• Members: Alan Barrett, Ashley Heineman, Brett Carr, Carlton Samuels, Edowaye Makanjuola, Jonathan Robinson, Lars-Johan Liman, Lyman Chapin, Peter Koch, Rick Wilhelm, Sami Ali
  • Observers: Hiro Hotta
  • Apologies: Rafik Dammak
  • ICANN org: Steve Conte, Brenda Brewer, Jennifer Bryce, Reda Josifi, Marilia Hirano


  1. Welcome, Roll Call, SOI updates
  2. Action Items (all action items tracked in the Google sheet linked here [])



Action item



5 Dec 2023

ICANN team to start working with Co-Chairs on getting the briefings lined up. They will start with a briefing at the next meeting.

  • Scheduled briefings will be complete as of 6 March meeting. Further briefings or information sessions with staff can happen as needed at the request of the IFR2.
  • Archive links to the briefings posted to the wiki here:


5 Dec 2023

For the ICANN team to go back and see if there was a blog published to announce the first IFR and if so, republish a similar blog for IFR2.

  • Announcement scheduled to be published 28 February 2024.

      3. CSC overview and Q&A – Brett Carr, CSC Chair and IFR2 liaison.

      4. Call rotation and cadence – Co-chairs

    • Agree revised rotation based on attendance [] data – proposal is rotation between the 11:00 and 18:00 UTC slots.
      • Based on this schedule, the next meeting would be 11:00 UTC Tuesday 19 March.
    • Cadence to be revisited after the work approach is finalized – proposal is keeping the bi-weekly 60-minute meeting cadence until then.

      5. Next steps for IFR2 review work – Co-chairs

      6. AOB, close





  • Meetings will no longer be scheduled for the 01:00 UTC time. The team will continue to rotate calls between 11:00 UTC and 18:00 UTC.
  • Meeting cadence will stay the same until workload increases.
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