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AFRALO Activity Report (August 2011)

AFRALO undertook during August 2011 the following main activities:

  • Participation of AFRALO members in the Working Groups

To encourage the participation of AFRALO members in the various Working Groups, it was proposed to those who wish to participate to provide them with simultaneous interpretation during the teleconferences of the so-called Working Groups

  • ALAC and ExCom meetings (face to face and virtual) are open to all

Representatives of AFRALO ALSes have been invited to participate as observers in the face to face and virtual meetings of the ALAC and the ExCom, which would help them better understand the functioning of these structures, be familiar with the content of the discussed items.

  • Open Public Consultations

AFRALO continues to track the open public consultations for which ALAC prepares statements (new gTLD program, dispute resolution, Whois policy review, JAS Working Group report, GAC-Board working group, etc.)

  • New ALS application

AFRALO gave a positive opinion on the accreditation of the Association for Linux and open source software in Burkina Faso (A3LBF) after it has provided the additional details that were requested. AFRALO gave the advice to accredit A3LBF to ALAC which in turn accepted it.

  • Participation of the African ALSes in the Dakar meeting (23-28 October 2011)

Thanks to the AFRALO initiative launched since 2009, and the spirit of solidarity that prevails in the At-Large community, AFRALO managed to invite all its ALSes to participate in the Dakar ICANN meeting. 15 African country will be represented (Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Liberia, Mali, Mauritius, Morocco, Nigeria, DRC, Senegal, Sudan, and Tunisia). A letter of thanks was sent to the leaders of the 2 RALOS (LACRALO and EURALO) who generously agreed to offer to AFRALO the travel support slots that were originally allocated to them, as well as to the Chair and Vice-chairs of ALAC who greatly contributed in the achievement of this project.

The African ALSes will therefore be able to participate in the specific activities that have been prepared for them (Capacity building sessions, show-case, joint AFRALO – AfrICANN meeting, AFRALO General Assembly, and ICANN Summit on developing countries), as well as the other events of the week. Details of the 5 specific activities can be found at:

An organizing committee was formed for the preparation of these events that includes members from AFRALO, ALAC, and ICANN staff. The list of the organizing committee member can be found at:    

  • AFRALO events program in Dakar  

  a.    Capacity Building sessions

The program has been developed and sent to the ALSes. It can be accessed at:

The aim is to inform and train the ALS representatives regarding the mission, the structures, and the activities of ICANN for a better participation in the ICANN policy development process through their direct involvement.

  b.    Showcase

Organized under the theme “Development of Internet and African participation”, this exhibition after the Nairobi one, will be a now opportunity for the ALSes to present their projects, programs, activities and know-how. It will also be an opportunity to exhibit the achievements related to Internet development in Africa, to exchange experiences and best practices in the use of Internet and all other development sectors. The Show-case will be co-chaired by the Senegalese and Nigerian Ministers in charge of the Information technology.

c.    General Assembly

Making use of the presence of the all these ALS representatives, this face to face general assembly, the second in its kind after the one of Mexico, will discuss an agenda composed of the activities and achievements of the few last years, as well as organizational and functioning issues  

d.    Joint AFRALO – AfrICANN meeting

Continuing on the tradition that AFRALO established since Brussels, consisting of organizing a meeting for the entire ICANN African community present at the ICANN meetings, AFRALO will hold also in Dakar a new edition of those gatherings. The meeting will be held on Wednesday 26 October 2011, and the theme selected (after a wide consultation) will be “Internet users security: best practices”

e.    Preparation of the ICANN summit on developing countries

After the transmission to the ICANN Board of the statement adopted by the joint AFRALO-AfrICANN meeting held in Singapore, inciting its members to efficiently support the Summit initiative, AFRALO is preparing to actively contribute to the success of the preparatory meeting of the ICANN Summit on Developing Countries in Dakar. The contact is well established with Katim Toure, the promoter of the Summit initiative who said he was very pleased with the contribution of AFRALO.

AFRALO also sent a different statement, adopted by the AFRALO-AfrICANN meeting in Singapore too, to the African Ministers’ round table due to take place in Dakar, on the fringe of the 42nd ICANN meeting, to supply the summit by specific recommendations from the African countries.

