URS Individual Proposal #31

For the sole purpose of assuring that this subject is included in the Initial Report for the solicitation of public comment, I am proposing that the Working Group put out for Public Comment the issue of whether the URS should become an ICANN Consensus Policy.


Rationale provided by the Proponent: On behalf of Verisign, I am proposing that the Working Group put out for Public Comment the issue of whether the URS should become an ICANN Consensus Policy. Verisign believes that it is the appropriate time for this matter to be discussed in the Public Comment forum on the Working Group’s Initial Report. Sub team developed data indicates that URS in practice has proven viable, efficacious, and fit-for-purpose as a rapid remedy for clear-cut instances of protected mark abuse. We believe that inviting public input will be valuable, indeed essential, in informing the RPM PDP Working Group in its future work.

Working Group Deliberation: There was wide support in the Working Group to publish the proposal in the Initial Report to seek public comment. The Working Group noted that the question is silent on whether the URS referred to in this proposal would maintain its current form, or undergo certain unspecified changes[1]

[1] URS Individual Proposal #31 stems from one of the three (3) general overarching Charter questions -- “General Overarching Charter Question #2: 2a. Should any of the New gTLD Program RPMs (such as the URS), like the UDRP, be Consensus Policies applicable to all gTLDs? 2b. If so, what are the transitional issues that would have to be dealt with as a consequence?” The Working Group is expected to address these overarching Charter questions at the conclusion of Phase 1 or Phase 2 of its work, as appropriate. During the public comment proceeding for the Initial Report, the Working Group also seeks input on these overarching Charter questions which may help inform its overall work toward the Final Report.