Propuesta_de_Programa_de_Reclutamient = q = iso-8859-1 o_de_nuevas_ALSs Proposal_of_LACRALO_Procedure_for_the_P = _-_ = iso-8859???? -1? q? reparation = 2C_Issuance_and_Publication_of_Statements / Propu? = = iso-8859-1? q? esta_de_procedimiento_de_LACRALO_para_la_elaboraci = _ = 2C F3n? = = iso-8859-1? q? emission = F3n_y_publicaci = F3n_de_Declaraciones? =
Humberto Carrasco
Dear All, If you give me until tomorrow I can continue participating in this discussion. Unfortunately, I have a familiar problem to attend now.
Tomorrow, I will try to answer all your questions posted here.
Roosevelt O. King
I would like to point out that this is a very serious matter as it reflects negatively on the ICANN multi-stakeholder model. Every unit of the multi-stakeholder model must be all inclusive and allow inputs from from stakeholders in a transparent manner. It is a mistake for the Secretariat to treat this matter lightly and even more irresponsible not to correct it. The Secretariat promised to issue a response to this matter by yesterday, but now it is the day after yesterday. One is left to wonder how serious the Secretariat is and/or how competent it is to fulfil its coordinating functions.
Under the circumstances, I am recommending that the Secretariat seeks to initiate the following process in accordance with the principles of participation of all stakeholders:
Roosevelt O. King
Humble apologies to Humberto. Did not know of your circumstances and did not know how to interpret "familiar" problems. I am told that you really meant "family". Now I understand why you did not respond as you said you would. Wishing you and your family the best.
Humberto Carrasco
Thank you very much Roosevelt, I really appreciate this apologise.
A hug
Humberto Carrasco
Dear Roosevelt,
First at all, I apologise for answering so late, but a personal issue did not allow me to answer before.
I want to clarify some points.
a.- In the General Assembly in London, related both topics discussed here, the attendees unanimously decided that the procedures and timelines will be determined by the LACRALO chair and secretariat.
Indeed, related to the declaration of interests topic in the transcription of the general assembly in London, pages 24-30, you can see what was decided. After the translation is ready, procedure and time would be determined by the president and secretary of LACRALO. In the page 30 of the transcripcion is pointed out that "The motion carries, so once we have the English translation, procedures and timelines will be determined by the LACRALO chair and secretariat."
With respect to the NEW ALS ENGAGEMENT PROGRAM PROPOSAL, the same thing was decided. In the page 58 of the transcription it says that "The proposal is that the proposal recruitment program to involve more ALSes in LACRALO will be delegated to the chair and the secretariat of LACRALO so that they can determine the deadline in which the comments will be carried out and then the vote. Please raise your hand if you agree with that. The motion is carried."
b.- That was what we did. We waited for the oficial translation. After that, we published both proposals in the wiki. In the LACRALO Monthly Teleconference of the 18/08/2014 we informed to everybody that we would start the period of comments for both proposals.
c.- The period of comments started the 18/08/2014 and finished the 17/09/2014.
d.- The 21st of August I sent to the spanish list the following email in English and Spanish:
"Dear all,
On August 18, 2014 we opened to comment two proposed documents, which are:
1. New ALS Engagement Program Proposal
2. Proposal of LACRALO Procedure for the Preparation, Issuance and Publication of Statements
The comment period expires on September 17, 2014.
Hola a todos,
El 18 de agosto 2014 abrimos a comentarios dos documentos propuestos, que son:
1. Propuesta de Programa de Reclutamiento de nuevas ALSs
2. Propuesta de procedimiento de LACRALO para la elaboración, emisión y publicación de Declaraciones
El período para comentarios vence el 17 de septiembre de 2014.
e.- I also sent a reminder (in English and Spanish) the 07/09/2014, forwarding the email above, which said:
"Dear All,
Do not forget this.
No se olviden de esto.
f.- Finally, I sent a Last reminder in spanish the 16/09/2014.
Then, I cannot see how I did not comply with my obligations as secretary.
I have tried to send almost all my emails in English and Spanish in the Spanish list. I did not use the english list because I still cannot receive the emails that I send to that list. This is an issue that I am trying to fix with the staff.
Nevertheless, I understand the technical problems that the translator may have caused in the emails I sent in the spanish list.
Therefore, by virtue of transparency and in order to allow that the caribbean people can participate we have talked with Alberto and we have decided to roll back both processes until immediately before the deadline of 30 days to comment on the proposals. Thus everybody can participate via comments, webinar. etc.