AFRALO Activity Report (July 2011)

The main AFRALO activities for the month of July were related to the following issues:

  • ALS Participation in the activities of the RALO, ALAC and ICANN

A proposed procedure on the participation of ALSes in the activities of RALOs, At-Large, and more generally in ICANN activities was sent by AFRALO. This draft concerns the treatment of the inactivity of several ALSes.

  • Nomination for the position of AFRALO representative within NomCom

Mohamed El-Bashir was proposed to ALAC to be nominated as representative of AFRALO in NomCom. This proposal was supported by a large number of the AFRALO members.

  • Participation of the African ALSes in the Dakar meeting (23-28 October 2011):

Following the various contacts undertaken by the President and the two Vice-Presidents of the ALAC with the RALOs officers, it was decided to add the 6 additional travel support slots allocated to each of EURALO and LACRALO to those of AFRALO. Thus, AFRALO will have 18 additional travel support slots, which will give the possibility to invite all AFRALO ALSes and to involve them in all important activities that are planned for the Dakar meeting. An email of thanks was sent to the concerned persons.

An email has been sent to each African ALS to designate its representative in this program.


AFRALO activities in Dakar (23-28 October 2011):

Five activities are planned for the Dakar meeting, and an organizing committee coordinated by Fatimata, Tijani and Aziz has been formed to well prepare those events.

The list of the activities, as well as the persons in charge of their preparation is the following:

  1. Capacity Building Program: training during the week for all the ALSes

Tijani, Yaovi, Fatimata, Mohammed, Wilson, Heidi, Janice.

  1. Show Case: It should be innovative and different,

Aziz, Fatimata, Baudouin, Peters, Gisella

  1. AFRALO General Assembly: A face to face meeting of all African ALSes that will be the second after Mexico. The results of this meeting will be at the highest importance and the recommendations have to be prepared.

Aziz, Tijani, Yaovi, Baudouin, Dave, Mohammed

  1. Preparation of the ICANN Summit on Developing Countries: AFRALO already gave its full support to this initiative expressed by the statement adopted in Singapore during the AFRALO-AfrICANN meeting. This statement has been sent to the ICANN Board. A preparatory committee of the summit including representatives from several developing countries and some developed ones has been formed in Singapore. AFRALO will actively participate in the preparatory process due to take place in Dakar to make the summit a successful one.

Hawa, Dave, Baudouin, Peters, Wilson.

  1. Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN Meeting: The preparation of this meeting consists essentially in finding the right theme that should be interesting and actual. 

AFRALO Activity Report (June 2011)

The main AFRALO activities from San Francisco to Singapore were related to the following issues: 

  • Application of FORCES (Forum for Senior Scientist in Kinshasa, DRC) for joining AFRALO

After several months of discussions and exchanges of messages with representatives of FORCAS, the decision of AFRALO was to advise ALAC to reject this request. This decision was taken following a vote of ALS. Five ALS’s voted against membership (Fatima, Tijani, Mohammed, Aziz and Yaovi), against two who voted for (Baldwin and Didier).

  • AFRALO Activities for the fiscal year 2011- 2012 

The budget requested for the organization of a workshop at the Internet Governance Forum in Nairobi and the capacity building program for the meeting in Dakar were not accepted by the staff of ICANN. AFRALO continues to Works to ensure that these two activities are budgeted for fiscal year FY12 before its approval by the Board of Directors on June 24 in Singapore.

  • Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN in Singapore

Themes proposals were put forward: Promotion of ccTLDs in Africa (vs dot com, dot net, etc.), the new gTLD program for the development and DNSSEC. It was finally decided to address the topics that the African community wishes to put on the agenda of the summit on developing countries in ICANN due to be held at the 42nd ICANN meeting in Dakar.

  • Summit on ICANN development countries in Dakar

AFRALO is a member of the working group that was formed to organize the summit.

  • AFRALO Showcase in Dakar

With the help of various ALS’s, Afralo is studying various scenarios with the goal of successful event in Dakar.

