The call will take place on Monday, 29 July 2024 at 17:30 UTC for 60 minutes.

For other places see:


  1. Welcome
  2. RDRS Usage Metrics Report
  3. Impressions Document Management
  4. Impressions Document Review & Prioritization
  5. AOB



Apologies:  Marc Anderson



Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

GNSO transcripts are located on the GNSO Calendar

Notes/ Action Items

  1. Welcome
    • The SC chair provided an update on a pending letter to Greg, noting delays due to a demanding project but reassured attendees it remains a priority. The current project deadline is tomorrow, which is anticipated to free up time for additional tasks.

AI: SC Chair to finalize and send the letter to GNSO Council.

2.                   RDRS Usage Metrics Report

    • ICANN Org provided an overview of the metrics, highlighting new additions and clarifying data representations in particular metric 10.
    • BC suggested incorporating percentages alongside numerical data in metric 10 to enhance clarity and trend analysis. The feasibility of such an addition was discussed, considering potential volume and expanding requirements.
    • SC members raised concerns about data presentation consistency across different metrics.
    • SC members queried the high percentage of "not supported" domains compared to the low percentage of ccTLDs.
    • ICANN Org explained that unsupported domains include ccTLDs, incorrect formats, or non-existent domains. A significant portion may be due to incorrect domain formats or random strings.
    • SC Chair suggested scheduling a detailed discussion with Simon or relevant experts for further clarification on metrics data.

AI: ICANN Org to invite Simon or another expert to discuss metrics in the next call.

3.                   Impressions Document []Management

4.                   Impressions Document [] Review & Prioritization

    • Farzaneh Badii discussed implementing law enforcement location reporting and distinguishing between "per country" and "per economy" in reports. The goal is accurate jurisdiction reporting for territories like Taiwan.
    • ICANN Org confirmed that the dropdown list includes economies and that the technical team has considered this in the system.
    • Discussion followed on whether to include all request types or limit to law enforcement, with consensus leaning towards including all types for comprehensive data reporting.
    • ICANN Org has removed the change requests without an SC Owner from the main tables and added them to a separate tab. 

AI: SC members to provide additional information on the specific metric information to be displayed as requested by ICANN Org in the impressions document for item #1 on the requestor tab. 

5.                   AOB

    • SC members raised the need to compile responses to the Council regarding assignment questions and suggested evaluating the stability of request data to determine if the project should continue for the full timeline.
    • SC Chair proposed improving post-request surveys to gather more comprehensive feedback. 
    • ICANN Org noted updates to survey communications and ongoing discussions about refining questions and increasing response rates.
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