
Members:    Frederico Neves, Tomslin Samme-Nlar, Rick Wilhelm, Kristian Ørmen, Peter Koch, JC Vignes, James Gannon, Stephen Unguec, Christian Dawson, Kaili Kan


ICANN Org/PTI:   Amy Creamer, Steve Conte, Steven Kim, Kimberly Carlson, Kim Davies



1. Welcome
2. Agenda Bashing
3. Administrative Items (if any)
   a. Extending meetings to 90 minutes
   b. Update from Amy regarding budget
4. Rules of engagement – approval
5. Scope of work
6. Work Plan (time permitting)
7. IANA Webinar
8. Next meetings
   a. January 21st, 17:00 UTC
   b. February 4th, 17:00 UTC
   c. February 18th (time TBD)
   d. February 25th (time TBD)

Documents: (Review Team: please use google docs links for editable versions)

Zoom Playback


Decisions Reached:

  1. Rules of Engagement Approved, 07 Jan 2020

Action Items:

  • Next Plenary call, the IFRT will continue reading through Scope of Work, but team is asked to review in the meantime
  • Review Team asked to review the draft Work Plan
  • Invitation to be sent out by staff support team to Kim Davies’ IANA Training on 24 Jan (Done: Invite sent on 08 Jan 2020)
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