However, we shall highlight that we can not set up a working group, because that would go against what was delegated by the assembly in London, which is that the procedures and timelines will be determined by the LACRALO chair and secretariat related to these topics.
This decision will be communicated in Spanish and English in both lists.
A hug
Humberto Carrasco
Estimado Roosevelt,
En primer lugar, me disculpo por responder tan tarde, pero un problema personal no permitío contestar antes.
Quiero aclarar algunos puntos.
a.- En la Asamblea General en Londres, en relacion con los temas tratados aquí, los asistentes decidieron por unanimidad que los procedimientos y los plazos serán determinados por la presidencia y la secretaría de LACRALO.
De hecho, en relación con la declaración de intereses en el tema de la transcripción de la asamblea general en Londres, páginas 24 a 30, se puede ver lo que se decidió. Después de que la traducción este lista, el procedimiento y el tiempo serían determinadas por el presidente y secretario de LACRALO. En la página 30 de la transcripcion se señala que "The motion carries, so once we have the English translation, procedures and timelines will be determined by the LACRALO chair and secretariat."
Con respecto a la PROPUESTA DE PROGRAMA DE RECLUTAMIENTO DE NUEVAS ALSs, lo mismo se decidió. En la página 58 de la transcripción se dice que "The proposal is that the proposal recruitment program to involve more ALSes in LACRALO will be delegated to the chair and the secretariat of LACRALO so that they can determine the deadline in which the comments will be carried out and then the vote. Please raise your hand if you agree with that. The motion is carried. "
b.- Eso fue lo que hicimos. Esperamos por la traducción oficial. Después de eso, publicamos dos propuestas en el wiki. En la Teleconferencia Mensual de LACRALO del 18/08/2014 informamos a todo el mundo que íbamos a iniciar el período de comentarios para ambas propuestas.
Por desgracia, nadie del Caribe pudo participar en esa reunión.
c.- El período de comentarios se inició el 18/08/2014 y finalizó el 17/09/2014.
d.- El 21 de agosto envié a la lista de correos en español un correo electrónico en Inglés y español que decía lo siguiente:
"Dear all,
On August 18, 2014 we opened to comment two proposed documents, which are:
1. New ALS Engagement Program Proposal
2. Proposal of LACRALO Procedure for the Preparation, Issuance and Publication of Statements
The comment period expires on September 17, 2014.
Hola a todos,
El 18 de agosto 2014 abrimos a comentarios dos documentos propuestos, que son:
1. Propuesta de Programa de Reclutamiento de nuevas ALSs
2. Propuesta de procedimiento de LACRALO para la elaboración, emisión y publicación de Declaraciones
El período para comentarios vence el 17 de septiembre de 2014.
e.- También envié un recordatorio (en Inglés y Español) el 09/07/2014, reenviando el correo electrónico anterior, el cual decía:
"Dear All,
Do not forget this.
No se olviden de esto.
f.- Por último, envié un último recordatorio en español el 16/09/2014.
Entonces, no puedo ver cómo yo no cumplí con mis obligaciones como secretario.
He tratado de enviar casi todos mis mensajes de correo electrónico en Inglés y Español en la lista en español. No usé la lista Inglés porque todavía no puedo recibir los mensajes de correo electrónico que envío a esa lista. Este es un tema que estoy tratando de arreglar con el staff.
Sin embargo, entiendo los problemas técnicos que el traductor ha causado en los mensajes de correo electrónico que envié en la lista en español.
Por lo tanto, en virtud de la transparencia y con el fin de permitir que la gente del Caribe puedan participar, hemos hablado con Alberto y hemos decidido retrotraer los procesos hasta inmediatamente antes de la fecha límite de 30 días para formular observaciones sobre las propuestas. Así, todo el mundo puede participar a través de comentarios, webinar. etcétera
Sin embargo, debemos destacar que no podemos establecer un grupo de trabajo, porque eso sería ir en contra de lo que fue delegado por la asamblea de Londres, que es que los procedimientos y los plazos serán determinados por el presidente y secretario de LACRALO en relación con estos temas.
Esta decisión será comunicada en Español e Inglés en las dos listas.
Un abrazo
Roosevelt O. King
Hello Humberto,
Thank you for your response. I made the recommendations in the absence of a response as to how LACRALO would proceed. I fear that my protest level rose. I trust that you realise that my point is about process. Not to say that missing a meeting is a big deal, just that in terms of the process this entire matter missed me, which it should not have given the process. I did make some comments on the two documents, but it seemed that the comments were not considered. Maybe I was late in making comments, I am not sure.
