Basic Schedule



Expected starting date and minimal duration if applicable.

Cumulative Timeline

Phase 1: Initiation of ccPDP

Decision of Council to initiate PDP and launch Phase 2 by call for volunteers

May 2020

May – mid-July 2020

Phase 2: Comments on Issue PDP

Publish Issue report, call for volunteers, inform SO/ACs etc.

May 2020 Minimum 2 months

May- July 2020

Phase 3: Preparing Recommendations

Preparing Initial and Final proposals by WG, including at a minimum one (1) Public Comment on combined output

Minimal duration 12 months:

-        WG preparation, Initial  Report 6 Months

-        Public comment 2 months

-        Draft Final Report 2 Months

-        Public comments 2 months

July  2020 – July  2021

Phase 4: decision making (Council and Members).

Decision making procedures and requirements as prescribed for the Council and Members

Expected duration: at a minimum 2 months, maximum 4 months. Start post ccNSO members meeting

August 2021- December 2021

Phase 5: Submission Board report

Issue manager and Council to prepare Board report

0.5 Month

January  2022

Phase 6: Board vote

Phase 7: Supplemental Recommendation

Phase 8: Implementation

The Issue Manager recommends that public consultation periods and requests for input, including the intermediate results of the working group, should be sought as much as feasible in conjunction with physical face–to–face meetings.

Accordingly, the tentative timeline to conduct the ccPDP4 is the following:




Tentative Date completion



Draft Issue Report


Issue Manager

 May 2020

To be presented to the ccNSO Council prior to ICANN68


Formal Initiation of ccPDP 4


ccNSO Council

May 2020

ccNSO Council vote



Public notification of Initiation of IDN ccPDP

Issue Manager

May – August 2020

Notification of initiation of the ccPDP4  to the Website and to the other ICANN Supporting Organizations and Advisory Committees. Open comment period (in accordance with the PDP Time Line) and at a minimum 40 days.  



Notification of and appointment by Regional Organisations of a representative

Issue Manager

June 2020

Each representative of a Regional Organisation shall be asked to submit a Regional Statement to the Issue Manager as part of and within the time designated in the PDP Time Line.



Formal request to Chair of the GAC to offer opinion or advice

ccNSO Council

June 2020



Formation of Working Group under ccPDP

ccNSO Council

June- July 2020

As part of the ccPDP4, create a Working Group will be established



Interim Papers



February 2021

Various papers (sub) WG to be concluded at ICANN70 to be initially presented at ccNSO meeting & other stakeholders


Initial Report



April 2021

Combined version of Interim papers. Public comment period of at least 40 days


Draft Final Report


ccPD4 WG & Issue Manager

June 2021

Publication Final Report of containing the recommendations to resolve issues as identified in Issues report, public comment of 40 days  


Adoption  Process


Adoption process ccNSO, including ccNSO membership vote.



Adoption Final Report by WG

Issue Manager

July 2021

Ensure the Final Report reflects consensus of the WG on recommended policy



Submission of Final Report to the ccNSO Council

Issue Manager

August 2021

Preferably in time for ICANN’s community forum FY 21



Invite the Chair of the GAC to offer opinion or advice

ccNSO Council

August 2021

Preferably in time for ICANN’s community forum FY 21



ccNSO Council Adoption of Final Report

ccNSO Council

September 2021

After GAC has had opportunity to Advise or share its opinion.



First round ccNSO members vote

ccNSO Members

To be completed post AGM 2021

Note: the first round of members vote is subject to quorum rule (at least 50 %) of the members need to have cast a vote.



Council decision to adopt Board Report

ccNSO Council

December 2021

Board report needs to include the results of members vote.



Board report

Board Report

ccNSO Council

January 2022


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