The call will take place on Monday, 05 June 2023 at 14:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

For other places see:


  1. Welcome

      2. Confidentiality of LEA requests:

  • Review of the current implementation of the checkbox
  • Language provided to Rar/Ry to ensure checkbox is used properly
  • Handling of LEA requests meta data in RDRS

     3. ICANN org updates

     4. Addendum other topics

         a. Review input provided by leads( []) 

         b. Consider next steps

    5. How to best to promote and secure comprehensive use of the system, both by potential requestors as well as ICANN accredited registrars.

        a. What concrete actions could/should small team / GNSO Council take to encourage participation by requestors as well as ICANN accredited registrars?

        b. Confirm next steps

   6. Consider approach and format through which, following implementation of the system, data should be reviewed and analyzed to help inform subsequent decisions on how to proceed with the SSAD recommendations

   7. Confirm next meeting – ICANN77 session on Monday 12 June at 13:45 local time (17:45 UTC) 



Apologies: Steve DelBianco



Audio Recording

Zoom Recording

Chat Transcript - located on zoom recording/select the chat tab

Notes/ Action Items

  • No labels