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R Vansnick, D Greeve (Dessy) , P Vande Walle, L Donnacker, w Ludwig, B Drake, V Bertola, a peake, s Bachollet, Olivier Crespin, A Muelhberg

Staff: H Ullrich, N Ashton-Hart

Summary minutes and action items: the summary minutes of the GA was approved.
Open Public Comment Periods:

• Proposed Framework for ICANN's FY10 Operating Plan and Budget

The budget is expected to be adopted by the ICANN Board at its Sydney meeting in June 2009. ICANN's spending growth is anticipated to slow substantially in the FY10 budget as compared with previous years (4.9% compared with 30.1% in FY09). The community is encouraged to comment on how well this plan addresses priorities identified in the Strategic Plan and regarding the plan elements that might be streamlined, reduced, or deferred.
V Bertola posted to the Euralo list a draft statement on the operational plan and budget document. W Ludwig will check with H Ullrich whether W Seltzer passed it to the Icann Board on 5 March.
AI H Ullrich to inform W Ludwig on the follow up on the draft budget statement written by V Bertola

• ALAC Review WG Draft Final Report

A Peake will draft a statement on behalf of Euralo and poste it on the Euralo discussion- list.

• New gTLD Draft Applicant Guidebook, Version 2 (V2)

Before 23 March, R Vansnick will deliver to the discussion list the comments on the second draft of the guidebook for applicants for new gTLDs, based on the previous comments from Patrick and the comments we have produced during the WG session in Mexico. A Peake will rework a draft statement based on that information on behalf of Euralo and submit it to the discussion list. There will not be a formal vote on it at the next teleconference. If there are no objections made to the draft on the discussion list during the week after its publication, it will be considered as agreed. 30 April is the deadline for the Euralo comments, and then the statement will be sent to the Icann board.

• The Board Review – Working Group Interim Report

( public comment period closes on 17 April)
The review carries specific implications for the rest of the volunteers about the financial compensations for their expenditure.

• The NomCom Review (dates to be precised for public comments)

It has implications on whether the ALAC has to vote and seat on the board and how the NomCom is structured. W Kleinwaechter could give information about that.

Euralo must identify the priorities and not respond to all the comment periods, eventually delegate to the ALS some issues and see with other ALAC members for the work.

Update on the results of the atlarge summit and next steps:

W Ludwig commented that C Langon-orr, Chair of Alac, had asked all the leads of the five WG to personally sign the WG statement. Some ICANN Board members have confirmed that the Mexico ICANN meeting had two major outcomes: the At-Large summit and the decision about Ipv4. W Ludwig said that they could discuss in the next teleconf about how and when to have another suchlike event. They could spread the summit declarations as an outreach activity.

Staff is currently working on the video showed at the summit closure and will have the speeches transcribed into Spanish and English soon. L Donnerhacke has sent a link to domain .dot info and there are a lot of icann-mexico videos on it.

Euralo work program:

Euralo will proceed to a better subdivision of the working procedures by delegating the efforts to each according to their specicialities:
L Donnerhacke and P Vande Walle: DNSS issues
B Drake: GNSO
O Crepin-Leblond: Ipv6

  • There will be a second EuroDIG in September 2009 in Geneva (opportunity for outreach activities), updates and information how to participate will be posted on EURALO list. W Ludwig will try to participate at it. It will be discussed in the next teleconference.

AI : put it as a standing item for the next teleconference

  • There will be an ICANN Studienkreis in Barcelona 15/16 October 2009. One morning is a room free for a possible EURALO meeting)

W Ludwig confirmed he had a discussion at Mexico with the ICANN financial staff on the preparation of the next ICANN meeting and the travel policy. The ICANN decision is due some time before the next EURALO teleconference

H ullrich will discuss with N Ashton-Hart the best way to enforce the Euralo outreach budget and the role of the ALAC budget committee and inform W Ludwig about the formal procedure to have the EURALO budget accepted by ICANN.

EURALO Elections

The candidates were nominated, approved and recommended by the GA and will be confirmed by the EURALO list. If no objections are raised by 25 March 09, it will be confirmed and valid.

GA recommendations are:

• Wolf Ludwig : unanimously supported as Chair.
• Vittorio Bertolla (on the previous board), Lutz Donnerhacke, Olivier Crepin-Leblond and Dessi Greve were unanimously nominated for the Board.
• Two candidates for the EURALO Secreatriat: Dessi , (Dragoslava Greve agreed on her nomination by mail on 6 March 09) days), if not elected Rudi Vansnick

Recent activities of ALAC

Alac received a request from the President of the GNSO's Intellectual Property Constituency, Mr. Steve Metalitz, requesting input to the IRT and will confirme the names of the members delegated to the working group during its next teleconference on 24 March. Beau Brendler and Vanda Scartezini have been suggested but B Brendler cannot afford the time for it. V scartezini was in charge of that subject as a chair of one body in brazil. B drake said he was already involved in the issue through the council.

The group is expected to work 10 to 15 full days in the next month. Nick Ashton-Hart will enquire whether it can be divided up to different people. A peake said that the WG should be transparent and have regular records of the meeting and a mailing list.
S Bachollet suggested two At-Large members that would attend meetings alternately.

A Peake commented that having domains looking like trademarks is not an issue in itself but it is the reproduction design of the logo with the words that can be harmful.


R Vansnick will be in Boston with Garreth and on 1 April he’ll be in New Delhi on the grand jury for the world summit award worldwide contest for the 40 best eContent project worldwide.

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