The call will take place on Tuesday, 09 March 2021 at 14:00 UTC for 60 minutes.

For other places see:



  1. Roll Call & SOI Updates

      2. Legal vs. Natural Questions Status Update

  • Deadline to add comments/concerns to the consolidated questions was Friday.
  • Becky accepted edits (except for the newly proposed questions)
  • Final questions circulated to list yesterday and will be circulated to the plenary team following this call

    3. Feasibility of unique contacts

       a. As a reminder, Becky reworked the Feasibility Questions, and Legal Committee was to review in advance of today’s call:

        b. Legal Committee Discussion

    4. Wrap and confirm action items and homework

        a) Confirm action items and homework

        b) Next Legal Committee Meeting will be Tuesday, 16 March at 1400 UTC unless work is complete.



Notes/ Action Items


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