  • AFRALO Participation in the various Working Groups (WG) 

AFRALO members continue to participate actively in the various working groups:

-      Joint Working Group on the support to applicants for new gTLDs (JAS)

ccNSO study Group on the use of names of countries and territories

AFRALO Activity Report (May 2011)

The main AFRALO activities for the month of May 2011 were related to the following issues:

  • FORCAS (Forum for Senior Scientist in Kinshasa, DRC) application to join AFRALO

A final decision should be taken at the conference call of May on the advice for ALAC. As the number of participants was small, it was decided to give the accredited ALSes an extra week to express their final opinion by mail. Three ALSes voted for a positive advice (Baudouin, Didier and Yaovi) and four voted against (Fatima, Tijani Mohammed and Aziz). The AFRALO decision is then to advise ALAC to reject the FORCAS application

  • AFRALO Up-coming Activities for the fiscal year 2011- 2012 

The budget requested for the organization of a workshop at the Internet Governance Forum in Nairobi and the capacity building program for the meeting in Dakar were not accepted by the staff of ICANN. AFRALO continues to work to ensure that these two activities are budgeted for fiscal year FY12 before its approval by the Board of Directors on June 24 in Singapore.

  • Joint AFRALO-AfrICANN in Singapore

Themes proposals were put forward: Promotion of ccTLDs in Africa (vs dot com, dot net, etc.), the new gTLD program for the development and DNSSEC. It was finally decided to address the topics that the African community wishes to put on the agenda of the summit on developing countries in ICANN due to be held at the 42nd ICANN meeting in Dakar.

  • Summit on ICANN development countries in Dakar

AFRALO is a member of the working group that was formed to organize the summit.

  • AFRALO Showcase in Dakar

The AFRALO ALSes were requested to think about what AFRALO could present for a specially successful showcase in Dakar. Concrete proposals are expected.

  • AFRALO Participation in the various Working Groups (WG) 

AFRALO members continue to participate actively in the various working groups:

-      Joint Working Group on the support to applicants for new gTLDs (JAS)

-      ccNSO study Group on the use of names of countries and territories

AFRALO activity Report (April 2011)

The main AFRALO activities during April 2011 were related to the following issues:

* Application of FORCAS (Forum des Cadres Scientifique de Kinshasa, RDC) for an AFRALO ALS:

It was decided to ask the FORCAS officers to clarify the pending issues in their application. The applicant is once more informed that AFRALO will be obliged to advise ALAC to reject the application if no reply is received in due time.

  • AFRALO Participation in the various Working Groups (WG):

AFRALO members continue to actively participate in various working groups:

-      Joint Working Group on support to new gTLD applicants who need assistance for applying for and operating a new gTLDs,

-      ccNSO Study Group on the use of countries and territoties names

  • Preparation of the AFRALO future Activities:

-      Organization of the IGF Workshop in Nairobi (27-30 september 2011). The theme proposed is: “New gTLD program: an opportunity for development or a mean for more digital divide?”. A list of speakers has been

-      Capacity Building and outreach program for AFRALO ALSes during the the ICANN 42nd meeting due to take place in Dakar (October 2011). the requested budget covers the travel support for 36 participants during 6-7 days, an equiped room with interpretation infrastructure and 2 Interpreters (English / french). 

AFRALO San Francisco Report (March 2011)

Download word doc in French and English

AFRALO activity Report (February 2011)

The main AFRALO activities of February 2011 have concerned the following issues:

  • Applications of new ALSes:

The decisions regarding the new ALS applications are as follow:

  • Because of the multiple incoherencies found in the FORCAS (Forum des Cadres Scientifiques de Kinshasa, RDC) application, it was decided to postpone the AFRALO decision related to its advice about the accreditation of FORCAS,
  • It was decided to wait for the Staff due diligence before giving the regional advice about the application of the Ministry for Information of Benin, but the Ministry withdrew its application, 
  • Reject the application of Binary Egypt: it is a commercial entity ant not  an Internet users association.
  • Comments on the interim report of the Working Group on the ICANN geographic regions review:|../../../../../../../../../display/atlarge/Interim+Report+of+Geographic+Regions+Review+Working+Group+Community+Workspace|||\

This contribution is the result of the African ALSes discussion on the interim report of the working group established to review the structure of ICANN's geographic regions.

