The call will take place on Thursday, 08 April 2021 at 14:00 UTC for 90 minutes.

For other places see:



1.                            Roll Call & SOI Updates


2.                            Review Legal Guidance Received ( [])


  1. Question 1 (comparison of legal risks – consent v. self-identification)
  • Legal Committee Discussion
  • Follow-up questions/clarifications necessary?
  • Confirm next steps

b. Question 2 (level of risk, likelihood of enforcement actions, fines, counseling, etc. flowing from subsequent inadvertent publication of personal data)

  • Legal Committee Discussion
  • Follow-up questions/clarifications necessary?
  • Confirm next steps

3.                            Revisit Melina’s proposed question

  • Legal Committee Discussion – is question still necessary in light of advice already received
  • Is there legal committee agreement to send this question?
  • Confirm next steps

Would you change or add anything else on your analysis under points 1, 2 and 3 if an additional step is introduced after distinguishing between natural and legal persons, as described in the 2-step approach below? In particular, could you please assess the level of risk (if any) of such approach:

       a. Step one, allow self-identification of registrant as either natural and legal person. If natural, then full redaction of data remains in place, if legal go to step 2.

       b. Step 2, Further distinguishing between data of legal persons which contain personal information and data which contain non-personal information. Publish only non-   personal             information.


       Please advise on potential further steps that could be taken on how to safely implement such an approach to minimize liability for wrongful disclosure (if different than the steps described             above).


4.        Wrap and confirm action items and homework (if any)

a. Confirm action items and homework

b. Next Legal Committee meeting will be Tuesday, 13 April at 14:00 UTC 




Apologies: Margie Milam (BC - leaving 1 hour into meeting)

Alternates:  Mark Svancarek (BC - 1 hour into meeting)

Notes/ Action Items


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