Status of this Document: Final, open for ratification by the ALAC
End of Vote: 5t July 2009
The draft statement below is a response to an open public consultation. The information on that consultation may be found here:
To leave a comment, please click the 'Comment' button above and don't forget to include your name before saving as otherwise your comment will be anonymous.
Italicised phrases are the comments of the Chair of the ALAC. Changes from the original text to the final text may be found here:
The ALAC wishes to make clear the following in connection with the proposed Travel Procedures for FY2010:
In the draft, it is suggested that either RALO leaders may attend each of the three ICANN meetings, or the funding for those 10 persons may be used to support General Assemblies for the Regional At-Large Organisations ("RALOs") throughout the year.
The ALAC, and the Regional At-Large Organisations, must reiterate our previous points that this is not an "either/or" situation. There has been a very clear benefit to the RALO leadership attending ICANN meetings on many levels. At the same time, a chance for each RALO to meet face-to-face each year is also of enormous benefit.
We understand that there are many communities in ICANN that require travel assistance. While in an ideal world, it would be possible for each of the RALOs to attend an ICANN meeting each year, we understand that ideal is not always possible. We do therefore believe that the RALO GAs could be held in conjunction with existing regional meetings related to the Internet held each year, over a day or two, to keep costs down while ensuring that each region has the essential face-to-face meeting it needs, for all the reasons previously enumerated in our various statements on this subject over the course of time, which may be found at
The University of the West Indies ALS supports this ALAC statement and all previous others on this issue. We also agree that our name be listed individually inline, as necessary.
Carlton Samuels
The University of the West Indies
contributed by on 2009-06-17 15:42:53 GMT
There is a section in the third paragraph where you have
"and this is where we could literally list RALO and ALS support"
As I've mentioned before, you can indicate explicit NARALO support here. If the regions are on board I don't think you need to take the endorsements to the ALS level.
- email of Evan Leibovitch, NARALO Chair.
contributed by on 2009-06-18 03:56:10 GMT
On behalf of EURALO I would like to support this ALAC statement and previous others on this issue. In our understanding, this shouldn't be an "either/or" situation.
Wolf Ludwig
Chair of EURALO
contributed by on 2009-06-18 10:15:31 GMT
Internet Users Network, Tokyo, also support this statement.
Izumi Aizu
contributed by on 2009-06-21 01:43:51 GMT
I support this statement. Dennis Wilen for Web405.
contributed by on 2009-06-30 04:25:36 GMT
Vanda - I also support the statement
contributed by on 2009-07-05 00:24:26 GMT