  • Draft FY 2011-2014 strategic plan:

AFRALO submitted its comments on the draft strategic plan for the FY 2011-2014  in which it indicated that in addition to the usual major activities, further actions should be undertaken in each area of work to make the strategy more action oriented.

  • Preparation of the Joint AFRALO - AfrICANN meeting in San Francisco :

AFRALO is preparing a joint AFRALO-AfrICANN meeting to be held in San Francisco to discuss the position of the ICANN African community about the interim report of the working group on ICANN geographic regions review

AFRALO activity Report (January 2011)

The main AFRALO activities of January 2011 have concerned the following issues:

  • Comments on the interim report of the Working Group on the geographic regions Revision: 

A group of volunteers has been formed to prepare a draft to be submitted to AFRALO ALSes comment and approved. ALAC will draft later its comment taking into consideration the RALOs comments before the end of January.

  • Participation in the At-Large Improvement Work Teams (WT) 

Several members of AFRALO participated actively in the various work teams and made recommendations. 

  • Action Plan for the calendar year 2011: 

A 2011 action plan for AFRALO was prepared. 

  • Budget for Fiscal Year 2011 - 2012:

A budget for Fiscal Year 2011-2012 has been prepared to implement the following activities:

  • Training and outreach program for AFRALO ALSes during the next ICANN meeting in Africa
  • Workshop at the next Internet Governance forum in Nairobi, 
  • Applications of new ALSes:

Consideration of the applications of associations wishing to become ALSes

AFRALO Report from Brussels to Cartagena (June-December 2010)

AFRALO Report (Brussels to Cartagena) 2010.pdf (covering the period from the Brussels meeting in June 2010 until the Cartagena meeting in December 2010)

AFRALO activity Report (September 2010)

The main AFRALO activities of January 2011 have concerned the following issues:

AFRALO activities for September were mainly focussed on the organization of a workshop during the 5th Internet Governance Forum at Vilnius on new gTLDs and IDNs for Development: Importance and Obstacles to address, with very rich panellists:
• The new gTLDs program, history, opportunities and barriers in developing countries;
• The IDNs ccTLD fast track implementation
• The impact of new gTLDs and IDNs on the development of poor countries and communities,
This workshop was in line with the objectives of AFRALO to involve more Africans in ICANN’s activities and internet policy development processes through information, sensitization and capacity building actions.
1. Participation of AFRALO members in the IGF Vilnius:
ICANN was invited to provide travel support for 4 AFRALO members involved in this workshop (organizer, moderator and speakers) but declined as this wasn’t within their budget.
Several obstacles were to be overcome: the 4 AFRALO members succeeded in finding other ways of attending the IGF meeting, organized their workshop, and made brilliant contributions with the leadership of Tijani, the initiator and organizer, Fatimata, the moderator and Olivier, the remote moderator.
While the workshop was an ICANN event, organized to improve the effective participation of ICANN in the IGF and its visibility as a substantive contributor, it wouldn’t have been possible without the support of entities other than ICANN
2. AFRALO workshop @ IGF Vilnius:
Despite the fact that the AFRALO workshop took place the first day of the IGF at the first time slot (9:00-11:00), and exactly at the same time as the ICANN open forum, it was a very big success: The room was full of people from different backgrounds from the beginning to the end, the event ended later than 11:00 and people didn't want to leave the room.
2 members of the ICANN Board attended the whole workshop and participated in the debate. The Chairman of the ICANN board attended the last part and also participated in the debate.
The AFRALO team was asked by the IGF secretary to intervene in the main session on Internet critical resources. With a document presented by the AFRALO chair, the team gave feedback on the workshop and provided additional inputs concerning the new gTLD program and the JAS Working Group progress about the support to be given to needy applicants for new gTLD.

