Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome to the AFRALO monthly call on Wednesday 03 July 2013 at 1830 UTC
  Gisella Gruber-White:Agenda:
  Gisella Gruber-White:Welcome Mohamed!
  Mohamed El Bashir:hello Gisella and everyone
  Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
  Mohamed El Bashir:someone in the English has is speaking, can it be muted .. difficult to hear the translation
  Mohamed El Bashir:hello Silvia
  baudouin schombe:hello Silvia
  Silvia Vivanco:Hello all
  baudouin schombe:hello Mohamed
  baudouin schombe:very happy to meet you in this meeting
  Yaovi Atohoun:Hello all
  Mohamed El Bashir:hello baudouin, Yaovi
  Heidi Ullrich:Hello, All!
  Mohamed El Bashir:hi Heidi
  Mohamed El Bashir:got disconnected, please let operator call me again
  Gisella Gruber-White:Mohamed - will call you again
  Aziz:Hello Evryone
  Mohamed El Bashir:thanks connected, currently in English Channel
  baudouin schombe:bonjour Aziz
  Gisella Gruber-White:Merci de garder vos lignes en MUTE si vous etes dans un endroit bruyant
  Yaovi Atohoun:Je suis aussi deconnecte.  Priere dire a l'operateur d'appeler ma seconde ligne
  Yaovi Atohoun:suis de retour
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Groupes de Travail // Working Groups:
  Gisella Gruber-White:Tijani - merci de parler plus fort!
  Yaovi Atohoun:Suis d'accord avec Tijani
  Silvia Vivanco:See ALS Workspace :
  Silvia Vivanco:where all ALS can upload information on recent activities
  Silvia Vivanco:See the calendar At Large activities in Durban. AFRALO Showcase and Reception
  Silvia Vivanco:
  Silvia Vivanco:See AFRALO Durban Showcase Agenda :
  Mohamed El Bashir:good news
  Silvia Vivanco:Congratulations on gettting this sponsorhip
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:BRAVO!!!!
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Encore un fois, AFRALO est le pionnier! Once more, AFRALO is the pioneer!
  Mohamed El Bashir:great from those participants many can be future active participants in ICANN
  baudouin schombe:quels sont les ALs qui seront a Durban?
  Mohamed El Bashir:good idea, Fatimata
  Fatimata:Merci Olivier
  Fatimata:Thanks Mohamed
  Fatimata:APC is also helping us
  Fatimata:FOSSFA is helping too
  Michel:Bonne soirée à tous et courage dans vos activités
  Aziz:Merci Olivier
  Fatimata:Bye Michel
  Aziz:Michel pardon
  Michel:Pas grave au plaisir
  Gisella Gruber-White:Toujours un grand plaisir pour moir!
  Silvia Vivanco:See Capacity Building Workspace :
  Gisella Gruber-White:Lundi 8 juillet a 18h30
  Gisella Gruber-White:1830 UTC
  Silvia Vivanco:Gisella will send the invitation shortly
  Gisella Gruber-White:Une invitation sera envoyee sous peu!
  Silvia Vivanco:The topic of this Webinar 3  is  How you can help shape the future on the internet?
  Fatimata:je suis coupee
  Gisella Gruber-White:On te rappelle Fatimata
  Silvia Vivanco:See:
  Yaovi Atohoun:Il nous reste 5 mn
  Silvia Vivanco:for records of the first and second webinars
  Aziz:Webinar 3 (2013-07-08) à 18H30
  baudouin schombe:Aziz, a cette heure la, je serai en formation
  Fatimata:Baudouin, demande a un autre membre de ton ALS de participer
  baudouin schombe:ok
  Aziz:Essaie de te faire remplacer par quelqu'un de l'ALS
  baudouin schombe:tout a fait
  Gisella Gruber-White:Steve Crocker - President du BOARD ICANN
  Silvia Vivanco:See the wiki page:
  Silvia Vivanco:for updates
  alioune diop:Bonsoir a tout le monde
  Yaovi Atohoun:salut Alioune
  alioune diop:salut Yaovi
  Silvia Vivanco:Staff has noted the withdrawal of Mr. Pastor Peters withdrawn 01 July 2013 for Vice Chair
  Heidi Ullrich:The selection for the rest of Aziz's position as Secretariat should start sometime after Durban
  Silvia Vivanco:6.3. The Secretariat shall be elected by the Members of AFRALO. He or she shall deal with all questions concerning the administration of the Organization.He or she shall particularly prepare the AFRALO meetings agenda in close collaboration with the Chairperson and deal with application for membership.He or she shall also manage actively AFRALO mailing list(s), and disseminate AFRALO and "ICANN related news, requests for comments on any policy development issues" to AFRALO members through the mailing list(s) in a timely manner.6.4 Each AFRALO officer shall serve a term of two years and may be re-elected only once. For the first election of the AFRALO secretary, the term will be for only one year to permit an overlap of one year between the term of the Chair and Vice Chair, and the term of the secretary. (AFRALO By laws)
  Heidi Ullrich:in order allow for travel plans to be made
  Gisella Gruber-White:Any objections / comments from the ENglish channel?
  baudouin schombe:Gisella, pouvons nous avoir le transcript de cette reunion?
  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Baudouin - oui d'ici le debut de la semaine prochaine
  baudouin schombe:ok merci
  Yaovi Atohoun:je suis coupé
  Gisella Gruber-White:@ Yaovi - c'est termine
  Silvia Vivanco:Thank you all
  baudouin schombe:bye bye
  Heidi Ullrich:Thanks/Merci!
  Silvia Vivanco:Thanks to you all
  Mohamed El Bashir:thanks. good night to everyone
  Gisella Gruber-White:Nous sommes une EQUIPE :-)
  Gisella Gruber-White:Merci a vous tous - c'est un plaisir de travailler avec vous tous
  Mohamed El Bashir::-)
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Merci Fatimata
  Silvia Vivanco:Aziz we are here to assist you !
  Olivier Crepin-Leblond:Bon voyage à Durban. Have a good trip to Durban everybody.
  Aziz:Thank you Silvia
  Mohamed El Bashir:bye, Salam to everyone :-)
  Gisella Gruber-White:Thank you all!

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