However, in seeing the documents go to the vote as they were, gave rise to protest. We have been trying to find solutions to increase our ALs in the Caribbean and here it was that an opportunity seemed to be denied. I was actively pursuing this matter through many channels and I am sure that Dev and Albert could vouch for this. We considered CROPP and that was basically about travel, which is not what we wanted. I was also pointed in a few other directions but none could accommodate us.
During all this time there was a WG considering the same thing and I had no idea otherwise I would have sought to join the deliberations. For me it was like a voice crying in the wilderness. Please see a copy of the proposal sent out early October seeking support: Regional Outreach Programme - LACRALO.doc. This was made in consultation with an ICT Champion Rudi Daniels in St. Vincent. He is someone that I have known personally for a very long time and we have tried to do this already out of pocket, but just could not get the level of support. That is why we were asking ICANN to provide some on the ground support.
I did recognise through Dev that there were technical problems which led to this situation and all I was saying is that, given the technical problems which led to Caribbean exclusion, that some consideration be made to accommodating a Caribbean proposal in the document as what is outlined in the proposal did not necessarily suit our situation. We are interested in having more Caribbean countries join LACRALO in the same way that LA countries were joining. We started with four and we still have four. LA started with more than us and have added a lot more. Our circumstances are different and one should expect that solutions would also be different. As the saying goes, to each according to his need.
What I can't understand is that if a complaint was made that the Caribbean had no opportunity, why would that complaint not be examined but instead a determined effort is made to proceed with a vote continued that would effectively exclude the Caribbean? It is at this point that I felt that the Secretariat had a duty to try to correct the problem and hence my comments of frustration with the process and questions about the competence of the Secretariat to ensure that the process was adhered to.
In your response above, I am not very sure what this means: "...we have decided to roll back both processes until immediately before the deadline of 30 days to comment on the proposals." I would therefore be grateful if you would explain the time line. When will comments start? Immediately (as in today) or is it back-dated to the end of comments period that just finished? I await your response on this detail or even a notice circulated to that effect. In the meantime I will revisit the documents and make any further comments. After the comment period, will there be a meeting or some period for considering the comments, and documents suitably amended before the vote?
Given your circumstances, my prayers are with you and your family and sincerely hope that you suffer no loss.
Humberto Carrasco
Dear Roosevelt,
If you see, we assessed your concerns and we decided to correct the processes.
You can start to work about these proposals right now. We will inform to everyone during the next week what is going to be the process and the deadlines.
We are thinking about a webinar, 30 days for comments and after that to prepare a document which will be voted.
Any step will be informed in both list spanish and English.
I hope this clarifies your question
A Hug
Roosevelt O. King
Hail Humberto!
Thank you very much for your responses. There is one concern which I have been looking at during the period of writing the proposal for St. Vincent and that is, there seems to be no process or provision in ICANN to access funds for projects such as I have submitted. It would seem that before ICANN can commit to providing any funds, there would have to be an allocation in their budget from which these funds can be drawn.
If this is so, it would further seem to me that LACRALO must in some way seek to get an agreement with ICANN that such an allocation would be made and a process approved for accessing these, before we can proceed. Otherwise we will be making a decision that cannot be fulfilled.
If I am not correct about this, could you please indicate the process of approval for such requests through LACRALO? We would then be positioned to proceed with the proposal.
Humberto Carrasco
Dear Roosevelt,
I think you are right, there seems to be no process or provision in ICANN to access funds for projects such as you have submitted.
Let me talk to the staff in order to confirm this situation.
However, you can count with Alberto and I to help in this task. We would be happy to contribute.
Roosevelt O. King
Thanks again, Humberto. It will take some time to sort out that arrangement. Hoping that it will not take too long. There are some budgetary matters which ought to be considered before going to ICANN. First would be to recommend a limit on the support that ICANN can offer. For example, from our end we think that support for these events should not exceed US$3,000.00 and that there should be some local sponsorship in order to show that there is local participation. There should be an understanding that ICANN will not simply foot the bill but assist up to that amount. It also does not mean that ICANN will spend the entire limit or automatically transfer US$3,000.00 on a request from an ALs.