AFRALO activity Report (September 2010)

The main AFRALO activities from Seoul to Nairobi have concerned the following issues:

This report from Seoul to Nairobi, including Election of executive committee, participation to IGF and ICANN Nairobi outreach project
1. During its Seoul meeting, AFRALO decided to hold an outreach event in Nairobi (African land) for the African ALSes to enhance their participation in the ICANN process and the Internet governance process as a whole. It unfortunately failed in implementing the whole programme because of lack of funding
2. After defining its Operating Principles, Afralo conducted Election of its executive committee
3. Four African ALSes, funded by other entities than ICANN, actively participated in IGF Sharm El Sheikh. Tijani BEN JEMAA participated as a speaker in the workshop Nbr 324 (Equality in access to knowledge society through linguistic and cultural diversity). He presented a paper entitled "Diversity: for a Multilingual Internet".
4. AFRALO discussed the draft ICANN Strategic Plan 2010-2013 at the regional level and the whole At-Large community level, and submitted its position about it.
5. AFRALO held its monthly teleconferences, last one during ICANN 37
6. AFRALO issued its first BROCHURE in English and French. It was distributed in the Nairobi meeting. An Arabic version is available in PDF format, and will soon put on the web site.
7. Even if the whole outreach programme planned for Nairobi couldn’t be implemented, AFRALO organized a Successful Showcase in Nairobi during ICANN 37th.
8. AfRALO nominated 2 members for the At-Large Board Selection design team (ABSdt), and 2 other members for the At-Large Board Selection Committee (ABSC)
9. ISOC Liberia is the last accredited ALS, there is an application from Nigeria.
10. AfRALO define the minimum criteria for ALS participation and request an annual report from all ALSes.

January 2010



December 2009 (4th Quarter) AfRALO Report

This report will cover the last quarter of 09 activities, including Election of executive committee, participation to IGF and ICANN Nairobi outreach project
1. After defining its Operating Principles (can be found at afralo operating principles fr), Afralo conducted Election of its executive committee

  • Chairperson: Fatimata Seye Sylla from Bokk Jang Bokk Jef, Senegal
  • Vice chair: Tijani BEN JEMAA, Executive director of FédérationMéditerranéenne des Associations d'Internet
  • Secretariat: Didier Kasole from ISOC, Democratic Republic of Congo2. Four African ALSes actively participated to IGF Sharm El Sheikh:
  • Hawa DIAKITE from ISOC Mali
  • Baudouin SCHOMBE from CAFEC Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Michel TCHONANG LINZE from CAPDA CAPDA Cameroun
  • Tijani BEN JEMAA from Fédération Méditerranéenne des Associations d'InternetTijani BEN JEMAA participated as a speaker in the workshop Nbr 324 (Equality in access to knowledge society through linguistic and cultural diversity). He presented a paper entitled "Diversity: for a Multilingual Internet".
    3. The preparation of the Nairobi outreach project, decided in Seoul last October started and will continue coming months

Ce rapport couvrira le dernier trimestre de 09 activités, y compris l'élection du comité de direction, la participation à IGF et les ICANN Nairobi dipassent le projet
1. Après avoir défini ses principes de fonctionnement (qu'on peut trouvé à afralo operating principles fr), Afralo a conduit l'élection de son comité de direction

  • Présidente : Fatimata Seye Sylla de Bokk Jang Bokk Jef, Sénégal
  • Vice Président : Tijani BEN JEMAA, directeur exécutif de la Fédération Méditerranéenne des Associations d' Internet
  • Secrétaire : Didier Kasole d'ISOC, Republic Of The Congo Democratic2. Quatre Structure At-Large africaines ont activement participé à IGF Sharm
    El Sheikh:
  • Hawa DIAKITE d'ISOC Mali
  • Baudouin SCHOMBE de CAFEC Republic Of The Congo Democratic
  • Tijani BEN JEMAA de la Fédération Méditerranéenne des Associations d' InternetTijani BEN JEMAA a participé comme intervenant à l'atelier N° 324 (égalité dans l'accès à la société de la connaissance par la diversité linguistique et culturelle). Il a présenté un papier intitulé : « Diversité: pour un Internet multilingue ».
    3. La préparation du projet « outreach » pour ICANN Nairobi, décidée à Séoul au mois d'octobre passé, a commencé et continuera les mois à venir
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