
Members:  Ajay Data, Anna Karakhanyan, Giovanni Seppia, Kristina Hakobyan, Rubens Kuhl (GNSO), Maxim Alzoba (GNSO) 

Staff:  Bart Boswinkel, Ariel Liang (GNSO), Kimberly Carlson

Apologies:  Mohamed Salah, Abdalmonem Tharwat Galila


  1. Welcome and roll call
  2. Consolidation/2nd reading section 2.1.1 (principles and 2.2 (inclusion IDNccTLDs)
  3. Discussion comments 2.1.2 and 2.1.3 Board report:  Google form and document
  4. What to present in Marrakech
  5. Next call (18 June)
  6. AOB


Recordings:  Zoom Playback

Chat Transcript:

08:33:13 From Kimberly Carlson : Welcome to today’s ccNSO IDN Policies Preliminary Review Team teleconference on 11 June at 14:30 UTC. Attendance will be based on those in Zoom. Apologies have been received from Mohamed Salah and Abdalmonem Galila. Calls are recorded and will be posted on the public wiki space ( Finally, as a reminder please mute your phones and mics when not speaking to avoid background noise.
08:36:01 From joke.braeken : To follow the live note taking during today’s call, go to
08:36:10 From Maxim Alzoba : 2.2.1 (iii) seem to be limited only to TLDs (right part)
08:38:40 From Maxim Alzoba : it seems to he logical
08:38:43 From Maxim Alzoba : be
08:41:51 From Rubens Kuhl : Sure thing.
08:43:42 From Rubens Kuhl : Very curious that I only connected audio via phone and the phone is muted. Weird Zoom things happen.
08:58:38 From Maxim Alzoba : sorry, I have to drop for the overlapping call
08:58:41 From Maxim Alzoba : bye all
08:59:05 From Rubens Kuhl : I'll send it to the list.
08:59:25 From Rubens Kuhl : I also have to drop the call now, unfortunately.
09:00:02 From Anna Karakhanyan : Bye Maxim
09:09:54 From Ajay Data : pl continue
09:09:56 From Anna Karakhanyan : Bye Rubens
09:09:59 From Ajay Data : let me see my audio
09:13:39 From Anna Karakhanyan : Thank you, Bart
09:21:40 From Anna Karakhanyan : Sorry, something happened with my connection:(
09:23:04 From Anna Karakhanyan : so each IDN ccTLD should be has their own rules
09:23:25 From Anna Karakhanyan : but it can be at least suggested to prevent fishing
09:23:35 From Anna Karakhanyan : thank you for answer
09:23:50 From Giovanni Seppia : Dear All, I need to move to another meeting. Regards to all.
09:24:08 From Anna Karakhanyan : Bye Giovanni
09:26:56 From Ajay Data : I understand that. just mention d to clarify.
09:28:14 From Anna Karakhanyan : I agree. Thank you Ajay
09:28:45 From Anna Karakhanyan : This time is perfect for me
09:29:04 From Kristina Hakobyan : for me it’s ok
09:29:09 From Anna Karakhanyan : 14:30 UTC is very good for me
09:29:58 From Kimberly Carlson : Thanks all, I will send the calendar invite for the 18th at 14:30 UTC
09:30:06 From Kristina Hakobyan : ok, thanks
09:30:15 From Anna Karakhanyan : Thank you ver much!
09:30:34 From joke.braeken : thank you. bye all.
09:30:39 From Kristina Hakobyan : bye all
09:30:41 From Anna Karakhanyan : Bye-bye

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