
Members:  Becky Burr, David McAuley, Flip Petillion, Greg Shatan, Kristina Rosette, Malcolm Hutty, Sam Eisner, Susan Payne

Guests/Observers:  Kate Wallace, Liz Le

ICANN Org:  Bernard Turcotte, Devan Reed

Apologies:  Brenda Brewer

** If your name is missing from attendance or apology, please send note to **


  1. Review agenda and updates to SOIs.
  2. Review status of Action Items.

       2.1.ICANN Legal to comment on MH proposal vs. tolling.

  3. Review and discuss ICANN Legal proposed update to the Repose and Safety Valve document and feedback shared by IOT members.
  4. Discussion on tolling vs Fixed Additional Tine.
  5. Confirmation of next meeting: 25 January 2022, 17:00 UTC.

Transcript:  PDF


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Zoom Chat Transcript:  EN

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