• Members: Alan Barrett, Ashley Heineman, Brett Carr, Carlton Samuels, Lars-Johan Liman, Marilia Hirano, Peter Koch, Rick Wilhelm, Steve Conte
  • Observers: N/A
  • Apologies: Edowaye Makanjuola, Olga Cavalli, Ching Chiao, Jonathan Robinson, Sami Ali, Jennifer Bryce
  • ICANN org: Brenda Brewer, Elizabeth Garber (technical writer), Reda Josifi


  1. Welcome, Roll Call, SOI updates

  2. Action Items (all action items tracked in the Google sheet linked here)

    • Reference Date Action item Status



Action item 



20 August 2024

ICANN support team to put together a task list of remaining items that need to be completed before the end of the project.

Development of the list is complete. 

Outstanding: Staff will work with leadership on a prioritization exercise and developing a revised project schedule based on outstanding tasks to be completed. 


20 August 2024

ICANN support team to email homework assignment to the review team. The team

should read the Implementation report of IFR1 recommendations.

Complete upon distribution of 3 September agenda. 


20 August 2024

Marilia to provide the IFR2 review team with reports from the last three months of the Customer Satisfaction Survey, the post ticket survey, with a brief description of what it

measures, and the last three months of the response rate satisfaction. Marilia to also

provide the review team with the links to the Annual Survey from previous years.


Marilia shared with the team via email on 23 August 2024. This information is ready for team review as a future homework assignment and discussion at a future meeting.


4 March 2024

As follow up from the 6 March CSC briefing: Co-chairs to consider formally asking the CSC liaison if there is anything they would like to bring to the attention of the IFR2.

Ongoing - On hold for future consideration, once the IFR2 gets to a place in its work where it feels it can phrase the question most meaningfully.

     3.  Finish working through topics beyond the ‘nice to have’ that were identified to revisit during initial contract review. Additional notes are captured in outstanding Task List.
           a. Update on Article IX, Section 9.3: Transition (see row 54 in the workbook).
           b. Annex A, 2(b): Service Levels (see row 103 in the

           c. Annex A, 4 (i) (1) (a): Interface Basic Functionality (see row 136 in the workbook)

     4. Review and discuss IANA’s Annual Customer Engagement Surveys from 2019 onward.

     5. Time permitting: Discuss CSC Reports (see CSC Reports tab in the workbook)

    • Review reports scored under 100%

    • Check to see if anything in reports is flagged as a customer issue.

     6. Agree next steps:

    • Next meeting 1 October @ 11:00 UTC.

    • Homework assignment to be confirmed and distributed via email.

     7. AOB, close




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