The call will take place on Monday, 09 September 2024 at 17:30 UTC for 60 minutes.

For other places see:


1. Welcome
2. impressions document [] New Tabs
    a. Feedback for final report (Tab 4)
    b. Engagement/Outreach Tracker (Tab 5) 
    c. Unowned requests (Tab 10)
3. Update on latest enhancements requested
    a. Registrar Item 2 & 18 
    b. Requestor Item 1 
4. Events: Standing Committee Participation
    a. 17 September RDRS Webinar 
    b. Prep Week Session: 30 October 2024
5. AOB



Apologies: Farzaneh Badii



Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar

Notes/ Action Items

  1. Welcome
  2. impressions document [] New Tabs
    1. Feedback for final report (Tab 4)
      1. ICANN Org introduced Tab 4, designed to collect feedback from the Standing Committee for the final report.
      2. The top of the tab lists the four assignments relevant to the Standing Committee’s mandate. Below this, there is space for committee members to contribute observations, comments, and suggestions they believe should be included in the final report.
      3. Members are encouraged to begin populating this tab with their insights as the pilot progresses. The idea is to gradually build the report while still in the middle of the pilot rather than waiting until the end.
    2. Engagement/Outreach Tracker (Tab 5)
      1. ICANN Org presented the Engagement/Outreach Tracker (Tab 5), developed to log events related to RDRS.
      2. Members are to log any events, meetings, or webinars they participate in related to RDRS, especially those focused on engaging stakeholders outside the immediate ICANN community (e.g., registrars, registrants, law enforcement).
      3. ICANN Org emphasized the need for tracking external engagement to gauge the effectiveness of outreach efforts.
      4. The tracker includes a link to ICANN's generic deck, flyers, FAQs, and other resources, which can be used during events.
    3. Unowned requests (Tab 10)
      1. SC Chair discussed unowned enhancement requests and called for SC owners to take ownership of these items.
      2. Some enhancements remain without owners. Members were encouraged to review and claim where relevant.
      3. SC Chair stressed the importance of having a designated champion for each request to ensure that the suggestions are thoroughly understood and prioritized correctly. Items that do not gain an owner may need to be dropped or deprioritized.

  1. Update on latest enhancements requested
    1. ICANN Org explained the estimated time needed based on LoE.
      1. Low LoE: 1 -3 months
      2. Medium LoE: 4 to 6 months
      3. High LoE: 7 to 12 months

AI: ICANN Org to add the explanation in the Impressions Document.

    1. Registrar Item 2 & 18 
      1. ICANN Org provided updates:
        • Item 18 (Return to the list of pending requests after completion): Expected completion by the end of October 2024.
        • Item 2 (Allow registrars to change the request category): Work to begin in November, with an initial time estimate of four to six months, but this timing may be sooner and  ICANN org will provide an update on completion once the work has started.
    1. Requestor Item 1 
      1. Requestor Country and Jurisdiction Metrics: A low level of effort enhancement slated for completion around November 2024. Data will aggregate countries with a small number of requestors into a collective "Other" category to maintain privacy.
      2. Data for these two metrics will not go back to launch
        • Requestor country metric will go back to end of June 2024
        • Jurisdiction metric will be calculated from the date of metric creation going forward.
  1. Events: Standing Committee Participation
    1. 17 September RDRS Webinar 
      1. Volunteers were sought for the 17 September RDRS webinar.
      2. One volunteer for requestor, but no volunteers for registrar
    2. Prep Week Session: 30 October 2024
      1. SC Chair asked for volunteers to lead or participate in the session. 
  2. AOB
    1. Reporting Cadence Discussion
      1. Discussion on transitioning to a monthly CSV and quarterly formal reports.
      2. Registrars were not opposed to the monthly CSV reports but emphasized the importance of making all reports, including the CSVs, public for transparency.
      3. ICANN Org clarified that technical work is handled separately, so any change in report frequency would not affect development timelines.
    2. ICANN 81
      1. Steve DB noted that during ICANN80 there were three meetings related to RDRS. (SC meeting, CSG, Roundtable discussion). He suggested that the group considers repeating these types of sessions for ICANN81 as they were fruitful in Kigali. He emphasized the need for a potential CSG-led RDRS session as it took place in Kigali. 
      2. It was proposed that Sarah could lead a roundtable with a different focus than Kigali.  Sarah offered to share her template with others who may want to organize the roundtable, as she will attend ICANN81 remotely. 
    3. Broader RDRS Tool Efficacy
      1. Steve Crocker expressed concerns about the tool’s overall effectiveness and encouraged members to think critically about its long-term utility.
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