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Trip Assessment Form


1) Describe the Trip in sufficient detail
that an interested reader could understand Who,
What, When, Where, and Why concerning this
funded CROP activity (please be as expansive
as possible):  

Oksana Prykhodko: Participation (as CROP funded EURALO member) in 11th edition of European Dialogue on Internet Governance (EuroDIG) is extremely important for me (as for the representative of the country – Ukraine – with lack of understanding of the concept of multistakeholderism). This time there was a lot of Ukrainians in Tbilisi, and it was great to initiate some discussions of Internet Governance issues with Ukrainian and international stakeholders. Besides I was member of organizing team of the educational session on GDPR. Information regarding preparation process and all sessions I attended I shared on Facebook in Russian (and received a lot of questions and propositions of cooperation from governmental Ukrainian stakeholders).

I arrived to Tbilisi on June 3 (to participate in pre-event of EuroDIG).

Attended panels:

June 4:

- Newcomers briefing session;

- Cybersecurity and international norms: The work of the Global Commission on Stability of the Cyberspace;

- NRI Assembly;

- Council of Europe – Steering Committee of Cybercrime at Eastern Partnership Project: Capacity building on cybercrime and electronic evidence;

- Welcoming cocktail.

June 5:

- Opening session;

- Is GDPR still a mystery?

- Digital education action plan;

- Children’s rights for a better Internet;

- Information disorder: causes, risks and remedies:

- Gala dinner.

June 6:

- SEEDIG Messages;

- Surveillance, laws and governments vs. Internet rights;

- Non-state actors in Europe and beyond: The true shapers of cybersecurity norms?!

- Blockchain – a competition to governments?

- Challenges of cybercrime and transborder investigations;

- Future of the IGF 2018;

- Wrap-up.

One of the key issues for Ukraine is GDPR, and it was extremely useful for me to be member of organizing team for GDPR session. We were divided in different groups and I participated in the discussion of the role of DPA (with representative of Georgian DPA). Georgia did great job on GDPR as non-EU country, and this experience is extremely important for Ukraine, but we lacked communication with representatives of EU DPA (to better understand extraterritorial nature of GDPR). Another important issue for us is the idea of certification of law enforcement structures to access Whois.

Another very important session for me was presentation of Wolfgang Kleinwachter results of Global Commission on Stability in Cyberspace and his proposition to start preparation for WSIS+20. For example, we discussed with Wolfgang, Michal Boni and Ukrainian diplomat possibility of workshops for Ukrainian diplomats and officials on practical tools of coordination of Ukrainian position on Internet Governance issues with EU position (at this moment we do not have such tools).

NRI Assembly began from extremely important and interesting discussion with Larry Strickling of the concept of multistakeholderism and consensus. We will translate Internet Governance summary “Why the Multistakeholder Approach Works” into Russian and discuss it with Ukrainian youth.

All other attended sessions opened new possibilities for Ukrainian stakeholders to be actively engaged in Internet Governance on national, European and global level, and we continue to discuss them now.

Extremely important issues were raised at the panel “Information disorder: causes, risks and remedies”. I asked the question: “Does the site itself have tools for removing fake information or disinformation?”. I was promised to receive answer later.

Andrei Kolesnikov:

I was EURALO head at the ICANN booth June 5 and 6 in the grand hall. Totally about 25 brochures were given away to the interested parties, among them were:  Tusheti development fund, ISOC AM, CERT GE, Young European leadership NGO, AEGEE Tbilisi, GITA and few individuals.

June 5: took part at the opening session and all sessions until 3pm.

June 6: I actively participated in IoT session: economic opportunities and security challenges touncover the opportunities and risks of the IoT ecosystem. Session design was a workshop and presentation of different stakeholder groups and included many participants. Tasks, workgroups and presentation - a good format for future panels carried by EURALO and community at large.

2) Explain the extent to which the Proposed
Goals and Outcomes were accomplished
(see above LINK to review the original Proposal):  

Oksana Prykhodko: I had a lot of opportunities to discuss multistakeholderism, Internet Governance and ICANN/EURALO with a lot of newcomers (first of all with Ukrainian and Georgian youth). I think we lack youth organizations in EURALO, and it would be great to ensure their more active participation. Unfortunately, I am not sure, if Georgian youth can join EURALO (by the way, I did not find Georgian ALSes even in APRALO).

Andrei Kolesnikov: It is important to mention, this Eurodig was full of young ambassadors representing various stakeholder groups: EU parliament, civil society, students and just guys hanging around. I spent a lot of time preaching about ICANN, Euralo and multistakeholderism in particular with those youngsters. However, the culture of NGO in this part of the world is very low. As a result we may see a lot of individuals joining EURALO, but not ALSes.

3) Additional information pertaining
to this outreach Trip (optional):

Oksana Prykhodko: I would like to thank ICANN and EURALO for the CROP funding and the great opportunities to participate in the most important European IG event.

Andrei Kolesnikov: There is big visible difference between EURODIG, for example in Tallin, and EURODIG in Tbilisi. It is completely different dynamics. In Tbilisi there were less bureaucrats from EU but much more young and energetic people. And no surprise: we have a core ICANN and ISOC community people travelling all over ...

4) Please fill out the date when you have completed this form:18-Jun-2018
Acknowledgements Section

Note: To be completed by a Program Coordinator (PC) designated by this organization/structure.

The Trip Assessment information has been gathered and properly entered into this form.
The ICANN Organization / Structure's leadership has authorized the submission of this Trip Assessment.
The ICANN Stakeholder Engagement Vice-President has concurred that this Trip Assessment satisfactorily reports the extent to which the goals/outcomes outlined in the original proposal have been achieved.

CROP Trip Assessment Template (May 2017)

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