- Category: ccTLDs, International Agreements
- Topic: Delegation of the .ME (Montenegro) Domain, Delegation of the .RS (Serbia) Domain, and Redelegation of the .YU (former Yugoslavia) Domain
- Board meeting date: 11 September 2007
- Resolution number: 07.75, 07.76, 07.77, 07.78, 07.79
- URL for Board minutes/resolution: http://www.icann.org/en/minutes/minutes-11sep07.htm
- Status: Completed
Board approves the proposed delegation of the .ME domain to the Government of Montenegro and the delegation of the .RS domain to the Serbian National Register of Internet Domain Names, and adopts procedures to complete the transition from the .YU domain to the .RS and .ME domains, so that .YU may be removed from the DNS root zone no later than 30 September 2009.
Delegation of .ME
Whereas, the .ME top-level domain is the designated country-code for
Montenegro ,
Whereas, ICANN has received a request for delegation of .ME to the Government of Montenegro,
Whereas, ICANN has reviewed the request, and has determined that the proposed delegation would be in the best interest of the local and global Internet communities,
RESOLVED (07.75), that the proposed delegation of the .ME domain to the Government of Montenegro is approved.
Delegation of .RS
Whereas, the .RS top-level domain is the designated country-code for Serbia,
Whereas, ICANN has received a request for delegation of .RS to the Serbian National Register of Internet Domain Names,
Whereas, ICANN has reviewed the request, and has determined that the proposed delegation would be in the best interest of the local and global Internet communities,
RESOLVED (07.76), that the proposed delegation of the .RS domain to the Serbian National Register of Internet Domain Names is approved.
Redelegation of .YU
Whereas, the .YU top-level domain is currently used by the citizens of both Serbia and Montenegro,
Whereas, ICANN has delegated the .RS domain for use in Serbia, and the .ME domain for use in Montenegro,
Whereas, the ISO 3166-1 standard has removed the "YU" code, and the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency recommends its use be discontinued,
Whereas, ICANN is not responsible for deciding what is or is not a country, and adheres to the ISO 3166-1 standard for guidance on when to add, modify and remove country-code top-level domains,
Whereas, there is a transition plan to move registrations in .YU to the new domains .RS and .ME, with the operator of .RS acting as the temporary caretaker of .YU until the transition is complete,
RESOLVED (07.77), that the .YU domain be redelegated to the Serbian National Registry of Internet Domain Names in a temporary caretaker capacity.
RESOLVED (07.78), that the Serbian National Registry of Internet Domain Names be instructed to report their progress on decommissioning the .YU domain every six months to ICANN against a relevant set of metrics.
RESOLVED (07.79), that the Serbian National Registry of Internet Domain Names, and the Government of Montenegro, work to complete the transition from the .YU domain to the .RS and .ME domains, so that it may be removed from the DNS root zone no later than 30 September 2009.
Implementation Actions
- Proceed with delegation and redelegation processes pursuant to IANA Functions processes.
- Responsible entity: IANA Functions Department
- Due date: Per IANA Functions processes
- Implementation date: Completed per IANA Functions processes
- Report on progress on decommissioning the .YU domain.
- Responsible entity: Serbian National Registry of Internet Domain Names
- Due date: Every six months until 30 September 2009
- Completion date: 1 April 2010
- Complete the transition from the .YU domain to the .RS and .ME domains.
- Responsible entity: Serbian National Registry of Internet Domain Names and the Government of Montenegro
- Due date: 30 September 2009
- Completion date: 1 April 2010
Other Related Resolutions
- Board Resolution 2009.09.30.15, adopted on 30 September 2009, extending the deadline for .YU domain decommissioning to 30 March 2010.
- Other resolutions TBD.
Additional Information
- IANA Report on the Removal of the .YU domain formerly representing Yugoslavia (1 April 2010): http://www.iana.org/reports/2010/yu-report-01apr2010.html
- The resolution does not address funding for the items identified therein.
Explanatory text does not modify or override Resolutions. See Board Resolutions Page for more information.