Then there is the question of how many of these events ICANN can support within the course of a year. For example, we know that in the case of the Caribbean, we only have eleven countries to cover. Hence for us this is not an on-going process. We can decide to try to cover all the islands in three to five years, for example. So for us there is an upper limit to the support we are asking for and it will be spread over time. Hence, 11 x 3000 is $33,000 (upper limit) over a five year period, which is just over $6,000.00 per year investment in Caribbean users. This is for adding countries. You can do the maths for LA so that you know how much over what period you would need to add countries in LA.
Of course there are other events such as road shows and public education and awareness campaigns which may be for a different head. Support for these can be even less, maybe $1000.00 because once you establish the ALs they should be able to get more local support and support from ICANN could be materials for local events such as posters, bumper stickers or other paraphernalia that would help make people aware.
However, LACRALO should present a reasonable budget to ICANN which ICANN can live with as support for users in general. This arrangement is even more critical than the proposal to be voted on, which can always be finalised once the negotiations are completed.
Alejandro Pisanty
it appears that we could start doing a couple of things:
Alejandro Pisanty
Roosevelt O. King
Existing organisations in the Caribbean are not willing to take on LACRALO or ICANN issues. In our case, it is necessary to bring together users to start an organisation in each island that will focus primarily on users and that exists for that sole purpose. Maybe we in the Caribbean have too many social issues to contend with. An organisation focussed on environment or poverty or any other sector will have very little time to concentrate on LACRALO.
The other factor is that you would be forcing users to join an organisation that they may not have the passion for, in order to participate in internet governance. Two things to remember when it comes to the Caribbean. First is that our populations are comparatively very small. Second is that not much is know about ICANN or LACRALO within the general population. Hence there is a need for specialised groups which would have the time to implement public education and awareness campaigns.
Let's take Barbados for example. We have three organisations that are members of LACRALO, each contributing according to its sector. First observation is that this leaves out too many users. BANGO is focused on civil society organisations as a sector, BIPA is an organisation of ICT professionals and such a specialised group would have difficulty with users joining that have no interest in their business or activities. ISB which is an information society and the same will apply. At present we find this inadequate because it leaves out too many other stakeholders. Hence we are contemplating forming one organisation where all three as well as all other stakeholders could join, so that the Barbados vote is not split into three and by coming together as one, the consensus vote will carry.
The reason why BANGO joined ICANN and became a founder member of LACRALO is because we are a national network charged with the responsibility of filling any voids where there are no organisations in the particular sector and none of our active organisations was willing to take on this role. Hence for us it is a burden and we have far greater capacity than most grassroots organisation and even more developed NGOs. They are certainly not taking on IG.
There is not much difference throughout the the islands of the Caribbean which have no equivalent to BANGO. If we are to get users on board in the Caribbean, then we have to help them create an organisation that will focus on internet issues. The problem with getting stakeholders together is that users are not a homogeneous group. There are in different sectors that never converge. There must therefore be an effort to get them to converge and that is why there must be an organisation which would make this a reality.
I hope this explains the need to form new organisations if the Caribbean is to participate. I hope it also explains why we need specialised organisations because at this time, even though we are members of LACRALO, too many users/stakeholders are left out and this goes against the principles of the multi-stakeholder model. Hence we have started two movements that will possibly fill the void. One is the Barbados Remote Hub that will be used to bring users together to participate in meetings and conferences being held abroad and the other is the Barbados Internet Governance Forum which will put on events that will bring all the stakeholders together in a forum. We aree hoping that these two efforts will evolve into a single organisation. So you see that even though we have three ALs we are finding it necessary to create a single dedicated organisation.
Alberto Soto
Muy bueno Roosevelt! Entonces comencemos a trabajar tal como lo ha dicho Alejandro y lo dices tú. Generemos un plan para esas islas y veamos la mejor manera de encarar una contribución. No creo que un viaje sea la mejor manera, aunque no lo descarto para otros países.
Tengo algunas preguntas:
Roosevelt O. King
Here are the amendments in red that I would suggest for this proposal:
- If there are no organizations, try to obtain information from this contact on the possibilities to organize:
- Until all countries in the region are covered, the duty of the LACRALO President Secretariat is to request ICANN to assign annual budget funds to this programme to cover refreshments and/or venue cost of the event where it is required.
Next steps:
- A date should be set to give at least six months before the event.
- To ensure the event will take place:
All the provisions before and after these are retained. Here are my reasons for the amendments:
Alberto Soto
Gracias Roosevelt, excelente propuesta para ser analizada.