
Board acknowledges receipt of the final report of the ccNSO, dissolves the ccNSO working group and thanks the members for their efforts, and directs SIC to present suggested actions based on ccNSO's final report.


Whereas, the ccNSO review Working Group has delivered to the Structural Improvements Committee (SIC) its final report of activity, which contains conclusions and recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness of this structure.

Whereas, the ccNSO review Working Group has fulfilled the tasks assigned to it at the time of their establishment, and it can now be dissolved.

Whereas, the Board agrees with the SIC on its proposal to thank the Chair and Members of the Working Group for their commitment and ability to fulfill the tasks assigned to them; and

Whereas, the SIC will provide the Board with a set of suggested actions to address the conclusions and recommendations of the final report of this Working Group.

Resolved (2011.03.18.03), the Board receives the final report of the ccNSO review Working Group.

Resolved (2011.03.18.04), the Board dissolves the ccNSO Review Working Group and thanks the Chair and Members of the ccNSO review Working Group: Jean-Jacques Subrenat (Chair), Ram Mohan, Demi Getschko, Alejandro Pisanty and Vittorio Bertola, for their commitment and ability to fulfill their tasks.

Resolved (2011.03.18.05), the Board directs the Structural Improvements Committee to present a set of suggested actions for approval at the 24 June 2011 Board meeting, so as to address the conclusions and recommendations formulated in the final report of this Working Group.

Implementation Actions

  •   Present set of suggested actions for Board approval.
    •  Responsible entity: SIC
    •  Due date: 24 June 2011
    •  Completion date: 24 June 2011


The proposed actions conclude an important step in the review process and pave the way for implementation planning and implementation of the recommended measures, with a view to fulfilling the purpose of the review, notably improvements of the ccNSO. The actions can be achieved through efforts of existing ICANN staff and are not anticipated to entail any budgetary consequences. No potential negative effects with the actions have been identified and there are no advantages to gain by delaying the actions.

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